
From my morning email I wanted to pass this on to you all..

America Is My Name

The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution.
- Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States

Fellow Americans:

Today we remember on Memorial Day, those who died to keep America Free. Why did these brave spouls give all they had?  Because they knew and understood Freedom and Liberty.  Sadly today few have any idea what Freedom and Liberty are.

"Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism."

- U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater

America's hero would want all of us to cotninue to fight to preserve and protect America.  It is for that reason, I am requesting you all go to https://downsizedc.org/etp/repeal-the-patriot-act/

Demand that congress stop the UN-Patriot Act. Tell your friends and neighbors to sign as well. If your friend says, don't you want to keep America safe, ask them how safe you will be if you left all of your doors and windows open all the time, with a big sign that says doors and windows are open.  If safety and national scecurity were the issue, the borders would be closed.

God Bless America, Land that I love.
Karen Schoen

29. Do You Recognize Fascism When You See It?

Although people find NAZI racism repugnant, most favor the economics of Fascism without realizing it.
Do you recognize Fascism when you see it?

Traditionally, the ancient Roman term fascism has referred to a specific economic theory and form of government, rather than to a racist ideology.
This form of Collectivism is called THE THIRD WAY because it is neither laissez faire capitalism nor communism.

Economics of Fascism

• Massive public works projects to achieve full-employment
• Government partnerships with corporations- public/private
• Private sector bail-outs of failing banks/large corporations
• Sweeping government-imposed energy policy
• Government subsidies of strategic industries (automobiles)
• Government-strengthened sectors for military build-up
• Government/school cooperation to satisfy workforce goals
• Government take-over of investment/retirements/pensions
• People forced to buy government bonds to fund losses/debts
• Government and central bank control of boom/bust market  fluctuations with credit-expansion and money-printing

According to Fascist philosophy, government should manage all economic activities for the greater good of society. The Fascist economic model allows private businesses and private property; but the state decides how property is used. Rather than outright confiscation, the government controls assets for the ‘good of the community’— by indirect taxation (regulations, cronyism, money-printing), direct taxation, and top-down control over the means of production- who, what, when, where, how much.

In the Fascist State, the interests of the individual
are subordinate to the interests of the Collective.

“If classical Liberalism spells individualism, Fascism spells government… Against individualism, the Fascist… is for the State… opposed to classical Liberalism… Liberalism denied the State in the interests of the particular individual… For the Fascist… nothing human or spiritual exists, much less has value outside the State. In this sense Fascism is totalitarian….”  Benito Mussolini, “Fascism Doctrine and Institutions,” Enciclopedia Italiana, 1932. *

Fascists use state authority to resolve inequalities in the society. Individual rights are transferred to → the group. Private property is redistributed to achieve “group rights” such as social equality, social justice, social democracy, social prosperity. Government transfers wealth from property owners, savers, entrepreneurs, and productive members of society to the less-fortunate and the non-productive. The fortunate must “pay their fair share” and “give back” to the community. Central planners force the anti-social, selfish, and greedy to serve the Collective. *

“The citizen in the Fascist State is no longer a selfish individual who has the anti-social right of rebelling against any law of the Collectivity.” Benito Mussolini, My Autobiography, p. 280, Scribner’s, N.Y., 1928.

The “Collective Will” (volonté générale)

N A Z I: National Socialist German Workers Party.
Adolph Hitler’s political party grew out of the German Workers’ Party and the National Socialist Labor Party. ** NAZI was short for National Socialism (National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei). The party promised a modern-day, egalitarian Sparta— a classless people’s community (volksgemeinschaft), well-trained, homogeneous, and self-sacrificing.

National Socialism claimed to be ‘the organized will of the nation’ (“National-Sozialismus der Organisierte Wille der Nation”). The party skillfully combined militaristic nationalism with social democracy in propaganda used to collectivize Germany.

“Public interest goes before individual interest”

was a popular NAZI slogan:  “Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz.”
The good of many is more important than the good of an individual.

NAZI Party, Feb. 24, 1920, Wikipedia:
“…the concept of the State must be striven for by
the school (Staatsbürgerkunde) as early as the
beginning of understanding… within the framework:
“The good of the state before the good of the individual.”

Individualism was stripped away, and replaced with “group think.”
Young people were socialized via the Reich’s nationalized school curriculum, membership in Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend), and mandatory community service. Students were indoctrinated during group activities. Children were taught it was their civic duty to sacrifice personal liberty and individual property rights for the homeland security of the Fatherland.

Socialization. In one generation, society was transformed from Individualism to Collectivism. Hitler asked, “Why need we trouble to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings.” **

Italy’s economic model was similar to Germany’s command economy (compulsion economy/ zwangswertschaft).  Omnipotent government ends in debased currency and paralyzed production.

PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS. The Italian State and the German State formed partnerships with private businesses. The governments centrally controlled the businesses with production requirements and regulations on everything.
PUBLIC WORKS. Both governments introduced massive public works projects to combat high unemployment. The largest program of all was the military (arms, materiel, men).
MONEY PRINTING/INCREASED TAXATION. The governments paid for their war machines, public works programs, and bailouts with printing-press-money and confiscatory taxes on businesses.
WAGE/PRICE CONTROLS. Tremendous money printing caused sky-rocketing prices. The governments imposed wage and price controls to stabilize their economies, which caused shortages.
CAPITAL CONTROLS. The governments took total control of investment (including pensions/retirement funds). To finance out-of-control spending, citizens were forced to buy government bonds. Mussolini and Hitler banned gold purchases by private citizens.
BAILOUTS. The fascist governments took over the banks. Tax-payers were forced to bail out banks and big corporations (most of the failing big businesses were government contractors).
STARVATION. By 1945, people were starving because of their worthless currency (hyperinflation).

How in the world did West Germany become the third largest manufacturing economy only 20 years after Hitler? Many believe the Marshall Plan brought West Germany out of economic collapse. However, they are mistaken. Although East Germany received massive aid, that country remained desperately poor.
The West German economy flourished because of an economics professor named Ludwig Erhard. In 1948, he became Minister of Economic Affairs for the American-British occupation zones. Erhard believed maximum productivity results from maximum economic freedom.  (He said, “Economic freedom and compulsory insurance are not compatible.”)

Professor Erhard reversed Allied Authorities’ official policies: (Erhard (von Mises Institute)

• Reduced the money supply by 90+%
• Drastically cut taxes
• Abolished food/fuel rationing
• Abolished wage/price controls
• Got rid of all manner of business regulations

The country was transformed almost overnight. After the Deutsche mark was restored, the barter system and black markets disappeared. The revival of the market place all over West Germany was called “wirtschaftswunder” — the economic miracle.

No wonder people do not recognize Fascism
when they see it. The definition was changed!

Classic definition of Fascism. The following is the age-old definition I learned in school (note the date – Hitler and Mussolini did not invent Fascism): FASCISM (1904) “The retention of private ownership of the means of production under centralized government control.” Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary, unabridged, George W. Ogilvie, USA, 1904.

Today, Fascism has been re-defined as intolerance: FASCISM (2012) “An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. Extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.” Wikipedia.

• Nationalized healthcare
• Nationalized school curriculum
• Imposed an I.B.M. national I.D. system
(scroll to IBM—“IG Werk Auschwitz”)

“We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was ‘legal’….” Martin Luther King, Jr., “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” 16 April 1963, African Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania.

Everything was ‘legal’/the Nuremberg Trials:
Natural Law Is More Just Than Civil Law.
* Benito Mussolini, “Fascism Doctrine and Institutions” (Enciclopedia Italiana, 1932) The Social and Political Doctrines of Contemporary Europe, pp. 164-8, Cambridge University Press, 1939 (quotations: Michael Oakeshott via CaptainJamesDavis.net).
** Professor Rudolf Jung, The National Socialism: its Foundations, its History and its Objectives (Der Nationale Sozialismus: seine Grundlagen, sein Werdegang u. seine Ziele, München, German People, Dr. E. Böpple, 1922).
*** The philosophy of the greater good of the greater number (group rights) leads to tyranny. Collectivism enriches monopolists: Collectivism-Friend of the Über Rich.
** From the Foundation for Economic Education, F. A. Harper, Roots of Economic Understanding, 01-Nov.-1955 – FEE.org/ the_Freeman (Hermann Rauschning, The Voice of Destruction, pp. 192-95, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, N.Y., 1940).

The following was a campaign poster for National Socialism candidates.  Notice the ‘worker’ chained to a swastika in Hitler’s “Reich des hakenkreuzes” (Empire under Hooked Crosses).

Translation: “The worker in a kingdom of hooked crosses! Therefore Choose List 1 Social Democrats — Social Democracy!”



The ancient ‘hooked cross’ was a powerful symbol for Hitler’s mysterious doctrine.


Fasces signify the perennial authority and imperial power of Rome. The fascis is bundle of wooden rods bound together with or without an axe. On verbal command, a Roman bodyguard called a “Lictor” used the weapon to punish or kill.

Fasces symbolize unopposed, absolute rule: “The Fascist State… wants to… enter into the spirits of men and there govern unopposed. Its sign, therefore, is the Lictors’ rods….”  Benito Mussolini *
NAZI campaign poster

We women are voting National Socialist

“Either the world will be ruled according to the ideas of our modern Democracy, or the world will be dominated according to the natural law of force….”  Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, 1925-1926 (Great Thoughts, George Seldes, under ‘H.’ Vermont, Oct. 1984).  DEMOCRACIES TO → DICTATORSHIPS
Democracy in Revolutionary France

(Special Thanks to Denise Rhyne, www.youshouldbuygold.com. Reprinted by Permission.)

Craig Rhyne | Seattle


Craig Rhyne, Seattle expert in precious metal investments. Craig Rhyne of Seattle is the owner of Washington Gold Exchange.

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