
Originally written by: http://www.teachingsolutions.org

If you must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language to live your passion…

“Who Else Wants To ‘Crack-The-Code’
Of Your TOEFL Test In ONLY 7 Days
And Get Into Your Dream College?”

by former Test of English as a Foreign Language® takers

You Too Can Discover The New ‘Unfair Advantage’ Of
Test Coaching, Your Fast Track To Easy U.S. College
Admission. -This Legal, Ethical Cheat-Sheet TOEFL Test
Preparation Guide Gives You ‘INSIDER’ Test Content And
‘Mirror-Like’ Practice Questions…Your Absolute ‘Safety-Net’
When You Need To Cut-Through The ‘Information Overload’
And Get Your Best Possible TOEFL Score Right Now.

TOEFL friend,

Your Test of English as a Foreign Language® (TOEFL®) administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS)® test your ability to use and understand English in academics.

A disturbing fact is many test takers fail because they don’t know how to maximize their score. Each more than 231,000 of college applicants find themselves rejected from schools they should qualify for because they did NOT do their TOEFL exam preparation effectively (or used poor study materials).

If You Don’t Discover The Formula To Score High On The TOEFL Test You’ll Hate Yourself Later

My name is Ann Andersen. I ‘cut my teeth’ with TOEFL test study guides. At the beginning I didn’t realize how simple it can be to get a good score.

Your score determines whether you get into a mediocre or impressive school…or even admission to any school at all. So failing is extremely expensive.

Read each line below. If you skim and scan quickly you’ll miss the one test practice secret that can save you from getting rejected from the college you have your heart set on.

Can You Recognize The Early Warning Signs Of
TOEFL Practice Failure?

Do you guess what content and questions you’ll face on your upcoming testing date? Have you decided to study by ‘trial and error,’ take the test 2-3 times…eventually learn to get an acceptable score after taking it so many times?

-Can you really wait a year or more to get the TOEFL test score you need?

Are you losing critical review time trying memorize painfully dry, 300 page TOEFL exam study guides?

You know, it’s impossible to swallow 300-400 pages textbook-like books in the short time you have between now and your exam date.

Feel trapped in ‘information overload?’

Paralyzing overwhelm can avalanche you to failure. You must know what content/questions will show up on your testing date so you get a study FOCUS. The problem is most TOEFL practice tests are like a generic textbook, not a real guide to your exam.

Do You Make These Deadly Do-It-Yourself

TOEFL Test Prep Mistakes?

A spine-chilling reality is that 50%-75% of the content taught in preparation classes don’t match the real test questions.

99% of the online/offline TOEFL prep courses consist of a presenter reading PowerPoint slides aloud to you. Worse yet, it’s only an “orientation to your exam.” You may need toothpicks keep your eyes open with during these excruciatingly long evening and/or weekend workshops.

After wasting a tank of gas driving there and back, you have to crack open a book and start your test preparation from the beginning…The same place you started! – A huge waste of time and money.

…So what is the solution to get the minimum score you need for success?

Will The Actual TOEFL Test Questions
Make You Tongue-Tied?

Are you using one of the popular TOEFL books (usually from Barnes and Noble or Amazon.com) written by lowly paid writers from large publishing companies who never took your test?

If those people never took your exam, how will they teach you?…

…That’s the blind leading the blind!

Most TOEFL practice exams are overly-simplistic and not close to the difficulty of the real examination…Some even have incorrect answer keys and void of answer explanations. (I realized this after a crushing failing score.)

You may have found some widely used TOEFL study books are riddled with typos, grammatical errors and use of complex 80 word sentences to make each simple point.

Do You Have Any Of These Score-Mutilating
TOEFL Practice Habits?

Are you trying to get a career that pays you thousands of dollars each month with a flimsy $21 book that cause thousands to fail each testing date?…

…Worse yet, are you looking for free study guides and TOEFL practice questions online? You get what you pay for.

Searching for free preparation materials online, reading textbooks and hope it magically turns into actual questions is complete self-sabotage. None of those methods helped me or the thousands of test takers I helped.

That’s a ridiculously crazy review error. One that could haunt you for the rest of your life.

