
The 3 week diet is a weight loss program that mainly focuses on dieting, exercise and motivation to achieve quick fat loss results. The program was developed by a weight loss and fitness specialist – Brian Flatt, and was designed to help people shed up to twenty pounds of their excess body fat within 21 days without having to go through stressful workouts and difficult diet plans. The 3 week diet program contains 4 manuals that help the user attain optimum weight loss results within the specified period. According to Brian Flatt, you can obtain the following results just by following the step by step instructions as written in his method.

Decreased waist line between 2-3 inches.

Shedding about 12 – 20 pounds of body fat.

A better cholesterol profile.

Higher energy levels.

Decreased cellulite in the body and many more.

In a nutshell, the main reason why Brian came up with this program is to allow users to produce visible and significant results quickly and to keep them motivated and continue working towards achieving their weight loss goals. With that said, let’s now have an in-depth review of this program to enable you determine whether it suits you or not.

The following article will have a look at the product’s details, advantages and disadvantages and offer a conclusion that will help you determine whether to use it or not.

3 Week Diet Product details

The 3 week diet program is divided into 4 different manuals with each covering a specific topic. The manuals include the introduction manual, diet manual, workout manual, and the mindset and motivation manual.

Introduction manual: Basically, the introduction manual provides a basic idea how the 3 week diet program works. In addition, it clears up some of the difficult dieting concepts such as the body’s metabolism and food pyramid. It breaks down the science behind how your body stores and burns fats, explains all what you need to know when it comes to weight loss and also recommends some of the supplements you may use to help get maximum results.

Diet manual: The diet manual forms the program’s meat. It is composed of 3 phases with each phase being covering one week. The diet manual tells you what to eat, when to eat and the quantity of food to eat and on a daily basis. It helps identify the exact foods to eat in order to maximize your body’s fat burning potential. In addition, the manual goes ahead to enumerate the foods to avoid eating during the 3 weeks.

According to the diet manual, you must create a calorie deficit environment in the body to allow it burn and use the stored fat to produce the energy needed for your body’s proper functioning. It is meant to fool your body that it’s going into a starvation mode for 24 hours forcing it to use the stored fat. According to its developer, you are guaranteed to lose a pound of body fat each day. There is also a section that covers how you can calculate your lean body mass and your fat percentage. This allows you to adjust your weight loss plan based on your body shape without having negative effects.

Workout manual: This is the part which covers the exercise component in the program. It mostly talks about the different weight loss exercises and kettle bell workouts that you should perform to boost your weight loss efforts. The good thing about these exercises is that they do not require you to lift heavy weights or use any gym equipment. You are provided with 4 different workout routines that can easily be done at home.

Motivation and mindset manual: This is the most important addition that makes it standout from other diet programs. In fact, it is where results start. The motivation and mindset manual helps you wire your brain to get you thinking about fat loss in a different way. It ensures that your feelings and thoughts about the program are positive, thus encouraging positive action. As you may be aware, results are steered by actions and actions are driven by habits which are driven by thoughts and feelings. Therefore, inclusion of this manual is definitely a big boost to your efforts.


Informative and practical: One of the things you will enjoy from following this program is the fact is that its developer offers a lot of information and suggestions that enable you have a better understanding of the program. In addition, it goes a notch higher by providing the science behind its working and even provides names of several nutrition supplements that may help you achieve maximum results.

It is ideal for people with busy schedules: Since we live busy lives, the program has been engineered to fit our tight schedules. Its fat burning exercises can be done at the comfort of our homes or anywhere else as they do not require any equipment. In addition, the exercise routines only take less than 20 minutes each day and are done only 3 times a week.

Provides fast results: According to Brian Flatt, you are guaranteed to lose about 10 pounds in the first one week by following the program to the letter.

Offers a 60 day money back guarantee: The program provides excellent health benefits such as increased energy, decreased cellulite and improved chloral levels.

Metabolism boosting program: Helps achieve faster metabolism thus keeping your body in a natural 24/7 fat burning state

It’s a holistic diet plan that helps you become healthier and energetic

It’s instantly downloadable

Helps the user achieve healthier hair and skin

Decreased waist line between 2-3 inches.

Shedding about 12 – 20 pounds of body fat

Helps attain a better cholesterol profile.

Decreases cellulite in the body


Only available in soft copies.

Requires some additional cost such as buying supplements.

Its customer support appears to be in-existent.

There is lack of scientific evidence to support the program.


Brian Flatt’s 3 week diet program has been designed for everyone who knows perfectly that his or her weight loss success is not only about eating the right diet and performing heavy exercises, but it’s also about achieving good attitude – which is the cutting edge of this program. Since there aren’t any serious disadvantages linked to the program plus you are guaranteed a 100 percent refund after 60 days if the program fails to work; there is no reason preventing you from trying it. As i wrap up, I would recommend anyone who fits its target profile to feel free and try it as he or she has nothing to lose.

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