Fan Concept Facts
Why should you choose FORTUNITY ALLIANCE NETWORK (FAN) as your last station?
Let´s take a look at some of the most important reasons why we think FAN is the best place for you.
Every year there are thousands of new companies online, most of them are scams that disappears with our money after a few months.
Unfortunately, this is often the case today. There are small numbers of companies that are staying online for more than one year, but often they don’t have good products so they are because of that forced to shut down.
What Is the Concept behind Fortunity Alliance Network (FAN)?
FAN is a brand new concept you can be part of.
It is a concept with a radically new design, where a lot of client companies (partners) co-operate and give revenue to the members in FAN.
The idea was born many years ago and FAN started to work in 2013.
The owner of FAN Gerry Dekens from Belgium wanted to build his companies to be sustainable for many years. The cornerstones of this innovative economic model (FAN) are sustainability and positivity. We use a healthy form of competition and harness all of the positive aspects while aiming to eliminate the negatives. FAN is planned and designed to be stable and sustainable for many years to come.
FAN is a Cooperative Profit Sharing Association.
We believe there is a wiser way to interact with each other- a way in which everyone can win and prosper. We work together in such a way, that all partners and members in FAN can benefit because co-operation is a shared responsibility and a better strategy than competition.
The partners pay part of the profits to FAN members.
In FAN there are many companies working together as partners. Using co-operation instead of competition, they are making higher profits. Part of these profits is paid out to the members in FAN.
Our partners pay a fee to us based on revenue for each product sold.
The long-term stability and sustainability of FAN is secured.
If something goes wrong with one partnering company we still have many of them in the co-operative circle of companies.
It is also always possible to replace the missing link with a new partner company. Because of that FAN can be sustainable over time.
In FAN we don’t buy our software or database from outside. Everything is built by one of our partner’s company
ABPSystems is a business development company based in Belgium. Abp is developing and building all the companies in FAN.
In FAN we have something for everyone.
In FAN you have a lot of partner companies with different niches and options, that the members can use and receive a revenue share from. As a member in FAN you are free to choose which partner company or activity you will profit from.
Fan is a sustainable, balanced economic system capitalizing on multiple niches.
Everything is built with a deep thought about all important aspects: market needs, security, design and much more.
The whole concept into the smallest detail should be legal, approved, secure and open for the members to study.
In FAN there is a variety of partner companies with all kinds of different niches. Because of this wide range of different niches and opportunities FAN has the potential to offer everybody something to profit from.
Each company launch only when the products are ready.
The partner companies in FAN are launched only when their products are ready and when their business ideas have been thoroughly examined and approved.
The idea is to create many companies for the stability of the co-operative circle of partners.
The stability and sustainability of the concept is guaranteed through this.
The companies brings to the market the best products and services.
Thorough examination and approval claims for the companies wanting to be partners in FAN is a guarantee for high-quality products and services.
Customers can join any partner company. When they order products they get profit shares in FAN if they have joined as members.
In FAN you can choose from a lot of opportunities the ones you think will suit you best and will give you a good and durable income.
There are plans for active and passive income.
You can take part in the activities and profit from the opportunities FAN offers in an active way eg by selling products or in a passive way eg by investing money.
Responsible Ethics
Next to being a commercial organization, FAN is dedicated to charity causes.
Our preferred partners are commercial organizations with the same mindset in this field. FAN strongly encourages its alliance partners to operate with a responsible vision
Welcome to FAN
that everybody can profit from being active or passive.
that is open, fully legal, sustainable and reliable.
that offers you a wide range of companies and opportunities.
that unites multiple industries and companies in almost all niche markets and reaches all target audiences.
that can give you a secure and good income online.
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