
ShowBox is a free of cost movies and TV streaming application allowing the users to get access to their favorite TV show and movie content. The application is free to download and use aiding the people to get the required content in high definition for better viewing. Various people want to keep track of their loved and watched which can be done through the help of this application without any problem. The app is available on diverse mobile operating system platforms allowing the people to download and install on the smartphones and tablets for a great time.

The application has the performance and efficiency needed but sometimes it fails to deliver it. The difficulty in execution of the service makes the user unable to reach to the favorite TV shows and movies. ShowBox has the collection of movies and TV Shows which is huge in number but if the functioning of the app is not proper and appropriate then what it is the use of widespread collection. We have some applications serving as alternatives to ShowBox for Android having features and matching with ShowBox. Through the list you can choose the particular app allowing you to get the best alternative serving as the replacement of ShowBox.

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Alternatives to ShowBox for Android:

The list contains some brilliant and outstanding apps have the exact attributes with ShowBox aiding you to get the access to TV Shows and movies which you want to see on your Android smartphone. The download link is also provided to get the application as soon you have the app of your choice.

Crackle – Movie & TV:

Through Crackle you can easily view your TV Serials and movies allowing you to get personal entertainment on your smartphone. Giving you access to all format of files providing you to enjoy the time and avoid the boredom. The app is loved by many people due to the simple user interface and working.

Popcorn Time:

Popcorn Time is open source application with a pre-installed media player allowing you to connect with your desired TV Serials and movies. Without any extra complication you can simply get the content as you want in the smartphone or tablet.


Serving as one and all application providing you to get the movie, TV shows along with play it with the integrated media player. Choose from the wide collection consisting of various genres allowing you to have variety in choice with the help of Flipps.


Netflix allows you to have instant access to your watched TV serials and have them on your smartphone or tablet. This app serves as a great alternative to ShowBox with some great features along with marvelous user experience.


Want an alternative ShowBox and allowing you to get the video on demand whether it is a TV show or Movie without any cost or problem. Hulu allows you see the favorite videos with impression and proper efficiency.

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