
Saw this post over on Overclock.net.... linking it here:

[EVOLVE] Closed Alpha Entry


As always, we want to be up front with you, our fans – we’re doing a small, closed Alpha and we want to make sure you are in on it first. In fact, for being such an amazing community here on our forums, you are the first to know about it.

However, this test is not only limited to a very small number of participants, it is also limited to some very specific PC specifications. The good news is we’re opening the sign-up to the forums for a chance to get in. The not-so-good news for some of you is that it will only be happening in North America. We have some very specific reasons for this as it’s a crucial learning opportunity for the developers. We can't wait to get our hands on the test data and hear feedback from players.

Of course we wish we could have you all join in, regardless of location or otherwise. That said, this Alpha test is just the beginning and it won't be your last opportunity to help us test before launch.

Thank you to all of our fans. You have shown an unbelievable amount of excitement and dedication even this far from launch. We absolutely can't wait to get everyone in on Evolve come October 21st.

Jess Damerst

Community Manager


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