
In this post, I have made a list of best, free Twitter tools and apps for social media marketing. By using these tools you can save time in your Twitter marketing tasks. I have tested all the 81 Twitter tools and apps in the below given list.

I have categorized the list based on the following types of Twitter tools: Twitter tools to schedule tweets, Twitter management tools to manage followers and unfollowers, Twitter analytics and statistics tools, Twitter hashtag tools, Twitter map tools, Twitter automation tools, Twitter content curation tools, Twitter ranking tools, Twitter chat tools, Twitter search tools, Twitter alerts and monitoring tools, Twitter tools to find top tweets, Twitter tools for trends, Twitter list management tools and other Twitter tools.

A) Twitter tools to schedule tweets

1) HootSuite: HootSuite is one of the most popular Twitter automation tools and I use it on a daily basis. By using HootSuite you can schedule tweets, edit scheduled tweets, add RSS feed to automatically share posts in Twitter, create custom Twitter reports, auto schedule tweets and schedule tweets in bulk.

2) Buffer: You can use Buffer to schedule and send tweets. In Buffer, you can add schedules tweets in a queue. Advantage of queue is that you can change the order of scheduled tweets easily by drag and drop, set up posting time for queue and shuffle scheduled tweets to a random order. You can view Twitter analytics in Buffer like number of mentions and number of clicks for your top tweets, number of retweets, and number of favorite tweets. Buffer supports multiple URL shorteners and option to post tweets by email.

3) TweetDeck: By using TweetDeck you can view real-time Twitter feeds for multiple Twitter accounts at once. It is an excellent Twitter tool for scheduling tweets especially when you manage multiple accounts. You can also view and access notifications, direct messages, Twitter activity, favorite tweets, Twitter lists, your followers and trending hashtags.

4) Plugg.io: Plugg.io is a free Twitter management tool to schedule and drip feed tweets, view Twitter statistics, find relevant Twitter followers, manage Twitter mentions, direct messages, tweets, retweets, followers and lists.

5) Dlvr.it: You can use Dlvr.it to schedule your tweets. You can also create custom queues to send your tweets on specific time. Dlvr.it displays followers statistics, click statistics, posts statistics, popular posts and number of click on a map.

6) Twuffer: By using Twuffer you can easily schedule tweets in Twitter. You can edit your time zone settings and you have the option to edit scheduled tweets.

7) Twittimer: You can use Twittimer to schedule your tweets at a later date or ten minutes from now. You can add images and location in your tweets. You can use j.mp or bit.ly URL shortner for shortening URLs.

B) Twitter management tools to manage followers and unfollowers

8) JustUnfollow: JustUnfollow is a free Twitter tool to find members who are not following you back and then you can unfollow them. You can also use JustUnfollow to unfollow inactive members from your Twitter account, blacklist and whitelist Twitter members, find recent followers, find relevant Twitter members to follow and to send automatic direct messages to your new followers.

9) Commun.it: Commun.it is a free Twitter community management tool. You can use commun.it to follow and unfollow Twitter members, find relevant followers, find people who unfollowed you and reply to tweets. Commun.it offers some great community engagement features like automatic daily mention of top members and top new followers in your community. You can also use commun.it to find high value members in your community and create custom reports.

10) Tweepi: Tweepi is a Twitter management tool which can be used to find Twitter members whom you are not following, Twitter members who are not following you back and unfollow them. You can use Tweepi to follow people from a Twitter list, follow Twitter members followed by a particular Twitter account and follow the followers of a particular Twitter account. Tweepi can also be used to analyze multiple Twitter accounts.

11) ManageFlitter: You can use ManageFlitter’s free account to unfollow people who are not following you back, find people who you are following and don’t have a profile image, find people who you are following and don’t tweet in English language, find people who you are following and are inactive, find people who you are following and are fake, unfollow people based on following ratio, find your followers who tweet more and who tweet less, find influence level for your followers, and manage muted users.

You can also search people based on hashtags, bio, tweets, name username, website, location, number of followers, number of following, find only verified accounts, find only active accounts, find only popular accounts.

By using ManageFlitter you can also schedule tweets, find best time to tweet, tweet by using RSS feeds and automatically share your Google+ posts on Twitter.

