
It is so common to vacuum your carpet once a week and put the vacuum away. But what about all the places you forgot to vacuum.

The vacuum cleaner is the best tool to remove dust from your home while sucking up crumbs, trash, and dirt. There are so many places in your home that collect all of this and you can easily remove it using your vacuum cleaner. Most vacuum cleaners, whether upright or canister, have attachments that easily allow you to get in to high or even small places easily so you wont have any excuses to forget to vacuum in these spots.

This post is sponsored by Dyson. I was sent at Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Canister. This vacuum has some key features that I have not seen in other vacuums that makes me want more. I love that you don’t have to touch the dust when emptying the canister at all, the retractable power cord, and the fact that you don’t have any filters to wash. I will be using this vacuum in my next Clean With Me video on our YouTube channel, The Stuffed Life.

Vacuum your Mattresses– You should always remember to vacuum your mattresses to help keep them clean and fresh. First make sure to remove all of the sheets, pillows and blankets from your bed and use the upholstery brush attachment to vacuum the surface of both sides of the mattresses in your home. Your mattress collects dust, skin flakes and even dust mites. Yuck, that is what you have been sleeping with.

Vacuum All Foam Pillows– While you are in the bedroom don’t forget to reach over and vacuum those foam pillows. These pillows usually can not be tossed in the wash and cleaning instructions say to spot clean or hand wash. Keep in mind by doing this the foam can hold a lot of water making them very heavy and then the foam can tend to tear or rip easily. Keep your foam pillows dust free by using the upholstery attachment of your vacuum after removing the pillow case. To freshen your pillows up a bit sprinkle them with baking soda, let it sit for about 10 min, then vacuum it away. The baking soda will absorb any stale odors.

Vacuum Your Ducts and Vents– It’s always a good idea not to forget to vacuum your air and heating ducts and vents. These vents suck and blow air. We all know the dust and other particles are always floating in the air. It tends to collect on your home ducts and vents. To keep your home fresh, regularly use your vacuum to clean the dust from your metal grates. By using the dusting brush attachment for your vacuum cleaner, you can quickly and easily swipe across the grates to remove the collection of dust. Make sure you do this regularly to avoid too much build up.

Don’t Forget to Vacuum Your Baseboards– Some people clean their baseboards when they do their home spring cleaning. By remembering to dust them using your vacuum consistently that through cleaning of the baseboards in the spring won’t have to be so hard. Just remember to use your dusting attachment on your vacuum to swipe across your baseboards frequently. Dust won’t be able to build up easily which makes cleaning them later a harder chore.

Vacuum the Fridge Coils– One more place to use your dusting vacuum cleaner attachment is your refrigerator coils. Pulling out the refrigerator is done often enough. But regularly using your vacuum to clean these coils will help your appliance have a longer life. The refrigerator coils cool and condense the refrigerant and when the coils are clogged with dirt and dust, they can’t efficiently release heat. This will make your fridge work harder and not last as long as expected. Don’t forget to vacuum your refrigerator coils!

Vacuum Keyboards– Using your vacuum dusting brush attachment to brush across keyboards helps remove crumbs and dust from places that you can’t even see. I bet this is one place you didn’t think you needed to vacuum.

Vacuum Window Sills & Tracts– These places collect a lot of dust and dirt but to keep them clean use the crevice vacuum attachment to run the vacuum through the window sills and tracts to get it all removed. This is one of the best vacuum tips I have ever found.

Vacuum the Ceiling Fans– I feel like ceiling fans are one of the dirtiest dustiest places in a home. They collect so much dust. Some vacuums come with a ceiling fan attachment to help you get rid of the dust buildup sitting on your ceiling fan blades. Don’t forget to vacuum your ceiling fan.

Lampshades Can Be Vacuumed- Have you ever tried to clean your lampshades. It may seem impossible but using your upholstery attachment connected to your favorite vacuum cleaner can help you remove the dust that has settled on your lamp shades. I hate to forget to vacuum my lampshades because I feel like this dust is very noticeable and embarrassing.

Vacuum all Speakers– Another place that is extremely hard to dust and clean with out vacuuming it is your speakers. Using an vacuum upholstery attachment will easily take care of this task for you. You should never forget to vacuum your speakers.

There are many places in a home that people do not think to vacuum. Did you know you can even vacuum your hard surface floors? It is an efficient way to remove dust and dirt and not have any lingering around. I try not to forget any of these places to vacuum in my home. So to help me remember I made myself a checklist for my weekly vacuuming chore. I vacuum all these places on a weekly basis using this checklist that I hang in my home command center.

I wanted to share my weekly vacuum checklist to help you keep your home just a bit cleaner. This is a FREE downloadable printable, so just download and print my printable weekly vacuum chore checklist.

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