Dear Fellow Tea Party Loyalist,
Just when you think the Beltway insiders and Washington Establishment politicos can’t get any further removed from real America, they come up with something so mind-bogglingly stupid it makes you scratch your head and wonder what goes through their tiny minds.
Here’s their latest brainstorm:
Ending term limits for the President.
What’s with these out-of-touch, leftwing liberals in Washington? Can’t they see term limits are there to protect America and prevent it from becoming a dictatorship or dynasty?
Obviously not.
Which is why I am asking for your help to stop this third term for Obama movement dead in its tracks.
Please sign the CONGRESSIONAL DEMAND TO STOP OBAMA’S THIRD TERM today! I must collect as many petitions as I can and deliver them to Congress as soon as possible — starting with yours, today.
Too many Representatives and Senators just don’t “get” the genius of the Constitution and even more fail to understand the importance of the Bill of Rights.
So naturally, they have no idea how lucky America is to have a term-limited President — guaranteed by law!
Just look at the monstrous tyrants in third-world countries who lord it over their citizens — decade after decade…
…impoverishing their people, raping the land, murdering enemies…
…and reflect on the fact that here in America — with its protected democracy and constitutionally-mandated transfer of power — we may not always like the electoral outcome, but at least we know he won’t be there forever.
Yet now, Democrat Rep. Jose Serrano of New York (a 12-term Congressman himself!) has proposed a bill to repeal the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution — and abolish term limits for the highest office in the land.
We must stop this left-wing Progressive and Communist sympathizer right in his tracks. Serrano has shown his own contempt for any restraints on Presidential power by applauding the tyrannical regime of the late, vicious, anti-American leader Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, whom he called “a truly revolutionary leader.”
Please join with me as we fight against this Washington Establishment nonsense.
1. Please sign the CONGRESSIONAL DEMAND TO STOP OBAMA’S THIRD TERM, so I have your opinions firmly in hand, and
2. Please provide vitally important financial support to the Tea Party with your most generous possible gift to help us keep up our crucial effort to save our American sovereignty and protect our Constitution.
Think about it, if we lose the term limits battle where would it end?
With a king? A lifetime dictator? A dynasty?
No, no, no!
In this matter we must stand firm.
We must fight this delusional Washington madness with every weapon in our arsenal. There is no way we can allow any leader — of any party — to hang on, and on, and on.
Especially this one.
The future and the sovereignty of this nation, called by President Ronald Reagan “the last, best hope of man on Earth,” hangs in the balance.
Barack Obama is already ruling by Executive Order, making illegal appointments and ignoring or defying Congress whenever he can. His edicts are stealing our most precious freedoms…
…like our right to privacy, which is now threatened by National Security Agency (NSA) snooping and even drones over American soil; or our right to good health, which is to be forfeited under the dangerous socialized medicine scheme Obamacare; or our children’s futures, which are being mortgaged to pay for massive government expansion, corrupt corporate welfare and vast liberal giveaways.
Do we really need a third term? Aren’t eight years enough? Won’t more of his medicine finally kill the patient?
Please work with me in this vital campaign to prevent these empty-headed, power-addicted numbskulls in Congress from signing up to something so potentially damaging to our great country.
Right now this terrifying legislation — H.J.Res.15 — has already been referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice. Which means we have at most just a few months before this massively important piece of legislation can be voted upon in the House and Senate.
And liberals, looking to curry favor with Obama’s legions of left-wing voters, will pull out all the stops to get this passed!
Signing your CONGRESSIONAL DEMAND TO STOP OBAMA’S THIRD TERM and returning it to me right now will tell Congress we will not stomach another term of the most dictatorial President in our history!
With your support, we will be able to fight back against Barack Obama…
The Man who would be King.
Your help is crucial. In fact, we just can’t fight without you. Please sign your CONGRESSIONAL DEMAND TO STOP OBAMA’S THIRD TERM and return it to me today. This fight is for the future of our sovereign nation. Your support will make all the difference.
Let me introduce myself. I’m Steve Eichler, Chief Executive Officer of the Tea Party. I’m a qualified attorney and a member of the International Bar Association, but right now I’m too busy with the Tea Party, and working to save our nation, to actually practice law. I’m also an author and official spokesman for the Tea Party. You may have seen or heard me on the TV or radio.
Believe me, in my time with the Tea Party I’ve seen the forces for freedom and sovereignty beaten, bloodied, but unbowed. This time it’s different.