12) Unfollowers: Unfollowers is a free Twitter management tool to find Twitter members who are not following you back, people you follow and who are following back, people following you but you don’t follow them back, new followers, new unfollowers and people who mentioned you. You also have the option to find members who are inactive, fake members and members who have not set up a profile image for their Twitter account among your followers and your following.

By using Unfollowers you can find relevant Twitter followers by comparing another Twitter account and viewing the followers list or following list, find people who used a particular keyword or a hastag in their tweet and search Twitter users by username, company name, interest, location, keyword, etc. You can view people you have blocked, muted or whitelisted on your Twitter account. You can also view members whom you have recently followed, whom you have recently unfollowed, members who have not confirmed your following request and check if a Twitter account follows another account.

Unfollowers display detailed statistics of your Twitter account like number of followers, number of following, number of members not following you back, number of members you follow and who are following back, and number of members following you but you don’t follow them back. It also adds a graph where you can view followers count, following count, new followers, new unfollowers, new following, new unfollowing, new tweets and followers to unfollowers ratio

You can view the Twitter lists you are subscribed to, Twitter lists for which you are a member and your own Twitter lists.

Unfollowers has a unique feature to automatically send custom welcome tweets to your new followers. You can also automatically tweet your Twitter statistics, set up automatic email notification to send Twitter statistics and automatically send direct messages to your new followers.

13) Friend or Follow: By using Friend or Follow you can find out Twitter members you are following and who are not following you back, Twitter members you are not following and who are following you, Twitter members you are following and who are following you back, members who have recently unfollowed you and members who have recently followed you. You can follow or unfollow members from these lists as per your requirements. You can sort these lists by username, followers, following, account age, followers to following ratio, tweets per day, last tweet and by type of user: Normal, Protected or Verified. You also have the option to download these lists in CSV format.

14) Contax.io: Contax.io is a free Twitter tool to manage your followers and unfollowers. For a particular Twitter user, Contax.io displays number fo followers, number of following, followers to following ratio, number of tweets, last update, Klout score, joining date and follower number. Based on this data you can follow or unfollow members, add them to a list, send a tweet or send them a direct message. Contax.io generates a list of your followers and unfollowers which you can sort by username, location, last update, follower number, friend number, followers, updates, ratio, tags, date filter, profile image, activity and Klout score. Also, by using Contax.io you can export data in CSV format and manage Twitter lists.

C) Twitter analytics and statistics tools

15) Twitonomy: Twitonomy is a free Twitter analytics tool. You can use Twitonomy to analyze users analytics, mentions analytics, tweets analytics, retweets analytics, followers analytics, favorites analytics, list analytics and following analytics for any Twitter account.

16) Tweriod: By using Tweriod you can view best time to tweet and when most of your followers are online. Tweriod provides statistics on best time to tweet based on hours, days, week days, weekends, hourly graphs and @replies graphs. By using this data you can schedule your tweets for optimum results.

17) Twitter Counter: Twitter Counter is a free Twitter optimization and analytics tool to view Twitter rank and to optimize your Twitter profile. You can use Twitter Counter to compare your followers and following ratio, send tweets by using email, view your follower statistics and view your following statistics.

18) FollowerWonk: By using FollowerWonk you can find relevant Twitter users and compare Twitter account analytics. FollowerWonk provides maps and pie charts to view Twitter followers and following analytics for Twitter accounts.

19) Riffle: Riffle is a Chrome browser extension by using which you can view Twitter activity and analytics from your browser. After you add the extension, a Riffle icon is added to your browser. You can click on this icon and view Twitter analytics directly from your browser. You can also view other Twitter handles, Twitter analytics like number of retweets per tweet, number of favorites per tweet, top hashtags, top mentions, top URLs, number of tweets per day and Twitter activity.

20) Foller.me: Foller.me is a free Twitter statistics tool which displays joining date, time zone, language, bio, URL, total number of tweets, total number of followers, total number of following, followers to following ratio, number of times added to Twitter lists, popular keywords and hashtags used, tweets analysis for top 100 tweets, smilies used in the tweets and activity time for latest tweets for a Twitter account.

