
(Breitbart) – After 278 days, #HidingHillary has finally been forced to take unscripted questions from the media during a press conference. She fielded just four questions, but by definition, it was a press conference.

Pressure from the Breitbart audience and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump flushed the Democrat presidential nominee out into public, where she will continue to field softballs from the fawning liberal media, but will also have to answer tough questions from real journalists relevant to determining her ability to occupy the White House.

The Clinton campaign had planned to “run out the clock” by shielding #HidingHillary from unscripted questions and situations not carefully controlled by her campaign. However, just one week after Breitbart News unveiled the #HidingHillary clock — counting down the time to the second since her last real press conference in December 2015 — she emerged from more than nine months of hiding and held a presser:

SPECIAL: The Tea Party is recruiting an Army of Observers to prevent a Rigged Election by Hillary Clinton. Please chip in $35 or more to Stop the Steal…

Hiding Hillary Day 259: #WheresHillary Trends #1 Worldwide

Free speech activist Mike Cernovich, inspired by the regular column, drove #WheresHillary to trend #1 worldwide:

#WheresHillary is the top trending subject on Twitter. Media still hides her! She’s too tired to hold a rally! pic.twitter.com/ejiezkvWor

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) August 19, 2016

Even Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump got in on the #WheresHillary action:

#WheresHillary? Sleeping!!!!!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 20, 2016

Hiding Hillary Day 260: Hillary Fundraises with Cher

Poker legend Mike “The Mouth” Matusow lived up to his name with his question for #HidingHillary:

How about when the fuck your gonna do a press conference while your old lying ass runs for president#disgusting https://t.co/NS34RolRiX

— Mike Matusow (@themouthmatusow) August 21, 2016

#HidingHillary Day 261: Journalism Professor Blames Media for Hillary’s Absence

Day 261 exposed “professor” of journalism Jeff Jarvis blaming the media for the #HidingHillary stratetgy:

Imagine the shitshow that a Clinton presser would be w/journos falling over themselves to show how tough they can be. Blame her for passing?

— Jeff Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) August 21, 2016

Several Bernie Sanders supporters participated also and had questions for #HidingHillary:

@dustinstockton @breitbartnews Why is corrupt DWS on your campaign after leaving DNC under a dark cloud?

— Subliminal Cat (@subliminal_cat) August 22, 2016

#HidingHillary Day 262: Hillary Fields Softballs with Comedian Jimmy Kimmel

Clinton made an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, where she fielded “tough” questions like, “How great would it be if your first act was to deport Donald Trump to Mexico?” and “Are you enjoying being a grandparent?” Or this doozy: “Do you think Jeb Bush is going to vote for you?”

@magnifier661 sent us the photoshop of Weekend at Hillary’s:

.@DustinStockton @jeffjarvis @lnichols8 @Cernovich @BreitbartNews made this for optics pic.twitter.com/R5jS2FMXel

— MAGS-4-TRUMP/PENCE16 (@magnifier661) August 23, 2016

Hiding Hillary Day 263: Reince Priebus Says She ‘Owes Explanations’ on Clinton Cash ‘Pay-to-Play’

@davis4_k wanted to know if Hillary has ever been honest:

@DustinStockton Has she ever considered telling the truth about anything? Ever? #HidingHillary #WheresHillary

— KC Davis (@davis4_k) August 23, 2016

Hiding Hillary Day 265: Let Them Eat Chocolate

On Day 265, Hillary dodged questions by offering reporters chocolate:

Reporters ask Clinton if she’ll take some questions. Clinton, in response, tells reporters to try some chocolate pic.twitter.com/O5Syu1b7XQ

— Liz Kreutz (@ABCLiz) August 25, 2016

Hiding Hillary Day 268: Campaign Changes Tune on Clinton Cash Foundation

@Clear_Honesty was one the most prolific participants in #HidingHillary:

#HidingHillary & surrogates try to convince everyone the race is over because they know she cannot withstand ANY scrutiny. @DustinStockton

— TrueTalk (@Clear_Honesty) August 28, 2016

Hiding Hillary Day 271: Will Trump Surge Force Hillary Out of Hiding?

On Day 271, Breitbart News accurately predicted that Donald Trump’s surge in the polls would force the Clinton campaign to abandon the #HidingHillary Strategy.

@johngalt191 proved to be a meme machine during #HidingHillary:

269 days & counting, 15,000+ more emails found, zero indictments. @carrieksada @DustinStockton @PrisonPlanet #MAGA pic.twitter.com/TVFsFzljtB

— John Galt (@johngalt191) September 1, 2016

Hiding Hillary Day 273: Fallout from the FBI Release

The FBI release of its notes into the investigation of Hillary’s use of a private email server and handling of classified information provided a lot of fodder for #HidingHillary:

@DrMartyFox @PatVPeters @DustinStockton #notqualified to be POTUS pic.twitter.com/SBJFhPXlNj

— alaphiah (@alaphiah) September 3, 2016

Hiding Hillary Day 275: Coughing Fit Interrupts Impromptu Press Gaggle, Still No Press Conference

On Day 275, #HidingHillary held a press “gaggle,” which is not a press conference:

It is important to note the difference between a gaggle and a press conference. A press conference is a scheduled event where the press is given the opportunity to prepare and ask questions. Clinton’s impromptu gaggle was not announced in advance and was limited to just the press traveling with her on her campaign airplane. Clinton fielded just seven questions in her attempt to quell the “hiding Hillary” speculation before excusing herself during a coughing fit. She returned later to answer five more questions.

Hiding Hillary Day 277: Clinton Scheduled to Appear at Commander-in-Chief Forum in NYC

@DrMartyFox kept the #HidingHillary notifications flowing, and on the last day of #HidingHillary, this tweet was featured:

#HidingHillary Day #275

➡️ AVOIDS A REAL Press Conference

➡️ Interrupted By COUGHING FIThttps://t.co/9AxMbJcj3e pic.twitter.com/Z5W9U5LX4e

— Dr. Marty Fox (@DrMartyFox) September 6, 2016

The Breitbart News audience and #HidingHillary forced a major presidential candidate to hold a real press conference. That’s a job well-done!

Thanks to everyone who participated in #HidingHillary the last few weeks. You forced her to have a press conference, excellent work!

— Dustin Stockton (@DustinStockton) September 8, 2016

While Clinton was hiding, questions about her health, private email server, handling of classified information, the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Cash, and compentency to serve as President of the United States are just a few of the controversies that have lingered. Now that she is out of hiding, perhaps the American people will finally get some answers to those lingering questions. She’s got a lot to answer for.

The #HidingHillary series of articles amplified the voice of the Breitbart News audience to make the “run out the clock” strategy unworkable. Breitbart News readers were encouraged to tweet their questions and comments to @DustinStockton and use the hashtag #HidingHillary. For several weeks, the Breitbart News audience has delivered a variety of witty, tough, pertinent, and entertaining material. So as a tribute to all those who participated, here is the best of the #HidingHillary reader-submitted material:

Meanwhile… https://t.co/uKydnIMnLi pic.twitter.com/nUvtLpStTp

— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) September 5, 2016


The post Best of #HidingHillary: How the American People Forced Hillary Clinton to Hold a Press Conference appeared first on Tea Party.

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