How Much Will Your TOEFL Test Preparation
Procrastination Cost You?

Do you want to start living the “U.S. college student lifestyle?” Don’t let procrastination pull the rug-out from under you and steal your bright future. Don’t get held 3, 7 or 11 points from an acceptable score because you waited too long to get started.

Are you still sitting on the fence? Most failing TOEFL exam scores and faded dreams are lost by missing the mark by only a few points. That’s every time they take the test! That’s because they’re always waiting to get started, find every excuse to wait “just a little longer” and then do it all wrong.

Bite the bullet and take action! Then instantly drop this examination like an old glove.

Are your review guides really up-to-date?

Did you know most TOEFL preparation manuals and practice tests are 3 years out of date even when the copyright says it’s for this year? Those books don’t have up-to-date information you need for the newest version of your exam.

Your ‘ultimate weapon’ for the best possible score is getting prep materials that are 100% updated for constant test changes. Recent nitty-gritty changes by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) must be clearly reflected in your TOEFL prep book…or forget it.

You always need more time than you think to prepare…so take the first step.

If Thousands Make These Common Preparation Mistakes And Fail When Will You Try A Different Way?

It’s not your fault if you’re not prepared right now. You didn’t do anything wrong. You know this evaluation is not an accurate gauge of your knowledge. Your high school classes didn’t prepare you for this. That’s just the politics and business of testing.

Your TOEFL story can be different.

‘Trial and error’ exam prep in hair-pulling frustration isn’t necessary. You don’t need to experience heart-crushing career set backs to achieve the TOEFL test score you need.

Avoid the same mistakes thousands of test takers make who suffer degrading consequences of failure. The shame facing friends and family isn’t worth it. The financial cost is humiliating and crippling to your future.

How Over 14,000 Get The TOEFL Score They Need For College Admission Success Who NEVER Thought They Could

You can stop working hard and start working smart.

My painful disaster and later incredible discovery about how to bump-up TOEFL exam scores compels me to share these secrets with you. It’s really so simple to ‘crack-the-code’ of this examination…if you know how.

I never want to see another test taker get ‘eaten alive’ and lose-out on getting into a school that could skyrocket their career and future success.

As a solution to this problem I developed numerous study guides for the TOEFL and a Test Coaching program in 2001. You see, what I discovered helping over 14,000 TOEFL test takers from 2001-2013 with college, school districts and individual clients will instantly help you.

You see, my staff of 17 test takers and I create highly effective preparation books and practice tests that match real TOEFL questions. I constantly innovate even better ways to explode test scores to the required level so you get a admitted to your ‘top choice’ university as fast and easy as possible without squandering time or getting rejected.

Here’s What My Former Clients Say…

“A ‘Little’ Error With TOEFL Preparation Books That
Cost Me Over $30,000.00 In First Year Salary”

“I was unsure how to begin my review a few months ago. I learned the real cost of not doing right the first time. I missed out on the job I was anticipating last year. The cost = a lot of money, plus benefits not to mention all the other things I could be doing rather than deal with this standardized test again.”

“Your practice tests for the TOEFL and free bonus extras like test coaching helped me to finally get this over with. I found what I was missing and ‘tightened the gaps’ in my test knowledge within the first day. Thanks man for sharing the ‘Areas of Focus’ advice during the coaching.“

-James Stevens,

“Where Else Can I Get The Focus And Help I Need?”

“I failed my TOEFL testing the first time. I’ve been out college for 7 years and had cob webs on my brain.”

“However, when I started using my Test Score Breakthrough’s study guide and one-on-one personal tutoring it gave me the help I needed. I got confidence and competence. My test mentor and preparation materials really knew my specific test. Your review for the TOEFL ‘success system’ actually smelled fresh and new. It’s just like how I found your books, fresh and updated. I’m glad someone can make new updates for exam changes.”

“NEVER, EVER give up on your dreams! I got the score I needed on my assessment thanks to prayer and tutoring help.”

