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News, stories and media buzz related to Techumber

  • 400+ Free Resources for DevOps & Sysadmins
    via freepythontips.wordpress

    As an Python advocate and educator, I’m always looking for ways to make my job (and yours) easier. This list put together by Morpheus Data offers a ton of great resources for Python users (more than 25 tools specific to Python) and other DevOps and Sysadmins...

  • The software development industry continues its relentless march forward. In 2016 we saw new releases of popular languages, frameworks and tools that give us more power and change the way we work. It is difficult to keep track of everything that is new...

  • AppSecAsiaPac2014
    via wiki.owasp

    ← Older revision Revision as of 02:13, 30 January 2014 (2 intermediate revisions by one user not shown) Line 185: Line 185:       = TRAINING SESSIONS=   = TRAINING SESSIONS= − We thank you very much for every...

  • Five years ago today, on March 6, 2012, Google made a huge change to Android that consolidated all of the operating system’s content stores into one platform; the Google Play Store. Previously, Android users had to get apps, games, movies and TV shows...

  • Just because you can doesn’t mean you should… I seem to be running into more and more application leaders that are confused by the marketing messages regarding API platforms, iPaaS, and mobile backend for frontend (BFF) vendors. More often than not...

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