Hello Guys, We are happy to present our First Interview with a Blogger. Recently we had a chance to Interview Varinder Pal Singh of OSH (OnSecretHunt.com). Varinder is blogger who has achieved success in a short time span. He is very passionate about his work and enjoys sharing his experience with others.
Recently we contacted him to have a little chat So that we can learn more about him. We asked him some questions and he answered them well. Below are the Questions and Answers.
Questions & Answers
1: Varinder Welcome to Area51 Blog, Please tell something about yourself to our readers?
I Love Blogging and Watching Movies. Blogging is my Passion, I started my Blogging career in April 2011 with .blogspot Subdomain site with Google's Platform Blogger. Later I moved to a Custom Domain which was www.onsecrethunt.com and Now I've migrated from Blogger to WordPress Platform.
2: How you started Blogging? Who/What Inspired you?
As I said in above lines I started Blogging Career in April 2011 and the most inspiring person in my life is My Father (Narinder Pal Singh) who helped me a lot and he is the Key Person in my Life for my Success in blogging.
My Father Guides me that How can I be Successful in my Life and How can I get my site into the Air.
3: How's your life offline? (When you're not blogging) Tell us about you life which your readers might not know.
Well! I am a Full Time Blogger who's on a computer 10 Hrs a day and I also have a Business of Fabrics & Garments which was founded by my Father. Me and My Father run this Business when I'm Offline.
4: What is the Importance of Social Media / Alexa Ranking in your blogging life? How can one improve Alexa rank and social following?
Alexa is the site which Inspires me a lot. I also give some credit to Alexa for success of Onsecrethunt, Without the help of Alexa my site On Secret Hunt and I am not here to do an Interview with Area51 Blog.
If someone wants to increase their Alexa Rank than I highly recommend to all bloggers that update your Website/Blog daily with fresh and unique content (Keep in Mind Update Blog Daily) not weekly or monthly if you are too much serious about Alexa Rank.
Social Media is about sharing your Website/Blog with your Friends, Relatives, if you want to increase the Social Media Followers simply invite people to like your Fan Page and Follow your Site.
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5: Any Tips which you learned from your experience you would like to share with us?
I see that if someone wants to get success in their life by doing blogging than he/she must be a full time blogger if you think you are part time blogger its bit hard to get success in blogging career.
6: What is the major source(s) of income from your blog? What was your reaction on receiving your first income online? How much was your first online income?
The major and the main source of my Income are the following:
Google Adsense
Direct Ads
I was happy and believe that day as my most successful day when I got my First Google Adsense Cheque of $564.33 which was my 45 Days income.
My First Payment was from Fiverr which was $8 when I started Blogging, This was my First Income and that day I can't forget.
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How to Place Google AdSense Ads for Optimum Earnings.
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7: Your Family reaction on your blogging success and of course on your decent online income?
My Family supports me a lot, The most Supporting Person is my Father and Mother. They are very happy of What I am doing in Blogging and in my life.
8: How people treat you in your social life? I mean Are you treated differently as a 'Blogger'
No! Social Life is awesome for me, but I don't use Social Networks too much but still this is the main source where I can get all latest updates which can help my blog to update new and fresh contents.
9: What Tips would you like to give to New Bloggers? How can they build strong foundation for their blog? What SEO practices are required when starting to blog?
If someone is serious about their blogging career, than he/she must use WordPress Platform and update their site regularly on daily basis with fresh content based on their niche.
SEO Practices like focusing on Keywords, What they posting on their site, Niche and Domain Name matters a lot such as EMD (Exact Domain Match) Domains.
You May Like to Read
How to Start a Successful Blog in 10 Steps.
How to choose a Blog Name (Creative Blog Name Generator)
10: Blogger or WordPress? What would you like to suggest people? Is it worth migrating to WordPress?
Blogger Platform, We don't regret it helps newbie bloggers to set up their blog for free, But I always suggest use of WordPress. Yes! its worth upgrading your Blogger blog to WordPress.
11: Your Top Favorite WordPress Plugins or Blogger Widgets.
Below are my Top 12 Favorite WordPress Plugins which I suggest all bloggers to use on their site:
All in One SEO
Broken Link Checker
W3 Total Cache
Google XML Sitemap
Google XML Sitemaps for Images, Videos, Mobile
Better WP Security
Quick Adsense
SEO Friendly Images
Read: 5 Widgets Every WordPress Sites Should Have.
12: What Career you are / you'll be pursuing in future?
I would like to become a Blogger and a Businessman. Blogging is my passion and I would like to make it my career.
13: What do you think about The-Area51.com? Any Suggestions you would like to give so that we can improve our site?
Move Blogger to WordPress and update your blog with Fresh and Unique contents based on your blog niche.
14: This is the Last question and You are free to say anything.
Guys, Be Patient when you start blogging no one can get success overnight, It needs your Hard Work, Patience and support from your Family, Friends and Relatives. Most important your Blog Readers and Visitors. So Best of Luck!!!
Thanks Varinder for being with us, This will be the first interview to get published on our site, we were happy to have you.
I'm Glad that you'ev published my Interview on Area51 Blog, May this Blog gets on Top. Wish you all the success, God Bless You.
Interviewed By
Jimmie Luthra is founder of The-Area51.com. He is a Cadet in Merchant Navy and a Part time Blogger. He is 20 and lives in Mumbai. You can Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and Google+