
Complete Guide To Increase Domain Authority – Wish to Know About It?

Most of the new bloggers used to concentrate on achieving goals they have set for their blogging journey. And they are less worried about the external factors that influence their presence on search engines. Instead many of them haven’t even heard about PageRank, MozRank and term like domain authority. In this article we’ll try to fetch their attention and encourage them to work on some key factors affecting their rankings. We’ll specially focus on ways to increase domain authority.

These factors are so influential that you’ll face a hard time ranking in search results until you’ve a good domain authority score. Also you may feel a little dejected when you see a page ranking better with little information than you. So it is almost mandatory for bloggers to work to increase domain authority of their site.

Guide to Increase Domain Authority.

Increase in domain authority (DA) score will allow your site to rank better for keywords. If you have a good DA, then web spiders will also prefer your site over others with low scores. And all of this would result in more traffic, increasing subscribers and more interests from affiliate partners.

In this article, we are proposing 7 straight forward approaches to help you increase domain authority score. These are the best tips which are discussed and testified by many pro bloggers. Also we’ve made sure to keep the steps as simple they could. Before we get into the thick of things, let’s know a bit more about the crucial aspect of domain authority.

What is Domain Authority?

The idea of Domain Authority was formulated by SEOMoz which is now becomes Moz. It reflects the possibility about how a website would fair in search engine rankings. It is computed by aggregating all of Moz’s link metrics which are as follows.

Linking of root domains

Number of total links


MozTrust etc.

For your information, gaining on DA score is easier when your DA is low say between 20 and 30. While it’s getting hard to increase domain authority as you come close to DA score of 80. There are many web major sites like Facebook, twitter and Google itself enjoy the maximum DA score of 100. But this doesn’t any way dilute the popularity of sites holding DA between 40 and 90.

Anyways it is a relative value that indicates your site may face a fall in domain authority indicator in the absence of following:

Fresh content and,

Right content marketing strategy.

So you’ve to work on these areas to increase domain authority.

Domain Authority vs. Page Authority:

Many new bloggers don’t differentiate between domain authority and page authority. There is major difference between the two metrics, and DA should not be mixed up with page authority.

Domain authority represents the ranking of the entire site and remains same across site.

Page authority is calculated for an individual page. It predicts the dominance of a page in respect to other pages.

Page authority most likely differs across sub-domains of the same root domain. Let’s now watch out the elements that helps to increase domain authority.

Key Factors that Matters to Increase Domain Authority:

Domain authority determines how your site would fair against other websites in SERPs rankings. There are multiple factors to constitute that finally results in a DA score. So you can’t win over a good DA score if you focus only on few of the factors and ignore others. We’ve compiled the list of factors that become the primary ingredients to increase domain authority score.

Linking of root domains:

Domain authority majorly depends upon the number of high quality links from high ranking domains. Higher the no. of quality links translates into higher DA score for your site. While counting the no. of links, another factor is the no. of sites you are getting links from. Getting links from multiple sites is always preferred over more links from a single source.


This is one of the famous indicators that constitute to assess DA score. MozRank entirely depends on the website link profile and ranges from 0-10. The higher the value means more chances to rank better. MozRank compliments high quality backlinks that means few link backs from high quality sites are always better to have large number of backlinks from low quality sites.


MozTrust is another authority indicator which tracks the trustworthiness of your authority links. MozTrust determines the reach of both inbound and outbound connections you have with trusted websites. If you receive a back link from a website that is also linked to an authority site you will get rewarded for that.

Quality content:

High quality information is the key to gain a good rank in the SEO web sphere. When you produce great articles, your chances to get natural links improve a lot. That means more people will be referring to your article. All of this would most likely help to increase domain authority and finally in your DA score.

Social media indicators:

Social media indicators broadly represent the total number of followers, shares and likes for your site and articles. The popularity of your blog in social media is an inevitable factor that can’t be ignored. The more famous your blog is on social media, more visitors you will get. Hence the popularity on social media directly influences the domain authority and contributes to the domain authority score.

Search engine visibility

Optimizing site and post content as per SEO can do wonders for your site. Using right set of SEO techniques would bring your site up in the SERP output for related keyword search. This means higher traffic and more visitors for your site and outcome is the increase in domain authority.

