
Supergirl continues to take two steps forward and one step back by undercutting everything about Kara’s story by making a complete, nonsensical mess of her love life.

I’m not going to give this too much column space because it’s like beating a dead horse at this point, but the relationship between Kara and Mon El is one of the biggest mistakes Supergirl has ever made. It’s redundant, obnoxious and frankly, insulting. Kara’s speech to him in which she begins to confess her feelings reveals that Kara thought she had to choose between being Supergirl and having a relationship.

But somehow Mon El makes her feel like she can have it all? It’s just not convincing. It’s not convincing that he would make her feel that way and it’s not a convincing reason as to why she broke up with James at the beginning of the season. This whole relationship takes Kara out of the character she is in every other scenario; it makes her seem foolish and immature.

And yet again even as Kara is attempting to tell Mon El “oh right, your feelings are reciprocated!” they don’t actually go through with it as the two of them are interrupted by next week’s shennigans. I beg of you Supergirl writers, if you’re not going to end this nonsense between Kara and Mon El at the very least do it well.

Meanwhile, in the parts of Season 2 that are actually going really well, at the start of the episode there’s another delightful scene at the alien bar in which Alex comes out to the superfriends. The scenes in this bar are quickly making it one of the best locations this season, heartening the audience and giving the characters a place to bond and share personal moments outside of work.

Everyone handles Alex’s news perfectly, but the best reaction goes to J’onn. He’d known all along, but had given Alex the time and space to share her information on her own. He may not be her actual father, but he’s as close to one as the girls have had in years and he’s doing an excellent job.

Alex: How come you never said anything before?

J’onn: It’s not for me to say. Good for you, Alex.

Kara spends “Luthors” trying to prove the innocence of her friend Lena Luthor, as the young CEO gets caught up in the trial against her mother. Supergirl seems to be playing the long con with Lena, as she may be with Kara, not quite revealing her true intentions and whether or not she’s so innocent after all.

Her feelings for both Kara and Supergirl appear to be genuine, but the overtly dramatic music that plays over her final scene as she contemplates a chess piece after Kara leaves, leads the audience to suspect that she’s got something more up her sleeve.

Lena: Supergirl might have saved me, but Kara Danvers, you are my hero.

I so want Lena to be one of the good guys, but it’s great to have her somewhere in the grey area between the darkness of her family and their history, and her friendship with Kara and her respect for Supergirl.


Baby Lena is adorable! And apparently she may be even smarter than Lex?

J’onn missing M’Gann hurts my heart.

In what world would Kara misspell exclusive? SURE, SNAPPER. I DON’T BELIEVE YOU.

Brenda Strong is so good at playing a villain; I hate Lillian Luthor but I want to keep Strong around for ever because everything she does is just so deliciously evil.

How do you think Alex and Maggie celebrated their first Valentine’s day? Do you think we’ll get to find out next week?

I’m thrilled to see Kara and James stop fighting and start working on being friends again. Game night is ALWAYS a good idea!

What did you think of this episode of Supergirl? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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Supergirl airs Monday at 8/7c on The CW.

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