21) Tweetchup: Tweetchup is a free Twitter statistics and analytics tool. For a particular Twitter handle based on date range you can analyze total number of followers, total number of following, number of times added to Twitter lists, followers to following ratio, listed per 100 followers, total number of tweets, average tweets per day, user mentions for tweets, total number of links in tweets, total number and percentage of retweets among tweets, total number and percentage of replies among tweets, total number and percentage of tweets retweeted by other members, total number and percentage of tweets favorited by other members, user mentions to tweets ratio, links to tweets ratio, number of times tweets were retweeted, number of times tweets were favorited, top members who retweeted your tweets, most replied users, most mentioned users, most used hashtags, most retweeted tweets, most favorited tweets, tweets by days of week, tweets by hours of the day, potential reach and location of users who mentioned you in a Google map.

By using Tweetchup, you can also analyze a particular keyword for number of tweets based on a date range, recent tweets, most retweeted tweets, most favorited tweets, number of users retweeted, most used hashtags, potential reach and location of users who used the particular keyword in a Google map.

22) BuzzSumo: BuzzSumo displays the number of Twitter shares for domains, posts, authors, keywords, multiple keywords, hashtags, Twitter handles, multiple Twitter handles, exact phrases and by applying filters. This data can be exported in a CSV format or in an Excel format and shared in social networks. You can also find backlinks for posts, view people who shared this post, find influencers based on keywords, create content email alerts and create reports in BuzzSumo.

23) SumAll: SumAll is a Twitter analytics tool. By using SumAll you can view number of tweets, number of retweets, number of mentions, number of replies, number of followers and number of unfollowers, retweet reach statistics, and mention reach statistics in graphs and charts. You have the option to activate weekly performance tweet, Thank you for retweets tweet and monthly performance tweet. You can also send email digest notifications about Twitter analytics to your email address daily or on a weekly basis.

24) Simply Measured: Simply Measured offers two free Twitter tools: Tool to create Twitter follower analysis report and tool to create Twitter customer service analysis report. Twitter follower report displays number of followers, audience average of followers, number of tweets, audience average of number of tweets, Klout score, audience average of Klout score, audience follower distribution, top keywords used by your followers in their tweets, top time zones of your followers, top time zones of your influencers and top influencers. You can download these reports in Excel or in PowerPoint format.

25) TweetReach: By using TweetReach you can measure and create reports for the reach of your tweets for a particular keyword, hashtag or a Twitter handle. You can find the estimated account reach of tweets, total number of impressions by the tweets, total number of tweets, total number of unique contributors in a particular duration, top contributors, most retweeted tweets and list of tweets and contributors.  You have the option to save, share, print or download this report in CSV format or in a PDF format.

26) SharedCount: By using SharedCount you can find number of social media shares for a URL like number of tweets, number of Facebook likes, number of Facebook shares, number of Facebook comments, number of Google+ shares and +1s, number of Pinterest pins, number of LinkedIn shares and number of StumbleUpon shares. You have the option to export this data in CSV format.

D) Twitter hashtag tools

27) Hashtagify: You can track hashtags by using Hashtagify. By using the free account you can find top ten hashtags related to any hashtag which you want to track. For a related hashtag, Hashtagify displays popularity and correlation percentage. You can also find top 6 influencers for your hashtag, popularity trend for your hashtag in a graph, top days and hours for your hashtag, top 6 languages used with this hashtag, and spelling variants for this hashtag. This data can be shared in social networks and embedded as a widget in a website or in a blog. You have the option to activate email alerts for your hashtags.

28) Sonar Solo: By using Sonar Solo you can view trending Twitter hashtags, keywords and mentioned people in real-time. It also displays volume of mentions, acceleration in volume and tweets with positive and negative sentiment. At any time you have the option to pause the stream. You can also share it in Twitter, Facebook or embed it in your website or blog.

29) TagBoard: TagBoard is a Twitter hashtag analytics tool which displays hashtag trends, posts per minute for a hashtag, tweets with positive, negative or neutral sentiment, related hashtags and recent tweets mentioning a particular hashtag. You can also create your own tagboards to monitor recent tweets with a hashtag. You can embed these tagboards in your website or blog.

