
As a bit of an over-analyser and serial panicker, I’m all for staying calm. I love paint-by-numbers and when I was going through a bad phase of anxiety, I bought a paint-by-numbers kit and I really enjoyed it.

But I just don’t get the adult colouring book thing. I think it’s so great that they’re so incredibly popular, it goes to show that we’re not alone in feeling the way we do. We all need a bit of calm, peace and mindfulness in our lives, and if adult colouring books work for you, then that’s really awesome - but I generally find colouring in (especially with pencils) pretty frustrating, I don’t find it therapeutic at all (I wish I did!).

The Passive Aggressive Adult Colouring Book
Still, I wanted to see if this new trend would work for me in taking my mind off the problems that stress me out, I wanted to give it a chance since it has been so popular - but actually, once I got to the adult colouring book section at the book shop, I couldn’t bring myself to buy one. Maybe it’s because I don’t want to waste spend hours upon hours colouring in a tiger or multiple plants that I simple don’t care about.

Then I came across The Passive Aggressive Colouring Book (For People Who Just Don’t Get The Whole Calm Thing) by Charlotte Farmer. After having a quick flick through, I found myself chuckling at what I was seeing because the illustrations are really funny and I couldn’t wait to I could relate to the pages.

I asked for a copy for my birthday and have spent a few hours colouring in, eager to get it finished so that I can show and tell. The content is great, it’s fun and it has a sense of humour. However, just as I predicted, colouring in with pencils does my nut in. I’m being a bit moany-moany, but the pencil leds are too dense and I get hand cramp after half an hour! But I did enjoy adding colour to the pages digitally, which I did for the purpose of this blogpost. I do want to complete the pages so I might invest in some other pencils and see how I get on!

If you want an adult colouring book with a difference, I recommend The Passive Aggressive Colouring Book, it retails at £8.99 from Amazon, or currently it’s £6.74 from WH Smiths online.

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