
(Telecompaper) Telecom industry groups have accused the European Commission of not doing enough in its proposed telecom reform package for boosting growth in the sector. ETNO, the lobby group for incument fixed operators, and the GSMA, the main mobile industry group, both welcomed the EU attention for the sector, but said the proposal does not do enough to support growth in the digital economy. ETNO welcomed the EC's recommendation on regulating wholesale access to broadband networks, saying it will "provide the much needed price stability for copper lines and will support NGA investments through the lifting of price regulation". However, the overall proposals "would not create the momentum required to achieve the Digital Agenda targets and to contribute to Europe's economic growth", the group said. ETNO wants more action to allow consolidation in the industry, more deregulation and a better approach to addressing competition from over-the-top online service providers. The GSMA welcomed some of the proposals on spectrum harmonisation but said the package needs a "more thorough and comprehensive approach". While the EC recognises the areas where the market needs help, including consolidation, deregulation and equal regulatory treatment, the proposed regulation creates too much uncertainty, the GSMA said. It said the EC's interest in quickly passing legislation before the elections next year meant it had not taken enough time to develop the proposals.

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