
Don’t we suffer removing adult on a Sunday morning, brewing a good prohibited crater of coffee, sitting on a behind porch with a good book and reading during a resting pace? You have a time to let any word rinse over you and delicately cruise a author’s strange meaning.

A soothing zephyr blows, creation a shade doorway daub slightly. Fall is approaching, we can feel it.

Technology is about to hurt this for you.

Meet Spritz: a product of a Boston startup, their record allows an normal reader to double or triple their reading speed by creation a reading routine some-more efficient. Let me explain.

When we read, a eyes are acid for a mark on any word that allows us to commend and routine it. The Spritz group calls this mark a “Optimal Recognition Point” (ORP).

What Spritz does is locate that mark for us. It’s effectively tillage out a “work” of reading to a processor. All that is left for us to do is commend a difference and contextualize them in a mind, that we’re means to do very, really quick naturally.

I was means to get a HTML to hide here. Give it a try:

See a Pen Spritz Speed Reading V2 by Charlotte Dann (@pouretrebelle) on CodePen.

I’ve had some fitness inserting other content into a book above.

I would suggest a divide or dual from Tolstoy’s War and Peace if we wish to feel classy. You can get all of it from Project Gutenberg here.

The normal chairman reads during around 250 difference per notation (WPM). If you’re normal we could review all of War and Peace (561,093 words) in a small over 37 hours.

Dumping that content into this record and bumping-up a speed to 700wpm means we could review it in only 13.

For me, regulating spritz gives a prodigy of being oral to. Almost as if I’m listening to someone review me a information on a page.

Do we like Spritz? How would it fit into your Sunday morning prepared regimen?

Would we use Spritz to review articles here on AL.com?

Let me know it a comments below.

You can Spritzify any page by putting this applet on your toolbar.

You can learn some-more about Spritz a association and a scholarship behind it on their website here.

You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter.


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