
Tiny Thief game review

Mobile games were earlier just available in classic category but nowadays mobile gaming industry moving towards real-life experience with extreme high-end graphics and sound effects. In such an era, Rovio is renowned for developing decent games, starting with its popular Angry Birds series. After Angry Birds and some other puzzle games, Rovio has recently released an all new game with classic graphics coined as Tiny Thief which comes from the house of Rovio Stars, in collaboration of 5 Ants. Tiny Thief is not similar to the previously released games by Rovio in any aspect. The game has classic graphics with Arabic sound effects which makes it unique in gaming world. So let’s get into the Arabic city with the tiny little thief for new adventures.

Tiny Thief


Tiny Thief is a story of a tiny little thief who steals objects from the rich and give them to the needy ones. As the thief is the main character in the game, gamer has to perform tasks throughout the gameplay with the little thief. The character of thief is a socialistic character as the thief does not steal things and objects for himself, instead for the needy ones. On the other side, there are pirates, dragons, evil sheriffs and giant robot to be as stones in the path of justice, against tiny little thief. When the gamer get deeper into the gameplay, the thief actually becomes a hero with his cunning nature towards corrupted rich people and kindness for the needy ones. Overall, the storyline of Tiny Thief is one of the unique storyline sketched for a mobile game. With simple inputs, the developer even teaching a hidden lesson to all, to be kind towards our near ones and help the needy people in the society.

Tiny Thief with unique storyline


However, the storyline is hitting an untouched part of our inner beings, the gameplay is full of adventures. Tiny Thief game is having decent graphics but it has top-notch gameplay, gamers have to use their cleverness to earn all three stars throughout the gameplay.

Tiny Thief gameplay with full of adventures

The game has total six adventurous chapters which needs high skills to steal objects. The chapters are named as First Lessons, A Rumbling Stomach, A Corrupt Sheriff, The Crused Treasure, A Royal Rescue and Rattling Bones. Each chapter is having 5 different puzzles which become tougher one after one.

Tiny Thief with six different chapters

Each puzzle has a different environment and feature all new things that needed to be stolen by cunning and clever tricks. For help and support, as some puzzles are really difficult, there is the Book of Hints. Users can use the Book of Hints to get support for solving out the puzzle and earn all the objects. To still makes the puzzles difficult for the gamer, the developer has made the book available only for single puzzle and it become inaccessible for four hours after each use.

Tiny Thief with the Book of Hints

Being an adventurous game along with full of puzzles, gamers can experience new castles, villages, circus troop, jail and more, throughout the gameplay. The gameplay provides guidance in the beginning puzzles but the guidance only remains available within the first chapter.

Tiny Thief with adventurous environments

The gameplay has some entities as guards and pirates who protects the sites from Tiny Thief. On the other side, the thief has barrels to hide himself from those entities.

Tiny Thief character can hide himself in barrels or shrubs to protect from guards and pirates

During the gameplay, Tiny Thief provided with some items which helps him to steal the things. The items including fishhook, axe, bombs and more become available throughout the gameplay, within the levels to make the tasks completed.

Tiny Thief gets some items during the gamplay to steal things with an ease

Beside items and things, Tiny Thief also gets some additional surprises on the way to his objectives. The thief is having Treasure Chest to store all such surprises for his own use. Of course, the pet ferret is also available in the gameplay to enhance the stars. The gamers have to wait for the ferret and tap on it to earn all three stars.

Tiny Thief can store additional surprises into Treasure Chest

The thief should have to work cleverly and get the objects in a skillful manner otherwise, if the guards or pirates cite him on the way, the level ends. The gamer must have to make the decision at a quick glance to attain all the objects along with hidden surprises. But on the best part, the game does not have any timer to end the level so gamers can take their moves cleverly.

The gamer needs to use his skills at a pace to earn the objectives

As the game goes on, the puzzles become more difficult and need more skills to attain the goal. In the later chapters, Tiny Thief also get some new dresses to hide its identity from the guards. As the thief character is sketched as a social, the tiny character loved to work for the pets, kids and grannies too.

Thief Thief, the hero of kids, grannies and needy people

Overall, the gameplay of Tiny Thief is designed to entertain the gamers along with twisting their minds into clever skills. We are sure that once a person starts the game, he would love to solve all the five chapters with full excitement. Of course, the developer will also add some more puzzles and chapters in the coming future with more fun and adventures.


Tiny Thief is designed for all age groups, even from a kid to an old pal. The game is developed by Rovio, the renowned Angry Birds maker so we can presume its graphics. The game does not have high-end graphic effects, still the decent graphics are enough to entertain the gamers throughout the gameplay. Some puzzles are designed in a single screen location while some fits in two or three screen locations. Tiny Thief character and other characters within the gameplay are designed so nicely and having cute looks. On our testing, Tiny Thief even run smoothly on some low-end Android devices without any lag. The game even how takes a bit time in loading on some devices but after loading up it runs smoothly due to optimized graphics.

Tiny Thief with decent GFX and SFX

On the part of sound effects, as we said in the beginning, the game is having Arabic music throughout the gameplay. However, there isn’t a booming sound effects but there are some effects available to make the game entertaining enough. Overall, graphic effects and sound effects of Tiny Thief are just matching its theme and storyline.

Watch official Tiny Thief trailer:


Tiny Thief game is one of the unique game available with an all new storyline and its gameplay makes it a difficult puzzle game. The game is entertaining with adventures all around and its decent graphics reminds us some classic Chinese games. The game is meant for all those who loved to solve puzzles and mysteries in adventurous environment. The game is not designed for the ones who want high graphics and action package. Overall, Tiny Thief is a complete package for all age groups and also contains a noble lesson for the society to help the needy ones. So just loosen your pockets a bit and start download the all new Tiny Thief on your Android or iOS device now or in case you have already downloaded it, share your experience in comment section below.

Rating: 4.5/5

What’s Good

Fresh puzzle game with all new storyline, designed for all age groups.

What’s Bad

Not available as a free game.

Download Links:

Android (Google Play Store) | iOS (Apple App Store)

Developer: Rovio Mobile Ltd.

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