

Tonight Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aimé (who we interviewed earlier today) went on Jimmy Fallon to show off some gameplay from Super Mario Run, Nintendo’s first iOS game that launches next week.

And after playing Super Mario Run Fils-Aimé, surprised everyone and opened a gold cube containing the Nintendo Switch, Nintendo’s new next-generation console. The console is a hybrid of sorts – and can be docked to play on a TV, as well as played on the go like a Gameboy.

Upon seeing the Switch Fallon understandably “geeked out”, telling Fils-Aimé he’s watched the Switch demo video “about a million times”.

They duo used Switch to play the much-anticipated new Zelda game, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. After showing off some of the new open gameplay, Fils-Aimé actually pulled the Switch out of the dock and started playing the same game in the mobile-mode.

And while they didn’t detach the two remotes, Fallon showed how there is a kickstand on the back so it can be propped up when you want to play in  mobile-mode with the controllers.

Check out the clip above to first see some live footage from Super Mario Run, then about halfway through footage of the Switch.

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