
For Android Apps, Google Play is the essential Appstore where they’re required to get listed so as to get very high exposure, increase number of install, downloads and popularity. As Google Play App Store is most visited App Store for Android platform holding over 1 million apps and 20 billion installs, so you can’t ignore this app store for your developed Android app.

Yesterday,  we have introduced step-by-step tutorial to publish your Android app on Google Play, telling you all the required steps with screenshots. So, this is for only Google Play.

Now, lets say, you’ve listed your Android app on Google Play and applying all possible strategies to increase your App’s download, is there any other platform to feature your App? Well, yeah! There are 30+ other app stores available for your Android apps to get listed and gain ever more exposure and downloads.

Will listing App on other Appstore help? Again, Yes. According to one platform foundation, if you list your App in other appstores too then you’ll see the total number of downloads from Google Play is just 33% and from other appstores is over 66%. So, featuring app on alternative appstores will increase the number of downloads and installs of your App by over 200%. Check out this infographic from one platform foundation for more details:

If you’ll consider cross-platform app stores and other popular resources, then you’ll find over 50 places to list your Android apps. I know, listing your app in each and every app store is very tedious task and nor it guarantee guaranteed approval for your Android app for every app store.

So here, I am listing Top 10 Alternative App Stores for Android where you should list your App. These app stores are very popular and will surely get you app more exposure and downloads.

 1. Amazon  AppStore

Amazon AppStore is a very powerful alternative of Google Play App Store for those whose apps are not getting approved at any Google Play as well as for those who want to boost downloads of their apps. The app store holds over 76k apps. 25 million downloads happens from Amazon AppStore per month and at an average 310 downloads/app per month.

The app store is available worldwide and over 33% of U.S. Android tablets have Amazon App Store pre-installed.

2. AppChina

It is the most popular App Store for China. AppChina holds over 120k apps (both free and paid). On an average, 600 millions app downloads happens from AppChina App store every month (5k/app per month). Over 30 million Chinese users have installed AppChina mobile client. Only available for China.

3. Anzhi App Store

Anzhi App Store is another very popular appstore for Android developers to list their apps. The app store is only available at china but it is very popular. The appstore holds 80k+ apps. It has 180 million apps downloads per month and 2.2k downloads/month for every single app (average).

4. D.cn Game Center

If you’ve created an Android game and searching for any great place to promote your Android game then there could be not better place than D.cn Game center. Although this app store is available only for china but it has 80M+ registered users. The app store is visited by 50M+ users daily and providing 10M downloads per day.

5. Tencent App Gem

Tecent App Gem is another very HOT portal to download paid/free Android apps. This app store has over 100k apps with monthly downloads of over 300 million. So, on an average, each app gets 3000 downloads per month. The app store has over 100 million active monthly users.

6. HiAPK

Another popular App store of chine, HiAPK has over 511K apps to downloads. HiAPK App Store is serving over 290 million downloads per month (on average, 580 downloads per app per month). The app store feature both paid and free app and have over 22 million registered users.

7. Opera Mobile Store

Available worldwide, Opera is a great alternative for Google App. This app store has over 70k Android apps making over 30 million app downloads every month, 429 downloads/app per month. Opera Mobile Store is pre-installed on 40M Android phone within Opera Mini mobile browser.

8. Samsung Apps

Comes pre-installed in almost every Samsung Android devices (phone/tablet) Samsung App is a very popular App Store used by millions of users worldwide. The app store has over 120 million apps in its directory serving hundred millions download every month. Although, stats are not clear but many App developers claimed to have a 5x to 10x boost in their Apps downloads after being listed on Samsung App.

9. SlideME

Available for various Android devices (phone/tablets), SlideME has become very popular Appstore app that people use to download Android Applications. The app store has both free and paid apps. Available worldwide, SlideME app store has a total of 50K apps, generating 18 million downloads per month. On an average, each app get 450 downloads per month.

10. SK T-Store

It is a popular Android app store for Korea. The app store has 18+ monthly users. SK T-Store is making 30 million download per month with 85k apps. So, on average, 350 downloads/app per month. A total of 2 billion downloads has been done from this app store.

Final Thoughts

Registering to all the Android appstores, other than Google Play Store is totally free. Google Play charges $25 registration free but that is just to encourage high-quality apps and discourage spammy apps.

Even if you’ve made listing to these above listed app store and many other app store for your Android apps still you should not ignore Google Play app store because it is official app store for Android apps, total Android apps available at Google Play App Store is 1 million and over 50 billion downloads happened till July 2013. You can also see from the above infographic that average downloads per apps is 3125 for Google Play which is the highest among all app stores.

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Top 10 Alternative Android App Stores – Other Than Google Play

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