
On July 23, 2015, Intel Corporation made international news by announcing in a press release that it had just launched a new program called Intel® Cloud for All. The goal of this initiative, according to Intel, is to make cloud solutions easier for businesses of all sizes to access and use. The goal behind the goal, of course, is new business for Intel, which anticipates the program can generate new cloud users into the tens of thousands.

Overview of Intel® Cloud for All

The new Intel program incorporates private, public and hybrid (mix of public and private) cloud structures into its bigger picture. Intel is accomplishing this through a series of strategic collaborations as well as targeted investments into cloud-based software.

Intel® Cloud for All Collaboration Announced

A key collaborator in this initiative is OpenSpace founder Rackspace. Rackspace and Intel are working to launch a new venture called the OpenStack Innovation Center to further research and test enterprise-level features and scale optimizations using the OpenStack code.

As part of this initiative, the whole OpenStack developer user network will be able to access two new developer clouds (each with 1,000 nodes). The purpose for these clouds is to enable developers to perform research and testing of their own for new cloud software and improved performance using OpenStack source code.

The Driving Force Behind Intel® Cloud for All

A recent Forbes report cited Jevon’s Paradox as the driving force behind the Intel® Cloud for All project and the Intel/Rackspace partnership.

Jevon’s Paradox, simply paraphrased, states that advances in technology lead to improvements in efficiency and effectiveness, which in turn drives user demand. Intel’s vision for the new collaboration is to quickly move cloud-based technology development forward so that as many businesses as possible can find a simple, quick, effective cloud solution to meet their unique needs.

Impact of Intel® Cloud for All on Enterprise Systems

While small and medium-size businesses have demonstrated eagerness to begin using cloud-based security, storage and performance solutions, major corporations have been more hesitant – and for good reason. Reasons include a lack of scalability and complexity of deployment. As well, most cloud-based solutions to date have lacked certain elements enterprise-level organizations require.

But with both the Internet of Things and analytic solutions to utilize “big data” already making their presence felt, a comprehensive, secure and simple enterprise level cloud solution is long overdue. This means that companies who are using things such as IP camera systems for security purposes will see a large decrease in costs.

As such, Intel’s goal is to focus its enterprise-level research and testing through Intel® Cloud for All on three key goals:

Using open industry standards to promote new collaborations between industry and community to increase the rate of adoption for cloud-based solutions.

Making a significant, ongoing investment into the cloud ecosystem to expand SDI (software defined infrastructure) options.

Using new SDI options to offer a much more efficient, effective cloud solutions for a range of needs.

What is On the Horizon for Intel® Cloud for All

Intel has done extensive research into existing use of cloud-based solutions and has come to the conclusion that future demand for cloud systems is set to outpace what technology can provide. While Intel has chosen to start with its Rackspace/OpenStack partnership, it is expected that other major players in cloud software and infrastructure will in time be integrated in as well (including cloud-based security solutions).

For now, Intel has made it known that Intel® Cloud for All is just the first of at least 15 more major announcements it plans to unveil in the coming months.

What Intel® Cloud for All Could Mean for the World

Today, of course, Intel® Cloud for All is just in the testing stages. But as with any global-scale innovation, someone must take the lead, and it is clear Intel is stepping up to the plate to ensure cloud solutions can be accessible for all.

About the author:

Lee Ying has over 10 years experience in the tech and security industry. He currently writes for various websites, if you would like to contact him you can find him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/lee-ying/9a/18b/238. Follow me on Twitter @LeeYing101

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