LeEco aka LeTv today launched the Le Max in India. It will be available in two variants – gold color 128GB internal storage variant and a silver colored 64GB internal storage variant, with prices starting from Rs 32,999. There is also a Le Max Sapphire Edition that boasts a Sapphire Crystal Display, priced at Rs 69,999. The smartphone will be exclusively available via Flipkart on February 16, with registrations for the first sale starting today.
LeEco describes the Le Max as a “superphone” boasting a full metal body with a thickness of only 8.95mm. The device also features a fingerprint scanner placed at the back, which the company calls LeTouch. The scanner is said to be fast enough to unlock the device in just 0.15 seconds and boasts an accuracy of almost 99.3 percent.
LeEco Le Max specifications and features: It flaunts a 6.33-inch 2K (1440×2560 pixels) display with pixel density of 464ppi and Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection. It is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 810 64-bit octa-core processor clocked at 2GHz and paired with 4GB of RAM. While the processor is infamous for its heating issues, the company promises that its engineers have worked hard to ensure that is not the case with the Le Max.
On the photography front, it is equipped with a 21-megapixel f/.20 rear camera with dual-LED flash, OIS, and PDAF. Up front, there is a 4-megapixel f/2.0 selfie camera with 2.0um micron pixel size. There is also a 3,400mAh battery and connectivity options like dual-SIM card slots, 4G LTE support, USB Type-C port, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and GPS. On the software front, it runs on Android 5.1 Lollipop wrapped under EUI.