
I am not an expert at HTML, and if I was I might not be writing
this. I have been trying Flux since around version three but have
yet to upload a page created in it to a website. I just returned to
it after exactly a year.

I came to this site tonight to mention the problems with the
script entry on pages 22 and 23 of the manual. Searching around I
have found one really good suggestion which solved part of the
problem, i.e. the second line of the header script not having a
closing tag . That made the rest of the page appear but I still
haven't got lightbox to work. I think there's something wrong with
the javascript according to tonydunn7 but his explanation wasn't
clear. The correct script may have been helpful.

If anyone has an answer to this last hurdle for me I would
appreciate it.

These errors were in the manual over a year ago and I brought
them to The Escapers attention but not only didn't I get a reply to
my last email on 16th August last year but the manual just hasn't
been changed. Why? I Have to ask.

Flux could probably be a great app and possibly is for some
experienced people (although I have seen the posting from David
Johnson of Lamb Agency) but errors in the manual for over a year
doesn't install confidence in Flux. How difficult is it to edit a
manual Escapers?

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