So far we’ve tried to make you aware of the DA, its importance and various factors involved in increasing DA score. Let’s now move to understand the top 7 techniques that directly let you improve the domain authority.

How to Increase Domain Authority?

Domain authority works as a catalyst for search engines to rank you better. If you hold a low domain authority score, e.g. less than or equal to 20, you won’t be able to beat the competition for your targeted keywords. Moreover higher DA resonates in higher authority, more traffic and better branding. On the other hand, you’ll have more opportunities for monetization like paid posts, digital reviews etc.

If you are determined to get a higher domain authority score, cram the following ideas to achieve it. These are the 7 best techniques to increase domain authority.

1) Establish link with authority link networks:

An authority link network is the authority site or the group of such sites connecting to other authority sites. If you truly wish to make out from link building, then merely creating/earning links won’t help at all. Instead you’ll have to discover authority link networks related to your niche and connect to them. This method can also be generalized as “Root domains linking” which is a primary factor to accelerate your domain authority.

Writing content to solve some problems in your niche would automatically fetch attraction from audience as well as authority link networks. Also you can write reviews about sites that are part of an authority link network or request for a guest post. All of this would eventually help you garnering high quality and productive links.

2) Strategize your social media presence:

Social media marketing has now become a common affair in the blogging world. Every Tom and Jerry is now using it in its own format. But things not always turn the way you wanted. You need to do proper planning and prepare a strategy to market your content for optimum outcome. The more people see through your content, the more will subscribe, share and like it. Hence you will get more links, more social shares and more authority. We are just sharing a five factor model strategy that we devised to help beginners in blogging fraternity. We named it as Pentacle Social Visibility Ring. If you follow the rules from the ring, it could be a booster to increase domain authority.

Pentacle Social Visibility Ring to Increase Domain Authority.

3) Build a clean link profile:

It’s crucial to learn that search engines are stressing to rank the rightest results that they can find for internet users. In this process, Google is way ahead of its competitors as it has devised benchmark mechanisms to rank major online entities and smaller ones as well. There’s a lot of argument on how this is settled, exactly, but one primary factor is a website’s link profile. This is one of the method which bloggers miss to increase domain authority.

Building a link profile constitutes of:

The nature of links to your website (Referrers like directories, forums, news articles, press promotions, social visibility, etc.).

The manner these links were garnered (paid links at once or gradually earned over time).

Meta description (text used) in such links (Possibly the most significant indicator for authority).

Nowadays we’ve seen examples where websites are being penalized for their aggressive approach to gain backlinks. As the world is changing continuously, today’s approach may get insignificant tomorrow. But there are some thumb rules which would prevail time and again. One such rule is to have 35 percent of your backlinks to be links using your domain name or your brand title. In reality, you would notice that most of the web major carry 50-80 percent brand title for promotional activities.

You also need link profiling tools to assess the quality of backlinks to your site. You can periodically verify using Google Webmaster tool to observe and filter the link bots.

4) Organize deep internal linking:

If you are set to build an authoritative website then ensure that pages of your site are strongly linked to each other. You need to ramp up authority for all the pages that are part of your website. Optimize every page for the specific keyword it is aiming for. You should also let Google contemplate that all the internal pages are as important as the whole website.

You need to create trust for each internal page of your site. This will help to deliver a firm domain authority in the long-term. We are listing few action items to achieve this:

Diligently interconnect your pages with proper keywords.

Add multiple links to a page from a single page wherever possible.

Create links for your home, about pages from other pages of your website.

Improvise link text while creating internal backlinks. This means to use multiple variations for a keyword you are trying to link your internal pages. For example, for an Alexa related post, you can use following link text variations.

Increase Alexa rank in 10 easy steps

Top 10 ways to boost Alexa rank

Partner with top sites and try to bring in premium external links from them.

Make a check for broken links and filter out if any. You have to ensure that all the links on a specific page are working be it in the body or in comments.

5) Deliver unique remarkable content:

There is one domain authority factor that entirely depends on your knowledge of the subject and writing skills. This is to produce high quality and superb content that readers would eventually pickup. You must provide readers solution to their problems and able to satisfy them. Since you wish to claim authority, you will have to concentrate to bring content that no one can outthink. Some of the key points for the introspection are.

Refrain from using unworthy and duplicate data.

Choose a refreshing topic and produce stupefying information.

