
. Pentagon unveils plan for military’s response to climate change




Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel addressed the Conference of Defense Ministers of the Americas on Monday, unveiling a comprehensive plan for how the U.S. military will address the effects of climate change.

Rising global temperatures, increasing sea levels and intensifying weather events will challenge global stability, he said, and could lead to food and water shortages, pandemic disease and disputes over refugees and resources.

The Pentagon’s “2014 Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap” describes how global warming will bring new demands on the military.

Read More: Pentagon unveils plan for military’s response to climate change – LA Times.

6. The Plan for World Government


The Bible prophesies a time in which government and religion will walk hand and hand in an attempt to control the people of the world. Today, we’ll take a look at how the world’s political and religious leaders plan to achieve this goal. It’s time for Politics and Religion

By Irvin Baxter and Jim Stigleman

7. Wealth Redistribution


Redistribution is the number one plank in the platform for world communism. Now, wealth redistribution has become the principal goal in the drive of the global warming activists. Is the goal of the global warming crowd really a socialist government? We’ll give proof on todays edition of Politics and Religion.

8. Border Agents Seize Bagpipes But Obama Won’t Stop Travel from Ebola-Infected Nations


It all makes sense now. Bagpipes are a threat to America. Why? Some bagpipes have parts made from ivory.

You might recall that in 2011, “the US Fish and Wildlife Service confiscated hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of wood from guitar giant Gibson's Tennessee locations.”

“Gibson agreed to pay a $300,000 fine for the ebony from Madagascar that was taken in the first raid. The company also agreed to make a $50,000 donation to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to promote conservation work and forfeited the seized illegal wood, which was valued at $261,844.”

So what is more precious to our government? The lives of American citizens or pieces of ivory and dead wood?

This is the topsy-turvy world of government bureaucracy gone wild. Instead of protecting our borders from illegal aliens and the diseases they may harbor, they’re going after banned ivory and hardwoods.


BAGPIPERS have expressed their fear over a new law which led to two US teenagers having their pipes seized by border control staff at the weekend.

Campbell Webster, 17 and Eryk Bean, 17, both from New Hampshire, had their pipes seized while travelling between Canada and the US, just two days before they were due to fly to Scotland for the World Pipe Band Championships.

Mr Webster’s pipes, which were previously used by his father in his role as an official piper to the Queen, were confiscated by officials because they are made out of ivory.

New laws brought in earlier this year mean that owners of pipes containing ivory must get a Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) certificate from the US Fish and Wildlife Service in order to transport their pipes across borders.

And pipers hoping to travel to Scotland for the competition will have to make an appointment with officials at a “designated” port and make a declaration on their customs form.

But pipers say the confusing rules, brought in at the end of June, are causing “significant concern” – with many unsure how the new laws work.

Mr Webster, from Concord, New Hampshire, had his £6,000 bagpipes taken off him by US Border Patrol in Vermont just two days before he was due to fly to Scotland.

The teenager said he had a CITES permit but was told he needed it amended to allow him to travel through smaller border crossings.

After beginning a campaign online, Mr Webster had his pipes returned on Tuesday.

He said: “My friend and I both had our pipes seized by the US government Sunday night.

“We were told we were never going to see them again.”

Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/17792/government-seizes-bagpipes-wont-stop-travel-ebola-infected-nations/#XClIGrqJh7U19HBY.99


Mexico Pays to Keep Illegals in U.S.

Posted on October 11, 2014 by Tad Cronn Filed under Amnesty, Corruption, Crime, Government, Immigration

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National Public Radio reports that the Mexican government, through its 50 consulates in the United States, is footing the bill to help illegal immigrants file for protection under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

The program protects illegal aliens from deportation and allows them to work in the United States.

The reason why Mexico would pay to keep its citizens in the U.S. is obvious. Mexican illegal aliens send home millions of dollars via bank and wire transfers every pay day.

Every illegal alien from Mexico who comes to El Norte is free money for the Mexican economy.

We're being invaded. More than 60 thousand illegals caught while sneaking over the border in the past year alone.

But we're also being plundered with the assistance of our own banks and money transfer services.

In 2013, it's estimated that illegal aliens from Mexico sent $21.6 billion back home, according to the Bank of Mexico.

