
Here are some of the great nuggets that I’ve found on the web recently. This handful of links takes you to tools or insightful content. Occasionally I’ll include one from my “save” file if it fits the mood.

One of the fundamental rules of time management is that if you put something in, you have to take something out.  After all, you never get more hours in a week.  But what comes out?  Leslie Ye give some insightful (yet quick!) ideas in the article, How to Create a ‘To-Don’t’ List: A Productivity Trick for Focusing On What Really Matters [Infographic]

When’s the last time you asked yourself the question that Madeleine Blanchard raises in her column, Afraid You Might Be a Jerk? Ask Madeleine?  The answer is you might be.  Read the article and see.

Feeling cranky?  If you make someone else feel better you will, too.  Try it and you’ll see I’m right. If you are not sure what to do, you might want to read this article from Krista Butler about 8 Simple Ways to Brighten Someone’s Day.

One of the core processes of coaching is developing clear and manageable goals.  Jennifer Britton writes about coaching goals but you might want to use her questions as a way to focus on yours.  Read Six Coaching Questions – Goals.

BONUS:  12 Tools That’ll Keep You Productive Morning, Noon & Night.  If you are looking for an app to help you with time management, here are 12 of them.  Several are free and the rest are very inexpensive.

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