Prince Mahesh Babu appeared as under cover cop in Pokiri. Pokiri became a top hit in not just Mahesh Babu’s career but also got place in all time great blockbusters of Telugu movie industry. Mahesh continued his dream run with police character even in Dookudu. Appearing as police in Dookudu, Mahesh scored another super duper hit. After Dokkudu’s super success Mahesh is once again teaming up with Srinu Vaitla. Mahesh Babu and Srinu Vaitla’s new movie is titled Aagadu. It is starting on the auspicious occasion of Dussera festival. It is said that Mahesh Babu will once again appear as police in Aagadu movie. If this becomes true then sure Mahesh Babu fans will celebrate as sentiment wise all the movies in which Mahesh appeared in khakhi uniform became super hits.