Inter-American Development Bank figures show that all of Latin America received $69.2 billion from the U.S. in 2009 alone.

Further, the Center for Immigration Studies in June released a devastating report that showed that the net increase of jobs over the past 14 years all went to immigrants, rather than natural-born citizens.

The report said that in 2000, people born in the United States held 114.8 million jobs, and by 2014, that number had decreased to 114.7 million jobs held by people born in the U.S.

Over the same period, jobs held by immigrants, both legal and illegal, rose by 5.7 million.

The argument for giving amnesty and allowing more immigration usually includes the assertion that there is some sort of labor shortage, but the figures plainly show that there is not. Further, they bolster the widely known observation that too much immigration takes jobs from citizens.

Other studies have found that illegal immigrants also lower wages for legal workers because of their willingness to work for low pay and their wide availability.

The Mexican government is just draining blood from American workers, and has been for years. Never mind all the criminal "benefits" illegal aliens bring with them.

The only reason it's been allowed to continue is that the U.S. government benefits too, to the tune of between $90 billion and $140 billion annually. Throw in the untold millions under the table paid by drug cartels to assorted officials, and the gates are wide open and are going to stay that way.

Meanwhile, the people who really get to pay the price for all this graft are you and me.

11. TB Infected Illegal Kids Allowed to Stay in US

Posted on October 13, 2014 by Dave Jolly Filed under Health Care, Immigration, National Security

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In March of 2013, I wrote about a sudden increase in cases of tuberculosis. By 1987, the number of TB cases in the US had dropped to only 5,000, but by 2000 the number of TB cases began to rapidly increase. The increase is due to a new strain that is fairly resistant to most TB fighting drugs and has a mortality rate close to 60%.

Back then health officials reported one of the key reasons for the rise in cases of the deadly form of TB was due to the massive influx of illegal aliens crossing the US-Mexican border. Even with this information, Barack Obama took no additional measures to secure our southern border and protect Americans from this deadly infection.

In July 2014, I wrote about US Border Patrol agents working along the Mexican border and with illegals coming across the border that are being diagnosed with TB, chicken pox and the H1N1 swine flu. Illegals coming across the border are not only carrying those three diseases, but it was reported that they were also carrying dengue fever which is also known as breakbone fever due to the intense muscle and joint pain that makes people feel like their bones are breaking. Dengue fever also has a hemorrhagic version which has symptoms similar to Ebola.

Even with the news of our Border Patrol agents contracting these potentially lethal diseases, Barack Obama prefers to play golf rather than step up security measures along the border. He chooses to place all of us at risk of catching serious illnesses rather than to enforce our nation’s immigration laws.

Now we have additional evidence that illegal kids crossing the border are carrying the deadly active tuberculosis. The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), ten of the illegal kids have been diagnosed with active tuberculosis.

Kenneth Wolfe, a spokesman with ORR told CNSNews:

"The children were isolated and treated; after being rendered non-infectious, all ten were released to verified sponsors in the U.S."

"The respective local health department connects with the health department in the city in which the child is released through the inter-jurisdictional TB notification system, and our Office of Refugee Resettlement also notifies the state. Then, the local TB control program follows up with the child and family."

"Our Office of Refugee Resettlement has not had reports of any other diseases requiring isolation. Our Office of Refugee Resettlement follows CDC guidance on these and other matters of public health concern."

But how many illegal kids crossed into the US undetected and how many of them could be carrying TB, chicken pox, H1N1 or dengue fever? All it would take is for one or two of them to be infected with the drug resistant strain of TB to slip through the hands of border security and make their way into America. Instead of the infamous typhoid Mary, we could end up with just as deadly TB Maria.

And yet, Barack Obama still refuses to enforce our immigration laws and secure our border. His actions amount to outright dereliction of duty and treason. He should be immediately arrested on those charges and removed from office. If the court jester, Joe Biden, does the same thing then he should also be arrested and removed from office. This needs to be done until we get someone in the White House who will enforce the laws of the nation and take proper steps to secure the border and protect our nation.

Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/17664/tb-infected-illegal-kids-allowed-stay-us/#7q9Y4axBUzgZyfYH.99

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