
Only 3 ingredients to this decadent yet healthy smoothie that tastes like banana creme brûlée.

Disclosure: Blog Brûlée is being partially funded by the generosity of brands mentioned in this post. I was not compensated to write this post. All opinions expressed are my own.

Last September, I – along with Regan, Robin & Gretchen – jumped off the deep end and hosted our first ever blogging conference: Blog Brûlée.

Blog Brûlée is an invitation-only, exciting, experiential weekend shared among a small, intimate number of healthy food bloggers and Registered Dietitian bloggers. The event is designed to provide education and professional development opportunities, as well as a forum for discussion and relationship building surrounding topics such as blogging and social media best practices, fundamentals of food photography, communication and marketing strategies, community niche development, brand identity and monetization.

While we were absolutely thrilled how the entire event played out that weekend (here are some of the event recaps from attendees & speakers), I don’t think any of us could have predicted nor fathomed nor the aftermath that followed.

The synergy that was formed among the inaugural group of attendees was fantastic and their growth, successes and achievements – both on their own and in several cases, together, in the blogging world and beyond, has been phenomenal over this past year.

We have been thrilled (and feel a bit like proud mamas) as this is essential why we created this meet-up in the first place: to help registered dietitian and healthy living bloggers navigate the online world, support one another and have some fun in the process.

We are eager to meet this year’s group of attendees to continue the momentum. And of course, Blog Brûlée would still only be a concept kicking around in our heads if it weren’t for our generous 2015 sponsors:

Siggi’s Dairy is our presenting sponsor and we couldn’t be more pleased. The company and the man behind the company (Mr. Siggi Hilmarsson) embodies what we strive to promote as food-loving dietitian bloggers – delicious food that’s good for you, too.
Connect: Website Facebook   Twitter (Siggi’s Dairy) Twitter (Siggi -the man behind the yogurt!) Instagram  Pinterest #DailySiggis

Smugglers’ Notch is once again the gorgeous setting of our weekend retreat and has some of the most generous and helpful staff I’ve ever encountered at a vacation spot. We can’t wait to return to this piece of rustic paradise in Vermont.
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Davidson’s Safest Choice Eggs is sponsoring Blog Brûlée for the second year – much to our excitement. I’m a long time fan of their pasteurized eggs, which makes creating recipes with raw eggs or slightly cooked eggs like tiramisu, and Caesar dressing worry-free.
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California Almonds are joining us Vermont this year – our first nut sponsor, whoot! I’m giddy actually because I will be out in Lodi, California (#sponsoredtravel) in just a few days to learn about all almond farming.
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California Ripe Olives are another new sponsor this year and I’m personally happy because olives are one of my “happy” foods. Trader Joe’s canned Cali olives are always in my pantry.
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While it might be a bit jumping the gun to ‘celebrate’ before the Sept 11th weekend kicks off (we still have
ack! so many!
a few more details to complete by then), I wanted to create something brûlée like for this post and since it’s still summer after all, cold recipe won over hot recipe.

The secret to this brûlée drink? It’s not eggs (though Safe Eggs would be the perfect choice here) or cream or caramelized brown sugar.

It’s roasted bananas.

I learned this cooking trick from Robyn Webb – cookbook author extraordinaire and nutritionist –  a few years back for this Roasted Bananas Foster Pancakes recipe.

Place a few whole bananas (no need to peel) on a tray into a 350F degree oven and 20 minutes later, you have caramelized, roasted, oh-so-sweet, banana goodness. When I say sweet, I mean so naturally sweet that I didn’t even bother adding the brown sugar I thought I might use in this drink.


Banana Brûlée Smoothie

Only 3 ingredients to this decadent yet healthy smoothie that tastes like banana creme brûlée.


3 medium-sized bananas

1 1/4 cups low-fat milk

1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise and scraped or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Peel two bananas and break into a few pieces. Place in a freezer bag or container and freeze overnight.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place remaining banana (with peel still on) on a tray and roast for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and carefully split peel open lengthwise with a knife. Let cool for 5 -10 minutes.

Place frozen bananas in blender. Scoop out roasted banana and add to blender. Add milk and vanilla seeds or vanilla extract. Blend ingredients until completely smooth. Pour and serve immediately.


Teaspoon Communications, LLC

Fan of creme brûlée? What kind of smoothies are you drinking this summer? Have you ever been to a blogging conference? (If interested in potentially attending a future Blog Brûlée event, learn more here.)

Teaspoon of Spice - Two food loving dietitians and moms who blog about healthy, easy & tasty recipes.

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