E) Twitter map tools

30) Bluenod: By using Bluenod you can view your Twitter followers or a particular hashtag in a map. You can easily mark your Twitter followers on the map based on people who tweeted, people with more than 500 followers, people with more than 1000 followers, people with more than 5000 followers, etc. You can also mark people with different hashtags which they have used in their tweets. Free account allows you to record up to 300 tweets. You have the option to embed this map to your blog or website or you can share it in Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+.

31) The One Million Tweet Map: The One Million Tweet Map is a Twitter map tool which shows real-time last one million tweets by locations in a map. About fifty tweets are added every second and the same number of tweets are removed in the map to keep the points constant. It also displays five most popular trending hashtags. You can filter the tweets in real-time by using keyword or hashtag. You can also apply the following time filter: Last 5 minutes, Last 10 minutes, Last 15 minutes, Last 30 minutes, Last hour, Last 2 hours, Last 3 hours and Last 4 hours. Click on Reset map to load the map again.

32) TweepsMap: TweepsMap is a free Twitter map tool to view Twitter statistics by country for your followers in a Google map. You can view this data in a map, pie chart or in a list format. You can also view the inactive members you are following and the Twitter users who are not following you back.

33) TrendsMap: TrendsMap is a free Twitter map tool to display latest Twitter trends in a map. You can browse latest Twitter trends in the map or you can also search for a Twitter trend based on a hashtag.

34) Mention Mapp: Mention Mapp is a Twitter map tool to view people who have recently mentioned you in Twitter along with the associated hashtags. To view mentions you can click on the users and the hashtags.

F) Twitter automation tools

35) Twitter Feed: You can use Twitter Feed to automatically share tweets by using RSS feed of your blog. You can add your blog RSS feed and set up post content format, update frequency, add prefix and suffix for tweets and include and exclude blog posts based on keywords. When your blog is updated a tweet will be automatically sent as per the update frequency.

36) Zapier: You can use Zapier to create a custom Twitter automation. Also, by using Zapier you can connect Twitter with various types of social networks and other web tools and apps. Twitter automations are fully customizable.

37) IFTTT: By using IFTTT you can create Twitter automations and other social media automations. IFTTT has various types of social media automations for different tools and apps. Also, you have the option to create your own automation.

G) Twitter content curation tools

38) Paper.li: You can use Paper.li to create curated online newspapers by using tweets shared by Twitter members. You can add content sources for your newspaper, edit paper layout and appearance and select a publishing schedule. Your newspaper will be automatically updated as per the frequency you set up.

39) Seen: By using Seen you can create a curated content collection of trending photos and top contributors for a hashtag. All you need to do is to enter your hashtag, title of the Seen, description of the Seen, select a category, select a location, select a time zone setting, enter start date, enter end date, enter start time and enter end time for your Seen. Seen also shows Hashtag insights, number of posts per minute and related hashtags. Seen will automatically curate your trending photos and top contributors for the hashtag at your selected start time. You have the option to share your Seen in Twitter.

40) Storify: Storify is a social media content curation tool to create social media stories. You can create social media stories using Twitter tweets and posts from other social networks. You can filter tweets by hashtags, keywords, retweets, recent tweets, links and location. After you have added the content for your story you can publish and share it.

41) BeatStrap: BeatStrap can be used for creating live blogs by using tweets from selected Twitter handles. You can enter a title for your beat, enter a hashtag, select the contributors for your beat, add a video to your beat and enter a description for your beat. You can embed the beat to your website or blog or you can share URL to your beat.

42) TweetWally: By using TweetWally you can create a tweet wall and organize tweets by hashtag, from a particular Twitter user, mentioning a Twitter user and keywords. You can enter the name of your Tweet wall, description, select a theme and edit colors. You can embed your tweet walls in your blog or website.

H) Twitter ranking tools

43) Kred: By using Kred you can find your social media influence and social media outreach level. Kred analyzes your Twitter account for retweets, mentions, replies and follows and generates these scores. It also provides options to give +K Kred to a user, add Kred moments and different widgets like locations widget and activity widget.

44) Klout: Klout calculates your social media influence level by using a metric known as the Klout score. You can also use Klout to schedule and send your tweets.

45) SocialRank: SocialRank is a free Twitter tool to filter your followers based on different sorting options like Most valuable followers, Most engaged followers, Best follower, Most followed, Followers in alphabetical order, Filter followers by name, bio or Twitter handle, Filter by location (City, State, Country or by radius filter), Filter followers by activity, Filter followers by verification, Filter followers by interest and Filter followers by organization. After you have filtered your list of followers you can save the list in SocialRank, Export the list to Twitter or Export the list as a CSV file.

