State-owned telecom operator BSNL has launched its ‘Bharat Phone’ range of devices in India today, in association with Pantel Technologies. The range includes an Internet-ready Penta Bharat Phone, Penta Smart PS650 and Penta Smart PS501. The telecom operator has also launched 7-inch Penta T-Pad WS707C tablet for the Indian consumers.
BSNL Bharat Phone range of devices
Commenting on the launch of Bharat Phone range, BSNL CMD, RK Upadhayay, said;
“We are delighted to offer latest technology products in a reverse data bundling marketing alliance with Pantel Technologies. Products like the Penta Bharat Phone will now offer the Indian consumer the power of Internet access at an affordable price. Likewise, with the highly affordable 3G Penta Smart device, the PS650, BSNL can now look forward to offering its world-class 3G data services to a wide cross section of Indian society.”
The telecom operator has launched Penta Bharat Phone PF300 to provide Internet access across the country at a cheap price. BSNL Penta Bharat Phone is a dual-SIM feature phone with 3-inch display. There is a 1.3-megapixel camera on the rear, Bluetooth, Mobile Tracker and an 1800mAh battery. The phone is based on Java platform and comes with pre-installed Facebook app. Targeting rural India, the Penta Bharat Phone bundled with free 1200 minutes of Voice Plan from BSNL split over 12 months. The phone will be available in the Indian market with the price tag of Rs. 1,799.
Apart from the feature phone, BSNL and Pantel Technologies have brought Penta PS650 and Penta PS501 to the Indian market. The Penta PS650 has a 6.5-inch display, 1.2GHz dual-core processor, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, A-GPS, 2-megapixel rear camera and a 2500mAh battery. There is 512MB of RAM and 4GB expandable internal storage. The smartphone runs on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean operating system. BSNL will offer 3GB of 3G data and 300 minutes of talk time free with every purchase of Penta PS650, which is priced at Rs. 7,999.
On the other side, Penta PS501 has a 5-inch display, 1.2GHz dual-core processor, 512MB of RAM, 4GB internal storage along with microSD card support. There is Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, A-GPS, microUSB port, 5-megapixel rear camera and a VGA front camera. The smartphone will be available for Rs. 6,999 and bundled with 3GB of 3G data and 300 minutes of talk time.
BSNL has also launched Penta T-Pad WS707C tablet which has a 7-inch display, dual-core processor, 512MB of RAM, 4GB internal storage along with microSD card support. The tablet runs on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean operating system and feature 3D experience. BSNL will offer 3GB of 3G data and 300 minutes of talk time with Penta T-Pad WS707C. The tablet is available with an official price of Rs. 6,999.