
In a world dominated by digital media and technologies, blogging has witnessed nothing less than a metamorphosis in last decade or so. Today, blogging is much more than a mere hobby. It has become a medium for carving out one’s self-identity in the digital space.

Blogging is a powerful interactive platform through which one can reach out to a larger audience and share personal experience, knowledge and insights. As the idea of blogging becomes more prevalent in all walks of life, the education sector, too, is exploring its diverse possibilities to ignite greater awareness among the students fraternity and enhance their overall personality development.

Besides initiating the expression of thoughts, blogs can also facilitate an explosion of creativity in young minds. In case you are wondering about the possible advantages of introducing the concept of classroom blogging, then let’s find out some of the indispensable benefits that it can bring to the table.

Enhances Creativity:

Students often find it difficult to express their creative feelings. Blogging in the classroom can be of great help in shredding their inhibitions. It would act as a catalyst in bringing out innovative ideas from the students and they will gradually learn to think ‘out of the box’.

Improves Confidence:

Feedback is crucial for building confidence in someone’s own abilities. Blogs act as a platform to voice our thoughts to the readership and have them contribute their wisdom on the subject matter. A blogger with a loyal reader-base attracts immediate feedback and appreciation from the visitors. While appreciation acts as a confidence booster, constructive feedback can go a long way in teaching us the importance of taking criticism in a positive manner – which, in turn, instigates our urge to improve further.

Serves As A Learning Curve:

To command respect from the readers, you need to establish a sense of authority in your voice. It’s a fact that expertise brings authority. You must have in-depth knowledge for convincing the readership of your caliber. To put simply, you need to learn the nitty-gritty of a particular subject before expressing your thoughts in a convincing manner. In order to keep the readers interested on your content, you will have to embrace a continuous learning process.

Refines Writing Skills:

Writing relentlessly is the only way to improve someone’s written communication skills. So keep on writing day in and day out, as much as you desire and as frequently as you can. You will definitely emerge as a better writer by the end of the day.

Helps in Gaining Visibility & Guidance:

Blogging not only improves one’s creativity, but helps in gaining visibility as well. Visibility is crucial for receiving timely guidance from the experts. Expert guidance acts as the nourishment required to be successful in life. With proper nurturing, the students will be able to materialize their ideas in to reality.

Creates A Professional Identity Online:

A quality blog acts as a proof of one’s creative abilities. If an independent market research company, MideaBistro, has to be believed, then 9 out of every 10 companies scrutinize the candidates’ online profiles before taking a final call to recruit. Employers prefer to hire someone with a positive online identity – and that’s where the advantage of having a blog comes in to the picture.

With more and more businesses adopting this trend, blogs can certainly provide a break-through opportunity to gain access to today’s competitive professional world. So develop the habit of blogging from a tender age and enjoy a certain ‘edge’ over the competitors in your professional career.

Produces Experts:

Niche specific blogging can help students to attain the status of experts on subjects of their interest. In this era of specialists, there’s no point in ending up as a ‘Jack of all trades’. Need of the hour is to consciously select a specific subject in accordance with your career objectives and try to be a master at it.

Provides Breathing Space:

Today, the conventional educational curriculum can prove to be too difficult for the students to cope up with. Even the teachers struggle to find the optimal balance between mandated curriculum and extra curricular activities. The hectic pressure from all quarters can take an adverse toll on the youngsters – which may lead to physical as well as mental exhaustion. Blogging can be an excellent stressbuster to rejuvenate their souls. It would act as a breath of fresh air for them to explore their creativity.

Opportunity to Support Charitable Causes:

It’s important for the students to be aware of ethics and social responsibilities. Blogging in classroom can be used to promote various charitable activities. Utilizing blogs as the medium of communication, students can show their solidity to a noble cause. Moreover, blogs can also be used as a fundraising method to financially support non-profit charitable organizations.

Helps to Earn While Learn:

Blogging can generate a steady flow of online income. It’s an excellent opportunity – especially for students belonging to the lesser privileged groups – to earn while they continue to learn.

There are several ways to start a blog and monetize it. Online advertisement, guest blogging, ghost posting, digital service offerings and niche-based affiliate marketing are a few of the most popular methods to make money from blogs. So youngsters, who are unfortunately devoid of sufficient financial support, can utilize blogging for financing their own educational expenses.

Keeping an eye on its numerous benefits, it is evident that blogging should be incorporated in our education system to prepare the budding talents for a brighter future. However, we need to ensure that it doesn’t come at the expense of other educational priorities. Parents and teachers have an important role to play here. Assisting the kids to strike the right chord between the mandated curriculum and extra curricular activities should be the ultimate objective.

Author Bio: Jack Danielson is a freelance blogger, an industry expert with more than 3 years of successful experience in all things marketing, social media, and search engine optimization. As a tech geek he is continually drawing upon his own talent and skill to help small-to-large corporations and thoroughly enjoys the continual challenge that SEO work brings.

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