46) Twtrland: You can use Twtrland to create a Twitter identity and resume for your Twitter profile. Twitter resume includes Twitter statistics, influential topics and social media rank. You can also use Twtrland to view the location, age limit, gender and influence level of your followers.

47) BePresent: BePresent creates a Twitter engagement report for your Twitter account. It displays percentile ranking, response rate percentage, average response time and replies sent vs. estimated inbound. BePresent also displays response rate and response time based on industry standards, audience size and message volume. You have the option to download or email the engagement report.

48) RetweetRank: RetweetRank displays your Twitter retweet rank, influencers rank and Twitter percentile score. It also displays your recent retweets, related hashtags and number of times listed.

I) Twitter chat tools

49) ChatSalad: By using ChatSalad you can subscribe to Twitter chats and get SMS alerts for your subscribed chats. ChatSalad automatically converts chat time to your local time and sends you SMS alerts. You can find a chat by using a hashtag in ChatSalad.

50) Nurph: You can use Nurph to create a Twitter chat room. You can register a hashtag for your chat, enter a topic, enter the title of the chat, enter the description of the chat, select chat date, start time, end time, select your timezone location, enter host Twitter handles and allow only specific Twitter handles to enter the chat room. You can also view your past chats and incoming chats.

51) TwChat: By using TwChat you can create a Twitter chat room. You can select a hashtag for your chat room, enter the name of your chat room, enter the description of your chat room, add mentors for your chat room, set up start time for your chat, edit time zone settings for your chat, make this chat one time or recurring, if it’s a recurring chat then set up days for the chat and add an image for your chat room. You have the option to view chat statistics, chat archives and invite people to your chat room.

52) TweetChat: TweetChat is Twitter chat tool for creating chat rooms, to host Twitter chats and to join a Twitter chat. By using a unique hashtag you can create your chat room. You have the option to invite people to your chats and edit your chat room settings.

53) Vite.io: By using Vite you can create Twitter chats and events. You have the option to add the title of event, time, duration of event, Twitter hashtag, event details, language, option to add tickets and add moderators for the event.

J) Twitter search tools

54) Topsy: Topsy is a Twitter search tool which you can use to find old tweets. It has different advanced search options to find tweets. You can filter tweets based on photos, videos, links, influencers, language and date range. You can also set up email notifications for Twitter search queries.

55) Twipho: You can use Twipho to find the latest Twitter photos based on a hashtag. You also have the option to find the latest Twitter photos near your location based on a particular hashtag.

56) Twinitor: Twinitor is a free real-time Twitter search tool. You can search Twitter keywords, Twitter hashtags and Twitter users in real-time. You can apply the following filters in your search: Only images, hide retweets and languages.

K) Twitter alerts and monitoring tools

57) Twazzup: Twazzup is a real-time Twitter monitoring tool. Using Twazzup you can monitor Twitter handle, hashtags or keywords based on a language. It displays top influencers, top RT links, Google News alerts and tweets by influencers in real-time. You also have an option to pause real-time updates.

58) Tweekly: You can use Tweekly to create weekly email digest notifications for any Twitter handle. You can enter the username of the user or select the person you follow. Advantage of Tweekly is that instead of checking a Twitter account daily you can view the activity of the Twitter account on weekly basis via email digests. It is helpful to keep a track of important Twitter accounts.

59) Mention: You can use Mention to create real-time Twitter alerts and other social media alerts. You can enable email notifications and desktop notifications to monitor Twitter handle, hashtags, keywords, brand name, website, product, company, organization, institution and name of a person.

60) NutshellMail: You can use NutshellMail to send custom Twitter email notifications for new followers, new unfollowers, new direct messages, @Replies, @Mentions, latest tweets, keywords, hashtags and lists. You have the option to select the delivery schedule (day and time) for email notifications and updates.

L) Twitter tools to find top tweets

61) Nuzzel: Nuzzel is a real-time news aggregator tool. You can use Nuzzel to find top tweets shared by your Twitter friends and create email alerts and notifications. Also, Nuzzel is useful to find top tweets and trending content which has been shared by other Twitter users.

