
The Dash Button was originally intended to make it easier for loyal customers to order products from Amazon, but we’ve seen how you can easily hack it for other purposes. It looks like the company took notice of the Dash’s potential, because it’s created a variant that connects to its new Amazon Web Services Internet of Things (AWS IoT) cloud platform.

Unlike the original Dash Button, the AWS IoT Button has three click types – single press, double press and long press – so it’s more versatile. It also connects to and is managed from the AWS IoT console. Here’s a sample project that uses the AWS IoT Button by YouTuber Janakiram MSV:

As it needs a few seconds to establish a WiFi connection each time it’s pressed, it’s a little slow, but if your application doesn’t require instantaneous response, it should be sufficient. AWS IoT is still in beta, as such Amazon isn’t selling the button yet and is instead giving it away at its AWS events, but I imagine that will change once their platform launches. Check out the button’s FAQ page for more info.

[via Hack A Day]

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