Samsung is leaving no stone unturned to entice potential customers to buy its flagship Galaxy S5 smartphone. After announcing a buyback offer on the phone, the company has now announced the availability of the copper gold color variant of the phone in India. This color variant of the phone is also available for Rs 51,500, which was the launch price for other color variants of the phone.
The South Korean smartphone recently announced a buyback offer for the phone, under which a user can avail rebate of Rs 7,500 on the Galaxy S5 in exchange of an old smartphone or a minimum of Rs 5,000 for a feature phone. Samsung is also offering a gift voucher worth Rs 5,000 to shop for accessories and more from the company’s eStore. Along with that it claims to offer goodies in the form of free subscription to premium apps and services worth Rs 34,000, valid for a limited period.
Samsung is finding it difficult to maintain the price of the Galaxy S5, with online retailers like Flipkart offering the device at under Rs 45,000. The company, on its part, released a statement last week reiterating it had not cut the price of the Galaxy S5 and maintained it was still priced at Rs 51,500.