62) MyTopTweet: MyTopTweet displays the top ten tweets for any Twitter account. It also creates a short URL for your top ten tweets which you can share in Twitter and in other social networks.

M) Twitter tools for trends

63) iTrended: iTrended is a free Twitter tool to create Twitter trend reports. For a particular Twitter trend, iTrended displays trending information by country, trending information by city, heat maps, top position based on a location and trend time for a date range.

64) Trends24: Trends24 is a free Twitter trends tool to monitor latest Twitter trends based on country, city or world-wide trends. You can view trends in a timeline, in tag cloud or in a map.

N) Twitter list management tools

65) TweetBe.at: TweetBe.at is a free Twitter list management tool for creating and managing Twitter lists. By using TweetBe.at you can easily add Twitter users whom you are following, who are following you, who have mentioned you, who have favorited your tweets, who have retweeted your tweets and any other Twitter user to your lists. You can also follow and unfollow users from TweetBe.at.

66) TwitListManager: You can easily create and manage Twitter lists by using TwitListManager. You can add people to your Twitter lists from the TwitListManager dashboard.

O) Other Twitter tools

67) DoesFollow: DoesFollow is a simple Twitter tool to find if a Twitter account follows another Twitter account. Enter the first Twitter account for “Does” field and the second Twitter account for “follow” field. You can also share your result in Twitter.

68) TwitNerd: By using TwitNerd you can find the list of Twitter members who don’t follow you, list of Twitter members whom you don’t follow you, follow people based on a keyword or a hashtag and to easily send #FollowFriday tweets.

69) Bio is Changed: Bio is Changed is a Twitter notification tool which sends an email to you when your friends change their Twitter bio or profile image. You can enter your email address to receive instant updates or daily updates or weekly updates for change in Twitter bio and profile image. You can also create a RSS feed to receive instant updates for change in Twitter bio and profile image.

70) Tweet Topic Explorer: Tweet Topic Explorer displays most common words used in recent tweets for a Twitter account. You can click on a common word to view the recent tweets associated with it.

71) Like Explorer: Like Explorer is a free tool to view number of social media shares. You can use Like Explorer to view number of retweets, number of Facebook comments, number of Facebook likes, number of Facebook shares, number of LinkedIn shares, number of StumbleUpon shares, number of Google+ shares and number of Pinterest pins for any article or blog post. You can also use the Bulk Lookup feature to view number of shares for multiple articles at once.

72) TwBirthday: TwBirthday is a Twitter tool to find the joining date of any account on Twitter. It also displays the active time of an account on Twitter based on hours, days, months and years and age index.

73) GroupTweet: GroupTweet is a free Twitter tool for adding multiple users, team members and contributors to send tweets to your Twitter account. You can also automatically schedule the tweets sent by your contributors. Contributors can create tweets from GroupTweet dashboard, using custom hashtag, using direct message or by using @Mentions tweet.

74) TwitCam: TwitCam is a live video streaming Twitter tool. You can broadcast your video by using your Webcam and by connecting to your Twitter account. You also have the option to embed the video in your website or blog.

75) TwtQpon: TwtQpon is a free Twitter tool for creating coupons. By using TwtQpon you can create a Twitter coupon and users can claim the coupons by tweeting your link in Twitter. To create a coupon you have to enter title of the coupon, description of the coupon, URL for the coupon, select a discount type: percentage discount, money discount or free product and select a delivery type: online or store.

76) TwtPoll: TwtPoll is a free Twitter tool for creating surveys. You can create a one question survey, multi question survey, hashtag survey or a quiz by using TwtPoll. users can vote on the surveys by tweeting their choice.

77) Click to tweet: By using Click to tweet, you can create custom links or widgets for tweets. All you need to do is to enter the message and a link for your tweet and Click to tweet will generate a unique link. Users can click on this link to tweet your message. You can also generate a Click to tweet widget which you can add in your website or blog. You have the option to enable click tracking for Click to tweet link and for the links in your tweet. You can view click tracking analytics from your Click to tweet account.

78) TweetyMail: You can use TweetyMail to create tweets from emails. Also, you can perform the following Twitter actions directly from your email: Schedule a tweet from email, S

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