Make no mistake about it, this is very important. This one is coming directly from the United States Congress itself.
Reversing an Amendment to the Constitution is a very big deal.
And once they start down that route — where’s the line in the sand? Ending free speech? Banning guns? Taking away the sovereign rights of the states? What will be next on the left wing’s wish list?
That’s why I must ask you to complete your CONGRESSIONAL DEMAND TO STOP OBAMA’S THIRD TERM as soon as you possibly can.
I want to be armed with your support to draw the attention of our pro-America Congressmen and Senators, and to arrange vitally important, high-level meetings in Washington with pro-Constitution allies.
Please, take a moment right now to sign your CONGRESSIONAL DEMAND TO STOP OBAMA’S THIRD TERM. Your personal support is vital. And time is short.
We’re talking about an event that will affect every one of us.
We must move immediately. We must prevent this. There is no time to lose. Already the Obama for America campaign organization has been converted into a lobbying group, Organizing for America, promoting the radical Obama Agenda.
In three years this could easily be converted back into an Obama for America campaign organization again.
The Tea Party is committed to representing you — and our free and sovereign nation — before the United States House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate and the Barack Hussein Obama Administration.
But it all begins with you.
Without your input, the Congress will have only the spin, truth-twisting and outright lies of those who believe that our America would be better if only Obama and his Administration can just get another four…eight…twelve years to finally fix things.
Frankly, I’ve had enough of Obama’s “fixing.” In fact, I’d like him to put down his tools and walk away. But I know I have to buck up for another few years.
My Friend, there’s no way I’m going to stand for him sneaking in another term — or two!
That’s why I must ask you to sign your CONGRESSIONAL DEMAND TO STOP OBAMA’S THIRD TERM today. There is no time to lose. I must be able to count on you.
Then I must add an additional 100,000 voices to yours.
Only if I and The Tea Party collect a huge number of signed CONGRESSIONAL DEMAND TO STOP OBAMA’S THIRD TERM appeals along with yours, can we give pro-America Congressmen and Senators from all parties the support they must have if they are to save our nation from more of the same from the Oval Office.
It is an ambitious plan. But I know that if I have your support, it can work.
The resources we’ll need to organize this are significant. But I know we can do it, and I hope I can count on your support as the future of our nation rests in the balance.
Please, take a moment right now to sign your CONGRESSIONAL DEMAND TO STOP OBAMA’S THIRD TERM. Please let me hear from you immediately.
And with your signed CONGRESSIONAL DEMAND I must ask you to then give your best possible contribution to help The Tea Party stand up to the three-termers and help save our America.
As you know, The Tea Party receives no government funds and no massive corporate grants.
We can only rely on patriots like you.
That’s why I must ask you to contribute as generously as you can.
Our immediate budget for this CONGRESSIONAL DEMAND TO STOP OBAMA’S THIRD TERM project is $53,500. And I must raise at least $29,800 of that within the next 14 days if we are to stop this third term madness.
I hope you can make your maximum possible gift at this time and give us the kind of financial resources we need to fight back against the well-heeled Obama backers (think Hollywood, Wall Street, the healthcare industry, and every government-subsidized green company) right across America who would abandon our nation and our Constitution just to keep their man in place for a few years longer.
Please sit down right now and send your most generous contribution to help me and The Tea Party save our United States of America.
If you can afford it, please send $2,000 or $1,500, or maybe $1,000 or $500, or $250 or $100, or even $50 or $35 or $25. Please make this your best possible gift. We must be able to commit resources to this campaign and media blitz immediately. But we can only do it with your support.
Please, sign your CONGRESSIONAL DEMAND TO STOP OBAMA’S THIRD TERM and then send your contribution right away. There’s no time to lose. Your input is vital.
Thank you for your support. And God Bless America.
Steve Eichler,
CEO, Tea Pary
P.S. - Please sign your CONGRESSIONAL DEMAND TO STOP OBAMA’S THIRD TERM today. This assault on the Constitution presents a great threat to our America and our future. Barack Obama — indeed most Presidents — get too comfortable, and way too dangerous, when they stay at the top for too long. We can’t let idiot politicians turn our American Republic into a dynasty or dictatorship. Sign your CONGRESSIONAL DEMAND today, and please help us with your very best gift. Many thanks. Steve
The post Obama: ‘I Could Win’ 3rd Term in Office appeared first on Tea Party.