Eight year old Shivampet Ruchitha of Telangana will get the prestigious Geeta Chopra Award for displaying exemplary valour in saving two precious lives when a train hit her school bus. The other recipient from the State is 15-year-old Sai Krishna Akhil Kilambi who saved his mother from getting electrocuted.
Telangana Girl Ruchitha Makes Country Proud
Two children from Telangana will be among twenty five kids three girls and 22 boys to be handed the National Bravery Awards 2015 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on January 24 2016.
Also Read: A story of Ruchitha’s heroism in Medak Accident
Two of the awards will be handed over posthumously. The coveted Bharat Award will be conferred on 15-year-old Late Gaurav Kawduji Sahastrabuddhe of Maharashtra, who sacrificed his life in an attempt to save four of his friends.
The Sanjay Chopra Award will be given to 16-year-old Arjun Singh of Uttarakhand who displayed outstanding bravery in fighting a tiger to save his mother. Ramdinthara (15 years) of Mizoram, Rakeshbhai Shanabhai Patel (13 years) of Gujarat and Aromal S M (12 years) of Kerala will be given the Bapu Gaidhani Awards.
While Ramdinthara saved two persons from electrocution, Rakeshbhai saved a boy who accidentally fell into a deep well. Aromal saved two women from drowning.
The other recipients are Kashish Dhanani (Gujarat), Maurice Yengkhom and Chongtham Kuber Meitei (both from Manipur), Angelica Tynsong (Meghalaya), Joena Chakra- borty and Sarwanand Saha (both from Chhattisgarh), Dishant Mehndiratta (Haryana), Beedhovan, Nithin Philip Mathew, Abhijith K V, Anandu Dileep and Muhammad Shamnad (all from Kerala), Mohit Mahendra Dalvi, Nilesh Revaram Bhil, Vaibhav Ramesh Ghangare (all from Maharashtra), Abinash Mishra (Odisha), Bhimsen alias Sonu and Late Shivansh Singh (both from Uttar Pradesh).
The selection was made by a high powered committee comprising representatives of various Ministries, Departments, non-governmental organisations as well as Office Bearers of Indian Council for Child Welfare (ICCW).
The children will receive their awards from the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 24 January 2016 prior to Republic Day and will thereafter participate in the parade.
President Pranab Mukherjee and several other dignitaries will host receptions in their honour. Several States too will organise functions to honour them at the State level.
The National Bravery Award Scheme was initiated by the ICCW to give due recognition to children who distinguish themselves by performing outstanding deeds of bravery and meritorious service and to inspire other children to emulate their example.
It was in 1957 that two children – a boy and a girl – were first rewarded for their presence of mind and courage. Since then ICCW has been conferring national awards on children every year.
Source: Metro India
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