MUMBAI: Star India’s video streaming platform Hotstar has signed up as the associate sponsor for the ICC World Twenty20 2016. Thus, the total number of on-ground sponsors for the event now stands at seven. Other on-ground sponsors include Nissan, Oppo Mobiles, MRF Tyres, Emirates, MoneyGram and Pepsi.
This is the second on-ground sponsorship by Star after the Indian Premier League (IPL). Currently, it has the Indian team’s title sponsorship rights. It had also taken title sponsorship of Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) tournaments for a brief period.
The agreement makes Hotstar an associate sponsor of the tournament and ensures on-ground visibility for the platform at all venues for the entire duration of the month-long tournament.
In addition to the sponsorship agreement, Hotstar holds the exclusive digital rights to the live broadcast of the ICC World Twenty20 2016. Star India owns the global media rights to the ICC events till 2023.
Hotstar president and head Ajit Mohan said, “We are delighted to have deepened our association with the ICC World Twenty20 2016. With the sponsorship, we are reinforcing our commitment to our users and delivering on the promise that whenever there is cricket, Hotstar is the place to follow the game. Continuing on our efforts over the last one year, we are focused on creating a delightful proposition for cricket fans.”
ICC chief executive David Richardson said, “We are delighted that Hotstar has decided to strengthen its support of cricket and relationship with the ICC as a global partner of the ICC World Twenty20 India 2016. Through the media rights partnership, Star India reaches out to a global television audience, which is further expanded via its digital platform Hotstar. With the extension of the relationship to include sponsorship, Hotstar will now have the opportunity to engage and interact with the in-stadia cricket enthusiasts.”
As the momentum builds ahead of the ICC World Twenty20 2016, Hotstar will launch a series of campaigns to further drive up the anticipation among cricket lovers for this eagerly awaited event.