MUMBAI: Cloud-based broadcast infrastructure and targeted TV advertising company Amagi’s co-founder KA Srinivasan will speak at BroadcastAsia 2016, the broadcast engineering and technology conference, to be held at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.
Srinivasan’s session, titled ‘Live Linear OTT Feeds for Sports and News: Watermark-Based Workflow for Server-Side Personalized Multi Ad-Format Insertion’, will be part of the conference track on Innovations in Managing Digital Assets, taking place on Wednesday, 1 June at 1:30 p.m.
“Amagi’s patented watermark-based workflow is the missing piece of the puzzle for broadcasters looking to deliver personalised ads for live linear OTT applications. It enables them to successfully identify ad breaks, as well as abrupt breakout scenarios, for increased revenue and an improved television viewing experience,” said Srinivasan.
“BroadcastAsia will attract more than 17,000 attendees, including leaders in the Asian broadcasting, digital media and entertainment scene, setting the perfect stage for a discussion on seamless replacement of ad breaks with personalised advertising.”
The BroadcastAsia conference is Asia’s leading event in the broadcast and entertainment space, bringing together key decision-makers from across the region and beyond. As a featured speaker at the conference, Srinivasan will address the industry’s latest challenges and trends related to monetising premium live content at scale. A wide range of issues will be discussed, including integration with the existing broadcast workflow for supporting dynamic ad schedules, integration with ad networks and exchanges in real time, and the ability to monetise multiple ad formats and support targeted ads across a wide variety of client platforms without the risk of ad blockers.
Srinivasan is a technology entrepreneur with two decades of experience in building new technologies and taking them to market. At Amagi, he is responsible for product management, business development and client relationships. Prior to Amagi, Srinivasan co-founded Impulsesoft in 1998, a leader in wireless audio. A thought leader on targeted TV content and advertising, he is a regular speaker at industry events sharing ideas about how TV networks can create internet-like experiences for their advertisers through targeted advertising platforms.