Hello there.
I'm new to the Bell Tree Forums, and I recently gathered a fair-sized collection of Ice Series stuff since I've time traveled a little bit ahead of the current time. Having collected all the Ice furniture I want to put in one of my rooms, I would like to try and sell some of my excess Ice Furniture since I have an incurable snowflake catching addiction.
Currently I have:
Ice Wall: x1
Ice Floor: x2
Ice Bed: x4
Ice Chair: x2
Ice Table: x1
Ice Lamp: 0
Ice Clock: x1
Ice Vanity: 0
Ice Shelf: x3
Ice Side Table: x1
Ice Dresser: 0
Ice Closet: x1
Ice Sofa: x4
I would like to sell them at 125,000 apiece based on prices I've seen for other unorderable series items, but I'm open to negotiations.