-Shelly Gonzalez,

“How I Aced My Exam With A Dumb Idea”

“After TOEFL registration, I wanted to see what content I was low in to determine what to work on. I tried your Testing Readiness Assessment. I got a ‘heads-up’ for what my testing ‘blind spots’ are. Your prep course content and practice test questions were very approximate to what I saw on the real thing. I didn’t have to insult my intelligence after years of college and read books like ‘What Your 6th Grader Needs to Know’ for what’s supposed to be a professional examination.”

-Dave Johnson,

“They Laughed At Me When I Said I Want To
Get A Good TOEFL Score On The First Try”

“But when I got my score report…you can guess their reaction.”

“The 7 Day Comprehensive Success System review program helped me “out think” the traps on an exam where almost anything is ‘fair game.’ Facing my family, kids and telling them I didn’t make the cut would’ve been too painful. You gave me the test content and test taking skills I needed to beat this exam.”

-Sandy Barnes,
School District Staff Member

“Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained”

“I first heard about your study guide for the TOEFL and exam help services last Fall when a student presented it to me as something our organization should purchase. At first, I wasn’t sure about your preparation services because you weren’t a common name in our company. You seemed like a very assertive firm.”

“However, later I was reminded that’s the basis for your whole program, a guerrilla approach to get a winning score that works without millions of dollars allocated to ‘junk mail’ marketing to students, school districts, universities and businesses. Therefore, you’re able to pass on more value to the end consumer most of whom are on a budget or going through a budget crisis.”

“The students enjoy your preparation manuals. Most are getting competitive scores with your review program which is a big improvement.”

-Kathy Anderson,
Reading Staff Development Trainer and
Coordinator for Educational Purchasing
Purchased 32 ’7 Day Comprehensive Success

“Money I Saved On Study Materials
I’m Going To Use To Buy A Car”

Mr. Rice’s Students

“Standardized tests always give me so much test anxiety that I ‘blank-out.’ …Using your ‘Test Anxiety Eliminator’ technique, I dramatically reduced my anxiety. I smirked a few times in the testing center because I was about as relaxed and stress-free as you can be for an assessment like this.”

“Your prep manual gave me the ‘real meat’ I needed to improve my low score without recycled exam content and loads of library books I didn’t have the time for. I was also at-ease during the ‘live’ test because your book’s test content and sample questions were similar to what I faced on my TOEFL exam date.

“The money already saved by succeeding on my exam and starting a good paying position vs. failing, I’m going to buy a new car. Thanks for your no risk (NO Pass, NO PAY) proposition 5 months ago.”

“Sorry for being skeptical at the beginning.”

-Dan S. Rice,

“Your Practice Materials And Specialized Tutoring
Saved Me 3-4 Weeks Of Wasted Time”

“After taking this test once and failing, I truly believe the study manuals from large corporate publishers mostly consist of ‘filler pages’ (400 plus pages) so the book looks bigger and test takers think it’s better.”

“I had a lot of urgent and nagging prep questions. Your test preparation for the TOEFL and test coaching help saved me at least 3-4 weeks of wasted time.”

“On the last day before my test I had 2 secret questions for my test coach. He answered my questions right away without ‘holding back.’ The answers to those 2 questions also made a big difference in my exam success.”

-Nancy J. Sousa,

“P.S. I can imagine trying to get help from the popular bookstore review books. What a joke! Trust me when I say there was no place else to get all exam practice help I needed.”

“Least Expensive TOEFL Exam Review Option In the Long Run”

“I can tell you after being in college for 4 years I didn’t have money to burn. However, I couldn’t afford to fail. I ‘bit the bullet’ and got your practice test questions for the TOEFL and personalized help. My friend said it was, ‘too expensive.’ Later he ended up spending a lot on other prep books and still didn’t get the score needed.”

“There’s a lot of stuff that’s important to increasing your exam score nobody’s talking about and the testing company probably doesn’t want you to know. It’s ‘untold info.’ all the other “SAFE” preparation books fail to tell you. The mentors and coaches were easy to contact and answered all those exam questions nobody else can.”

“When I got my score report I was ecstatic. The small price I paid saved me a fortune and a year of my life I might have spent trying to augment my score again. I also would have had to wait for the next year. Your test practice program was my least expensive option in the long run.”

