
(Breitbart) – #F***YoFlag movement supporters allegedly told a veteran who infiltrated their publicly posted conference call, “We are going to rape and gut your pregnant wife, and your f***ing piece of sh*t unborn creature will be hung from a tree.”

The veteran, who wants only to be identified by his first name “Nicholas,” claimed that the threatening phone calls have been constant ever since he and some of his abettors infiltrated the F*** Yo Flag movement conference call.

“Sunshine” is an organizer in the #FYF911 movement. There are several websites andTwitter handles for the movement.

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#FYF911 “black radicals” say they will be holding the “imperial powers” that are actually responsible for the terrorist attacks on September 11th accountable on that day.

“Palmetto Star” describes himself as one of the head organizers. He said in a YouTube video that supporters will be burning their symbols of “the illusion of their superiority,” their “false white supremacy,” like the American flag, the British flag, police uniforms, and Ku Klux Klan hoods.

#FukYoFlag pic.twitter.com/zItOMJpugk

— Marley_DntShootEm_ (@Marley___420) July 23, 2015

Sierra McGrone or “Nocturnus Libertus” posted, “you too can help a young Afrikan clean their a** with the rag of oppression.” She posted two photos, one that appears to be herself, and a photo of a black man, wiping their naked butts with the American flag.

Supporters of the movement, including Palmetto Star, say “9/11 was an inside job. Osama bin Laden was a CIA operative.”

“Fuk Yo Flag (#FYF911)” describes the movement on its website as:

The most powerful movement in the world right now. We, the people, are psychologically and physically breaking free of the imperialist, colonialist, and racist empires by burning representations starting on September 11th 2015.

Why September 11th? We recognize that these imperial powers attacked their own citizens on 9/11 in an attempt to gain more power from its people.

We are not disrespecting any citizen that may have died during these attacks on this day,instead we are acknowledging that, from this day forward, we are holding ALL imperial nations responsible for their needless deaths!

On 9/11 we will be burning American flags, confederate flags, police uniforms, and ALL representations of organized evil and oppressive nations.

We also will be raising the Liberation flag and building on a new nation for the people. This is an INTERNATIONAL movement and a day of unity, progressive action, and liberation.

SPECIAL: Modern Day Patriots, this is the time to stand shoulder to shoulder with our forefathers in Lexington and Concord. We need the Tea Party now more than ever.

To all OPPRESSIVE AND ORGANIZED EVIL after #FYF911 the people will not be bound to you any longer!!

FUCK YOUR FLAG!! Hashtag #FYF911 to see what people are doing in your area.

Palmetto Star and other #FYF911 radicals warn that there will be a rally in Atlanta, Georgia, on September 11th. They say they will be safe from the Ku Klux Klan and other white extremists because they will be “open carrying” that day.

While Sunshine is considered an organizer, other black radicals say she is not “the architect.” They say the architect of the movement will be revealed later.

Breitbart Texas has obtained a copy of the radio show broadcast where Sunshine publicly gave out Nicholas’ phone number. Sunshine said she was upset because of the “racist white people that crashed their phone call.” She calls her show “Sunshine’s F***ing Opinion Radio Show.”

She warned Nicholas that the group Anonymous was going to find out where he lived.

Nicholas told Breitbart Texas that he and some cohorts, including a man that goes by the name “Hannibal,” had infiltrated a #FYF911 conference call. He said the conference calls are publicly published and they just called into the conference phone line. He also admitted that they used sound board aps on a computer to interrupt speakers. He said, “It really got them mad.”

Sunshine denounced Nicholas, Hannibal, and those acting with them saying, “Everything that black folk do upsets racist white America.” She continued, “but they have really lost their f***ing minds.”

She said she was upset because of the “racist white people that crashed their phone call.” Most of the callers on the conference call ended up abandoning the call.

Sunshine explained that she wanted to “expose some craziness.”

She said on her radio show, “they thought all of the ni**ers had left” but there were some of them still on the phone call.

The black activist said they listened while the “racist white people” were still talking. She said that they were telling each other to create fake Facebook pages as black people, to “get into groups with us,” and create fake emails.

Sunshine told listeners that the infiltrators called into the show and tried to act like black folks but they had “no swag or flavor in their voices.” She said, “I knew I was talking to white people.”

She said, “I really just cracked up” when two “Jamals” called in. She said “I guess they think all black people are named Jamal.”

Sunshine claimed, “No one gave a f*** about white people being there” but she was upset that the “infiltrators” and “disruptive neanderthals” used “sirens and sh*t” to disrupt the calls. She said, they “thought all of the niglets had left the room.”

