Earning money online without investment is always a dream for everyone.So here today we're going to share one such way which is a global invent of current revolutionary technology,the term is digital currency or crypto currency.This is actually a very simple thought but also a very complex one too,it depends on your way of thinking actually.There are several crypto currency available online but the most popular and famous one is 'Bitcoin'.
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What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin was launched in 2009, the first digital medium of exchange at the time, but now one of many (others have names like Ripple, Litecoin, Peercoin and Namecoin). Being digital, these currencies can be transferred instantly and securely, with no, or very low, transaction fees, between any two people anywhere in the world. Think of it as electronic cash that you can use to pay for goods or services, or give to friends or family, without having to pay the bank to do so.
Is Bitcoin Legit?
Yes it is completely legit over the world.Many online shopping sites like amazon and others do accept payment in bitcoin.So it is a complete legit and most trending digital currency all over the world.
Bitcoin Units
1 Satoshi = 0.00000001 ฿
10 Satoshi = 0.00000010 ฿
100 Satoshi = 0.00000100 ฿ = 1 Bit / μBTC (you-bit)
1,000 Satoshi = 0.00001000 ฿
10,000 Satoshi = 0.00010000 ฿
100,000 Satoshi = 0.00100000 ฿ = 1 mBTC (em-bit)
1,000,000 Satoshi = 0.01000000 ฿ = 1 cBTC (bitcent)
10,000,000 Satoshi = 0.10000000 ฿
100,000,000 Satoshi = 1.00000000 ฿
Ways to Get Bitcoin
Though there are several ways to get bitcoin but here we'll recommend you the two main way to get bitcoin
Capcha Mining
Cloud Mining
Capcha Mining
There are several websites out there where you just need to log on with your email id and then you just have to clear the capcha and you'll get bitcoin.Here we're going to recommend you one main site to get bitcoin and that is LandofBitcoin.This is one of the most useful site to browse over 70 best bitcoin sites through it.
Get Started with LandofBitcoin
First you need to visit the website and sign up here using the sign up icon placed in the top right side of the site
Next move onto the account section placed at the top right corner and a similar page like below will open.
Here you've to put your email id and bitcoin address but to generate the bitcoin address first you need to visit coinbase and after signing up there you'll have your bitcoin address to your email id.If you're having trouble to sign up with coinbase.com to get your bitcoin address you may also visii blockchain and sign up there.Now you've your bitcoin address.
Next you just need to put your bitocin address there along with your email id and click the save button.That's it.your landofbitcoin account just created fully.
Now you've to visit the home page of your landofbitcoin sites and there you'd find various ways to earn bitcoin but we'd recommend you the first one as per the below image as they are most easy and fastest way as well as they don't need any investment.
Under 'collect free bitcoin from faucets' section you'll find various sites where you just need to visit and clear the capcha to get free bitcoin.One of the best sites under there is moon bitcoin You must visit that cause they will give you satoshi in free as per time.
NOTE:You've visit those sites atleast one per day and clear the capcha cause they often reduce the free Bitcoin amount to irregular visitors.
Cloud Mining
Physical bitcoins do exist, with a number embedded in them, but ultimately, a bitcoin is just a number associated with a bitcoin address. The “mining” that creates them uses PC processing power to solve complicated cryptographic problems that get progressively harder to crack as time goes by. This is the geeky, maths bit. But even computer novices can do it, using software that is free to download and run and which can be left to run 24/7 in search of the magic code that will unearth more bitcoins. Obviously, the more powerful the computer, the more chance there is of reaping a reward in a given time.
When a computer mining bitcoins hits the jackpot (after 1 789 546 951 attempts, on average), a box appears on the screen confirming that all the code crunching has produced, not one newly minted bitcoin, but a block of 25, because bitcoins do not emerge singly. At the moment, a block is being found by some computer every seven to eight minutes – which gives you an idea how many people are mining them.
But unless you wanna invest and take the risk to loose your money then earning bitcoin through visiting bitcoin faucets websites are much better than bitcoin mining.
How to Collect and Sell Bitcoin
whether you're doing bitcoin mining or visiting faucet the total amount of earned bitcoin will automatically store onto your coinbase or blockchain account on every sunday,using which you made the sign up.You'll also get a mail notification on your email id too.Under there you'll find a 'my wallet' option and there you can see the total amount of your bitcoin you've earned.Under that account you've also a sell option.as soon as your bitcoin reached the threshold amount.So then you can choose whether you're willing to sell it or should keep it on your account and wait for a better price.
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Bitcoin is currently most trending currency of worldwide.People are earning millions from it all over the world.so better you should give it a try as it needs zero investment.