-Sarah T. Merrell,

“God Helps Those Who Help Themselves”

“I wanted to get as many review guides as possible. I wasn’t going to leave it up to hope, luck and chance as you say. God helps those who help themselves. I was willing to do anything within reason and ethical. Your practice tests for the TOEFL and tutor help in the 7 Day Comprehensive Success System helped me succeed on my testing date.”

-Andi Stultz,

“I Climbed Over A Seemingly Impossible TOEFL Test Prep Obstacle With This”

“It was overwhelming taking a test like this after being out of college for over 26 years. Lots of times I felt it was impossible.”

“I found your review class online has all the concepts and vocabulary of this evaluation! There are no other materials that lay-out the actual test content in an organized and simple format.”

Mr. John K. Reeves,

“Only 2 Points From My Future”

“I found myself only 2 points from my future after I failed my exam the second time. I wish I got your sample exams and testing guide 7 months ago. It would’ve saved me months of misery. Thanks to your practice questions and study books I got the score I needed.“

-Naira Underwood,

“TOEFL Prep Book Chopped My Preparation Time By At Least 25%”

“Like a lot of people I have to work 40 hours per week and commute over an hour per day. You helped me make better use of time and unlock TOEFL study time I didn’t know I had.”

“With Test Score Breakthrough’s review materials I was able to cut corners by not studying information that didn’t appear on my testing date. The time I stopped wasting is the time I now enjoy having reached my goal. Your online study materials broke the test into small pieces. This efficiency chopped my review time by at least 25%. I saved at least 3 weeks of time with your help.”

-Krystal Tembong,

“Test Coaches Are Very Supportive, Know The Exam Inside And Out, Are Easy To Work With And Very Low Stress People”

“My examination was over 70 miles from the small town I live in. My goal was to work hard every day to build confidence and knowledge needed to raise my score. The mentors help guide you a lot, know the content inside and out, are easy to work with and very low stress people.“

-Josetta M. Shipps,

“Exceeded My High Expectations”

“Failing is extremely expensive. With the amount of time it takes to get prepared and the high testing fees charged most people can’t afford to take this exam 5-10 times. If you keep on failing at some point you have to give up and find a different career. Working the rest of my life out a cubicle in a job I hated was not an option for me. I tried your prep class for the TOEFL online. I figured with the money back guarantee if I didn’t get the score I needed, it wasn’t going to cost me a cent.”

“Your review manuals and prep tutoring helped me identify what parts of the exam I was hurting in and bring me up to the score level I needed. The assistance was way better than the $45.00 per hour TOEFL tutor I tried at another company.”

-Rafael F. Rodriguez

“I Tried This Test Practice Program Because I Was Desperate And As My Last Option”

Ms. Kefiman’s Students

“I had to get a good score or lose my job. After failing twice I was running out of time. I tried this because I was desperate and as my last option because your message seemed hyped and too racy for exam prep.”

“I really don’t like buying things online or from companies I don’t know, but everything turned out good.”

“I found your TOEFL preparation courses online and consulting services very useful. Your practice books matched my examination better than the workshops, bookstore manuals or free study materials I tried.”

-Marie Kefiman,
User of Test Score Breakthrough’s preparation books

“You Gave Me The Testing Practice I Needed To Calm
My Nerves, Relax And Bust My Test Anxiety”

“Tests always give me a panic attack. Believe it. Yeah, I know it’s not normal. Although I didn’t expect a complete miracle you gave me the solution I needed to calm my nerves and relax. You showed me how I can dominate in the testing center and conquer my fears. I finally got over the hurdle with the score required to reach my goal! Now that’s a miracle. Thanks.”

-Regina D. Gorelick,

“Your Exclusive TOEFL Practice Exam ‘Essay Formula’ Was What I Needed”

“I’m lazy and needed an easy way put this test behind me. Plus, I’m terrible at writing so the essay questions kill me every time.”

“Your exclusive multiple choice question ‘Attack Formula’ was what I needed, a simple set of steps and a basic pattern to follow. Your practice manual and tutoring allowed me to ask critical and pivotal help questions without limits. Even with my issues doing testing under stress, you helped me get enough points to finally get the score I needed.”