She told her radio listeners that she has the names, addresses, and IP addresses of those that interrupted the call. She told her listeners that they were threatening to “shoot us” and to “kill black babies.”

She continued, it would be of no use to call the police “because they kill black people.” She said her way of protecting them was to expose them over the air.

“This is our way of keeping our own people safe and if black men don’t stand-up and do something about it, I guess you N***ers deserve to die like them,” she told them.

She said that the infiltrators were “pissed off about our protests” and the F*** Yo Flag movement. She named the Sandra Bland, Trevon Martin, and other Black Lives Matter protests.

Nicholas told Breitbart Texas, “I have been taking a stand against the FYF movement since I first heard of it. Carol Sunshine Sullivan is a vile creature and her movement is a disgrace to America and to all those who love this country. I try to spread unity among people not division.” He added, “This has gotten me on the FYF hitlist as you could call it, the night of their publicly announced conference call.”

Nicholas is a veteran of the United States Army. He describes himself as a “patriotic family man.” He said, “I proudly wore the uniform that so many couldn’t even attempt to wear.” He said he is greatly offended by the #FYF911 movement and the racist divisiveness of the movement’s supporters.

He says he and his group of about six men never used the “N-word” and they never threatened anyone. In fact, Nicholas claims to have brought some of the #FYF911 supporters “to his side” during the phone call that he and his colleagues interrupted.

Nicholas told Breitbart Texas, “We don’t stand for these movements or any like it. We all believe the country should stand united not divided.” He added, “We all need to lock arms and state we are the people. We also don’t stand by the destruction of our nation’s flag.”

Nicholas showed Breitbart Texas phone logs from the calls that he has received since Sunshine publicly announced his phone number.

He told Breitbart Texas he has received over 70 threatening phone calls, and that there are about 15 or 20 people engaging in them. There are repeat callers. He said he has no idea how they got his cell phone number. He said he has received death threats.

Nicholas said that have told him his interrupting their conference call, “that’s why you’re going to f***ing die.” They have called him a “piece of sh*t” and told him to “leave the FYF movement, and Sunshine, and the other revolutionaries alone.”

The army veteran told Breitbart Texas that Sunshine said on her radio show “that anyone who speaks out against her, or her movement, in any shape or form, will be silenced.”

Nicholas said he has called local law enforcement officers, and that they have listened to their calls on speaker phone, but they have refused to do anything about the threats.

Breitbart Texas reached out to Sunshine on Twitter for comment but as of the time of publication, she had not responded.

Breitbart Texas communicated with “Hannibal” who said, “The group of them that are doing this is a small group, but it is growing in size, and more and more young blacks are falling victim to this.” He added, “If it isn’t stopped, if someone doesn’t do something about it, it will be the eventual start of a race war that is exactly what these people are trying to do.”

Hannibal said, “This has been going on far longer than one radio show. It’s been going on since Erica Walker first stepped on the flag for the Eric Sheppard Challenge.” He continued, “I’ve watched countless people lose their jobs, have their families threatened, and countless other things and law enforcement will not do anything to black supremacist activists because they affiliate themselves with Black Lives Matter, nobody wants to be accused of racism.”

Breitbart Texas previously encountered Sunshine at a Sandra Bland protest at the Waller County jail where she said all white people should be killed. She told journalists and photographers, “You see this nappy-ass hair on my head? … That means I am one of those more militant Negroes.” She said she was at the protest because “these redneck mother-f**kers murdered Sandra Bland because she had nappy hair like me.”

“Sunshine” told Breitbart Texas that she was a follower of Malcolm X. Sunshine apparently is #CMXD or @ClaimMalcolmDay because “CMXD” posted that “I’m broadcasting ‘F**KWHITESUPREMACY” on the day of the Waller County jail protest.


The #FYF911 movement has been pushed by those who call themselves an “Alinski Revoltionary.”

@POTUS Surya Law: #fyf911 Alinski Revolutionary -DaLady.

— Octavia Wells [Ind] (@341a2a0e80d24fb) July 24, 2015

Saul Alinsky was a Jewish American community organizer whose book, Rules for Radicals, is considered by many to be a leftist playbook for bringing socialist change.

FYF911 supporters apparently had an emergency conference call on Tuesday night. Palmetto Star tweeted “#in10mins Important #FYF911 CALL @ 10PM EST 8/25/15 DIAL 2675210148 VIOLENT RACISTS EXPOSED.


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