
Spacewalk is an open source Linux systems management solution. Spacewalk manages software content updates for Red Hat derived distributions such as Fedora, CentOS, and Scientific Linux, within your firewall. You can stage software content through different environments, managing the deployment of updates to systems and allowing you to view at which update level any given system is at across your deployment. A central web interface allows viewing of systems, their associated software update status, and initiating update actions.

Spacewalk also provides provisioning capabilities, allowing you to manage your systems throughout their lifecycle. Via Provisioning, Spacewalk enables you to kickstart provision systems and manage and deploy configuration files. Spacewalk also has virtualization capabilities to enable you to provision, control, manage, and monitor virtual KVM and Xen guests.

Spacewalk is an open community project. Anyone can contribute to the project, including lending a hand with ideas, feedback, contributing a patch, helping draft documentation, sharing your systems management use cases, or even testing.

This article explains how to install Spacewalk on Oracle Linux. You do not need a support contract for Oracle Linux to use this method.

Server Prerequisites


Install Spacewalk

Spacewalk Console

Server Prerequisites
Start with a minimum installation of Oracle Linux 6 or 7. You can add the desktop packages if you want, but they are not necessary. Once the OS installation is complete, perform the following tasks as the "root" user.
Make sure the Spacewalk server has a fully qualified domain name, with an entry in the "/etc/hosts" file.

Make the necessary firewall changes.

You will need to install a few repositories before you get started.

Enable the Oracle Linux optional packages repository. For example, on Oracle Linux 7 set "enabled=1" in the following entry of the "/etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol7.repo" file.

Install the EPEL repository for your version.

Add the JPackage repository.

Add the Spacewalk repository for your version.

Install Spacewalk
To keep things simple, we'll do a default installation using postgreSQL as the Spacewalk database.

Create an answer file for the configuration of Spacewalk, adjusting the values as required.

You can restart the Spacewalk service using the following commands.

You can now access the Spacewalk console using the following URL on the server.

If you want the console to be accessible externally, amend the "/etc/tomcat/server.xml" file as follows.

Restart Spacewalk.

Spacewalk Console
The first time you go to the Spacewalk URL you will be prompted to create a new organization with administrator login credentials. Enter the required information and click the "Create Organization" button.

You are now able to start using Spacewalk.

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