- Anthony Thompson,

“Old-Style TOEFL Guides Have Too Much Information
For Their Own Good And Don’t Work For Me”

“I’m a horrible test taker, always have been so getting minimal score to be competitive on this exam seemed impossible. The old-style exam guides have too much information for their own good and don’t give me any score improvement results. I almost completely gave up trying to get the score required. I was getting depressed.”

“I looked at preparation books for the TOEFL exam on nearly every website. I was in analysis of paralysis. I waited too many months and procrastinated by surfing online for free download materials.”

“I read your web site several times over the last few months. I heard success stories about you, even personally from people I know. I’m sort of tight with money because I’m a student. I never got your test guides and consulting help until this last examination date. You got me squared away in a totally risk-free way. My parents are also relieved when I got good score results this time.”

-Rose Randall,

“I’m A Widow And Single Mother With 2 Young Boys”

“I’m a widow and single mother with 2 young boys. I needed to better provide for my family. I had been out of college for over 13 years, but was just finished going back to school and finishing my degree.”

“My self-esteem was in the gutter failing this thing before. I got so overwhelmed with this examination and the breadth of the content. There always seemed to be 2 answers on the test that looked correct. Your study guide for the TOEFL showed me how to distinguish the correct from the almost correct and finally slay the dragon. The exam practice resources, sample questions and extra 5 free bonuses showed me how to avoid tiny test taking errors that could have cost me a fortune in lost income.”

-Alissa Lance,

“Thanks For The Effective Attack Strategies In
Your Review Tutorials And Tutor Service”

“You helped me not just memorize a bunch of information, but also gave me the tactics to apply this knowledge to my multiple choice questions and deal with pitfalls that can sabotage my career. All in all even I was impressed how much I improved my score and tell others about your program.”

-James E. Griffith,

“I Didn’t Want To Underestimate This Like
So Many Test Takers”

“I had to succeed in testing. I felt confident, but didn’t want to underestimate this test like so many other test takers. I needed fail-proof prep materials for the TOEFL to insure I succeed. Test Score Breakthrough’s self-hypnosis techniques, one on one help and peak performance test taking tips helped mold me for success.”

-Sheree Powell,

“Your Review Books For The TOEFL Helped Me Sharpen The Blade”

“I needed to start working and make money. This entire ordeal has created a lot of financial turmoil for my family and I. I left a full-time job that paid $19.43 per hour 2 years ago to do this. I’ve worked so hard thus far and wasn’t going to let this whole thing blow up in my face and fail.”

“Your guidance in test coaching doing the “Testing Readiness Assessment” and “Test Success Plan” was the success map I needed. (I wasn’t aware of that at the time). It was very helpful to have those services objectively ‘done for me.’ It was an eye opener!”

“I was just going to bushwhack my way through this thing like I did in my university classes. It didn’t take me long to see this assessment is a completely different animal that requires a totally different strategy. You handed me all content knowledge in a super easy, user friendly framework outline, vocabulary words, review tips and sample questions which helped me succeed on this exam.”

-Jill M. Wallace,

“From Totally Clueless To Confident”

Me Before The Comprehensive Success System:

“TOEFL study rage, totally clueless, lost, nervous, frustration, blame, excuses, self-pity, procrastinating, high stress, unmotivated, unfocused, unsure, unprepared”

Me After Using The ’7 Day TOEFL Comprehensive Success System’ And Test Coaching:

“Clear, pumped, confidence, savvy, experienced, sharp focus, prepared, take action, relaxed, calm nerves, peace of mind, peak performance psychology to hit my target for testing and career success”

-Bruce Hargett,

Why Former Test Takers To Help You Succeed?

Former test takers can best teach you how to BLAST your score (to required level for your college admission) by revealing the most razor-sharp accurate test content and practice questions.

When will you seize this opportunity?

Let me spoon-feed you everything you need to get into the respected school you want…for the least amount of time and money possible.

Give Me 7 Days And I’ll Make You Get The TOEFL Score You Need Faster And Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible…

Imagine ripping-out all the ‘trial and error’ and hair-pulling frustration from your exam practice. See yourself answering your multiple choice questions with ease and confidence because you decided to do-it-right the first time.