Try to train your audience about latest trends in your niche.

Use keywords only where they are pertinent into your article.

Remember to run spell check to avoid spelling mistakes.

Follow 1:10 thumb rule to publish an article over 2000+ words.

Don’t be too mechanical. Follow your instinct to write for your readers.

Don’t overdo with ads or promotional stuff. Keep them authentic.

Master the art of writing killer title and foresighted Meta description.

6) Apply off page site optimization:

You should exercise off page optimization techniques to tempt search engines to rank you better. Here is the list of most discussed SEO elements to increase domain authority.

Guest blogging:

Guest blogging will give your more exposure to tons of traffic. The days when it was being used for link building are long gone. But there are numerous advantages of guest blogging. You get people around the world to watch over your word, your quality of content. Moreover you find the chance to prove your authority. All of this make you popular and helps in driving traffic to your site as well.

Blog commenting:

Blog commenting is the most easy and effective method to develop backlinks for your site. You need to look for authority sites, read any post of your interest and supply comments. It’s always better to select a site that welcomes WordPress style of commenting. This way you’ll be able to use your gravatar and can provide your site address. Some of the sites offers to link to your posts as well which you should be readily furnish.

Integrate social bookmarking:

Social bookmarking is the platform for people to stock, engineer, explore, and manage “bookmarks” of site pages. Users mark links to site pages that they feel interesting and wish to share. There are many popular social bookmarking sites available online to keep track of such links. Additionally there will be global readers who also be able to view these bookmarks and would love to share them as well.

7) Responsive design and domain aging:

It doesn’t matter that these methods appear on the tail of the list. These are the time proven techniques to increase domain authority.

Responsive and minimalistic design:

You have to make sure to choose a theme that is responsive and minimalistic. It should present user friendly interface on all type of mobile, tablet devices. The site should load faster on all smaller devices be it using 2G, 3G, 4G or WiFi connection. So you must validate the loading and rendering time of your site on all such devices. There are billions of users who access the internet using these little but powerful gadgets. They can make or break your blogging journey. If you have a great social media presence, then you would want it to show to your audience. Use super light social share plugins to achieve this. It’ll have multiplied effect on your blog viewership and subscriptions.

Go grey get older:

The last but not the least is to gain authority via maturity or aging. As the sun ripens the fruit with time, similarly the authority of your site grows over time. Growing doesn’t mean to increase by size. Instead it is the period of its presence on the web since inception. You’ve to let it flourishing with regular updates. Gradually it will aid to increase domain authority score.

Domain Authority Checker Tools?

You can verify your domain authority score by installing the official toolbar from Moz. Another way is to use the online tool by Moz i.e. Open Site Explorer.

Other than above tools, there are free online domain authority checker are available from the following sources.

Moonsy domain authority checker.

Small Seo Tools domain authority checker.

For your note, DA is calculated bi-weekly so it will be righteous for you to track the progress for your site.

Any guesses about a fair Domain Authority Score?

Domain authority is a value and you would always want to elevate it. It is obvious that a blogger with a DA value of 15 would like to grow it to 25. Subsequently he would hope for consistent gains and likely to pull it up in 50-75 range. Hence it’s a comparative element which will keep floating.

Clocking domain authority score of above 50 is regarded as an accomplishment. This indicates that your blog certainly is headed to the premium zone. Nevertheless, it is still miles away from the crown. There are online behemoths like Google and Facebook who enjoy a DA score of 100. There are some who fall in 70- 80 range but these are domains being sticking around since 8-10 years.

So we’ll strongly recommend you not to go after the numbers. Instead spent time to show up your readers what you are capable of. Impress them by delivering the quality content not by the numbers. Because readers don’t bother whether you work to increase domain authority or not.

Quick wrap up – How to increase domain authority:

We hope that this article would help you understand the significance of domain authority and the practical ways to boost it. You must practice the methods mentioned here and we would love to listen from you about the outcome. We always believe to have a closer interaction with our readers and encourage them to do the same for their own.

Finally we request you to email this article with your friends and share it using the ultimate social media plugin that we recently added on our blog. It gives you tons of options to share content on social media. Some of them even we’ve not heard of.

All the very best,


The post Increase Domain Authority Using 7 Best Techniques appeared first on TechBeamers.

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