
Hi Goddesses

Thank you for your excited response to Saturday's post!  I just wanted to take a couple of minutes to do a pre-launch post, so that we can dive straight in at the weekend.

Like any good Club, we have a couple of rules -

* this is supposed to be fun - therefore we are not judgemental

* we are not perfect, therefore we shall not expect perfection

* learning isn't a fast track process, therefore we accept mistakes and mani-mares WILL occur :)

If you can accept those, then we should have fun!

I wanted to start SIMPLES because so far I have sucked at doing How Tos, tutorials, the YouTube videos and all of that, and this seems a great way to tie all that together.

Secondly, I am NOT a great nail ARTIST.  I'm a good dabbler, I can throw colours and patterns together, and a lot of you feedback that what I do looks achievable, so I wanted to demystify the whole process.  If Digit-al Dozen continues to teach me one thing, it's that unless you push yourself to try something new, you'll never know if you can do it, so I want to help encourage you all to find out how far YOU can go.

And thirdly, whilst I was on my "break", I found that a lot of nights, I wanted to write, and these posts for me fit into that category.

So, what will we be doing?

Well, each week, I am going to take a nail art technique, share it with you, and talk you through how to do it.  There will be examples of it from previous blog posts I've done, and if other bloggers have done great examples or tutorials, I'll include them too.  It should be very full of tips, and crammed with help.  I want to show you every mistake you can make, and explain what caused it, so that in the future, you can hopefully avoid it.

I aim to do the post on Saturday - Sunday at the latest - so that you have the weekend to dabble.  Each week, I'll give you a heads up of the "tools" you'll need for the following week, so that you can be prepared.

Then there's the Facebook group - HERE - where you're invited to come and post your manis based on our SIMPLES themes, and chat with each other (and me) about how you found it, things you learnt, any problems you encountered etc

There may also be bonus extras - posts on other things related to the process but not part of the weekend series, such as clean up and nail care.   If the week's theme has invited lots of questions and chatter, I may also scoop them up into a blog post too.

So what can you expect in the first few weeks?  Nothing complicated!  We are starting sooooo basic, you wouldn't believe!   Gradually, we will work our way up to the sexier stuff, but initially, I want to show you the fun you can have without even picking up a nail art tool.

So there we go - I am REALLY excited to get started.  If you have any special requests, or chosen themes, just let me know, and feel free to come and join us on Facebook.

See you at the weekend :) and everywhere else with the hashtag #simplesnailart

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