Envision your attractive future. Your U.S. education allows you to make a contribution, improve people’s lives and…STILL earn a wealth of personal rewards!

Cut-Out Bogus TOEFL Test Preparation Material
You Won’t See On Your Test Date

This test prep system cuts-out all the ‘information overload’ that’s nice to learn, but suffocates your chances of getting the score you need. Your power is being armed ONLY with the essential core of knowledge required by the Educational Testing Service (ETS)®, NOT everything there is to learn about your subject.

You see, there’s no cookie-cutter content, filler or fluff. As you open your 7 Day Comprehensive Success System TOEFL test study guide you see it’s concise, well organized and full of ‘verified’ sample exam questions.

Your preparation course is broken down into plain English so you can quickly absorb Test of English as a Foreign Language® competencies like a sponge.

Why Not Get A ‘Sneak Peek’ Of Your
Upcoming Testing Date?

You can now get rid of the exam stress that’s ruining your health, wealth and happiness. Money and employment worries about how your pay for college, put ‘food on the table’ and a roof over your head disappears. That awful, nervous pit at the bottom of your stomach goes away forever when you stop trying to ‘reinvent the wheel’ as a self-study.

You feel a deep and well deserved sigh of relief. It feels like you’re letting hot air out of a balloon. You actually feel lighter in your neck, shoulders and stomach.

How To Get Your Highest TOEFL Score And Tell
Your Own Success Story

On day #1 with this online class you feel a new rock-solid confidence in your step. You end trying to get into your dream school with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake…You stop making all the common TOEFL study and test taking blunders that cause so many others to fail. You now smell success.

Within 3 days you have a ‘laser beam-like’ test content focus. You seal up any loose-ends in your weak areas at ‘lightning speed.’

By day #7 you totally mastered what’s required by the Educational Testing Service (ETS)® and are 100% ready to defeat this assessment.

It Happened Because You Decide To Stop Being Skeptical, Believe You Can Do It And Take Action!

Your friends and family notice how cheerful you are and see a sparkle in your eyes. Your new freedom is exhilarating. It’s a great feeling to know your career success is a slam dunk and you have so many career choices due to your successful U.S. education.

What’s Included In the TOEFL 7 Day Comprehensive Success System?

1.) ‘Exclusive’ TOEFL® Study Guide
(a $67.00 value) is:

Authored by former test takers who took your specific TOEFL test.

Pinpoint-precise, accurate coverage of all framework outlines and required competencies.

Breakthrough mind-numbing test prep overwhelm and get-a-FOCUS.

‘Confidential’ loopholes (by former test takers) leapfrogs you faster to living the good life as a college student.

2.) New TOEFL Practice Tests
That Mirror The Real Exam

TOEFL practice questions that are mouthwatering close to the actual exam. (Finally yank-off your blindfold and stop guessing what your actual test looks like.)

All prep questions legally and ethically created from ‘real life’ case studies, raw test content and experience helping over 14,000 test taker clients get the score they needed to get into the best universities.

NOT another “Oh So Easy,” deceitful practice exam that gives you a false-sense-of-confidence and leaves you unprepared.

Answer keys give you ‘quick feedback’ and full answer explanations.

The next best thing to seeing your examination questions before walking into your testing center.

3.) Personalized TOEFL® Test Coaching
Tutoring and Mentoring:
(Normally billed at $45.95 per hour to universities.)

How Does TOEFL Test Coaching Help You Get A Test Score Breakthrough?

Get all the one-on-one, customized you need.

Beef-up the content areas and test taking skills you may be hurting in now.

Then see yourself get explosive score improvements…EVEN in your weak areas!

Careful consideration, analysis of your questions and a complete answer in writing from your assigned Test Coach.

‘Back door’ review and test taking short-cuts you need to SAVE weeks of wasted time in excruciating overwhelm.

Answers to your itching prep questions 7 days per week – Even hours before your test date. (Yes, even nights and weekends on your schedule and in the comfort of your own home!)

All the live ‘human-help’ you need (by former test taker with 3 years of experience in your specific exam) that a paper TOEFL study manual can’t give you.

