
Twitter has become increasingly popular as an online marketing platform for many businesses. With this social network, you can keep track of recent developments in your industry, connect with like-minded people and get word out about your products or services. Here are some Twitter marketing tips which will enhance your chances of success.

1. Include keywords in your tweets

When it comes to online content, keywords are a very important element. This applies to blogs, websites as well as social media. When using Twitter for marketing, you need to think of keywords which are relevant and popular in your industry or business. Every time you compose a tweet, make sure some of these keywords appear within the 140-characters.

2. Have your own voice

There are many voices on Twitter seeking to get theattention of web users. This is why it is very important to add some personality to your promotional tweets and @replies. Make sure your tweets come across in a unique voice which reflects your brand or business. This will make you stand out from the competition and attract a larger audience. Consequently, it will increase the chances of people retweeting you or clicking on your links.

3. Make use of search features

Twitter offers several great tools which can help you keep track of what people are saying about your business or industry. Monitoring these conversations will give you an idea of what you can do to help. Twitter search features are especially helpful for offering customer support. When you come across customer complaints or questions, you can address them promptly. This can be a very effective way of protecting the reputation of your brand or business.

4. Network with the right people

When executing your Twitter marketing strategy, don’t just follow anyone out there. Instead, you need to target a relevant audience. It does not make any sense to have 50,000+ followers if they don’t have the slightest interest in what you have to offer. Twitter offers several tools which can help you locate and follow individuals who are have an interest in your industry. Once you connect with them, take time to follow their conversations. Once in a while, share their tweets or leave a comment.

5. Share links to helpful information

There is a lot of great content out there which could be useful to your readers. Therefore, besides engaging your followers in conversation, it would also be advisable to share links to such helpful information. Don’t make the mistake of always pushing your promotional content since this will eventually put off your followers. Instead, you can share links to interesting industry discussions as well as other topics of interest. This will help you establish trust and build strong relationships. If you have a blog, you could consider hiring the services of a professional article writer to create quality content on a regular basis.

6. Be transparent

In your interaction with others, make sure you are as transparent as possible. If you don’t have the solution to a problem, admit it. If you make a mistake, come clean. If you need help, ask for it. Be willing to admit that your business or brand is anything but perfect. Being honest will help you win the trust of your audience. However, lying or exaggerating facts will end up having a detrimental effect on your reputation.

Guest article written by: Charles Mburugu writes about topics such as social media and SEO. Currently, he is writing for techblogke.com among other blogs. 

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