UNLIMITED amount of help until you get the score you need…No expensive per hour tutoring fees!

Spend the short-time before your upcoming test date focused on REAL TOEFL examination content – NOT more wasted time guessing what your exam will cover in hair-yanking frustration.

There’s more…

4.) Updated GOLD Package:

Unofficial TOEFL® Testing Readiness Assessment

(a $49.95 value)
Wonder how far you are from minimum required score you need now??

A ‘little known’ formula that pinpoints your strong/weak areas, current exam score…and dangerous ‘blind-spots.’

Use this info for an instant unfair advantage to ‘turbo-boost’ your score — even in content areas you’re low and feel awkward in now!

Even more…

5.) New Platinum Package:
TOEFL® Customized Test Success Plan
(a $56.95 value)

How to STOP running-around-in-circles losing your valuable time and energy.

The EXACT action steps you need to skyrocket your TOEFL score.

Gain a laser beam-like focus to cut through the fluff that won’t even be on your exam, score higher and SECURE the life you deserve!

The easiest and fastest possible success blueprint to close-your-gaps…while you still have time.

100% UPDATED Each Month For The
Newest Version Of The TOEFL Test

I tested and carefully tweaked many prototype prep courses with thousands of test takers to create explosive improvements in scores. Each month my team of former test takers and I painstakingly update each 7 Day Comprehensive Success System to reflect constant changes to your exam.

Our TOEFL Test Scores Average 7.3% Higher Than Other Programs

Fact: Your ‘unfair advantage’ is this TOEFL practice study guide combined with specialized tutoring has an average TOEFL score that’s 7.3% higher than other preparation manuals or review courses. (According to current 3rd party statistics.)

Discover The Unfair Advantage Of TOEFL® Test Coaching (Staff Test Coaches Below.)

Mrs. Jan Neil, Irma Deshaw, Patrick Towne

Mr. Mark K. Fongs,

Not Pictured: Mr. Robert Nebbs,

Mr. Hans Johnson,

Ms. Ananti Mehra,

Mr. Carl Lam,

Mr. Michael Naughton,

Nancy Dees,

Mr. Tim Knight,

Ms. Nicki Thompson,

Ms. Elizabeth Nygard and
other Test Score Breakthrough
coaches and consultants

FREE Bonus Gifts That Make Acing Your
Exam Even Easier…

3 FREE Bonus Gifts Included:
(If You Act Now)

“Get The Edge TOEFL® Self-Hypnosis Techniques” (a $39.95 value)

Harness the power of your sub-conscious mind to clobber this exam in only 4 minutes per day.

Break the sub-conscious bonds that hold you back from the score you deserve and stab this evaluation in its soft underbelly.

“TOEFL® Peak Performance Test Taking Strategies” (a $27.95 value)

Even if you failed TOEFL testing and your confidence is shaken…A covert technique discovered by my ‘insiders’ helps you end the downward spiral immediately.

How to win in the psychological battle before walking into your TOEFL test center. Your peace of mind and relief comes from melting the stress before your testing date. (Over stressed test takers with no strategy always lose the testing game.)

“Forbidden Psychological TOEFL® Test Taking Tactics” (a $29.95 value)

No theory or psycho-babble.

Controversial test taking tips that show you how to rip through your exam like a test taking green beret. – Use this as an insurance policy if everything goes wrong on your exam date.

NOTE: Due to limited supply all free bonuses will be removed from this site without notice.

You Get 2 More FREE Bonuses

Only Available While Supply Lasts

“TOEFL® ‘Fast Start’ Prep Course Online”

(a $27.95 value)

An EXTREME test practice make-over for your complete instant testing turn-around.

Chop your study time by at least 17% with a ‘quick’ and dirty’ preparation strategy.

Crank-up your score overnight with an effortless TOEFL practice trick that helps you ‘eye-ball’ the correct multiple choice answer 83-97% of the time.

“My Competitor Friend’s TOEFL® Study Guide” as seen on another web site included for FREE! (a $39.95 value)

Yes, through a special contract I’m also giving you my competitor’s review book…But, I’m not allowed to

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