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Top 10 Praxis Practice Test And Praxis Study Guide Methods To Pass And Start Teaching With Certification
If you’re wondering what’s the best free Praxis II study guide advice online, then you’ve come to the right place.
While many exam books go over the same cliche test prep tips again and again (for example, wear comfortable clothes, bring a sharpened number two pencil, get plenty of sleep, etc.), those practice techniques don’t give you the help that you need on your ETS testing date.
What you need are some Praxis study tips that will dramatically increase your test score, regardless of whether you need this core knowledge for the Social Studies, Elementary Education, English, Math, Special Education, Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) or other education exam.
Let’s face it – unless your Praxis practice for ETS testing is like the real exam, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll pass. Worries about failing this exam, delaying or losing your teaching career is enough to make you ‘blank-out,’ panic and even procrastinate effective study.
You’ve got a lot of worries running through your mind – not to mention the anxiety you’re feeling about taking your exam and trying to get your teacher certification. Sometimes you may wonder if your Praxis practice test questions are giving you a false sense of security. You may suspect your sample questions are easier than the actual exam. On the other hand it’s stressful to think despite weeks of doing practice exams for the Praxis II, your exam questions and test content you’ve been studying won’t appear on your testing date.
So grab a cup of coffee, sit back and get ready to learn the study tips that won’t just help you pass this examination by the Educational Testing Service – you’ll ace it!
The Key To Leveraging Praxis Practice Tests For ETS Test Success
1.) Get absolutely crystal clear how exam questions are posed in order to identify the best multiple choice answer and write good constructed responses.
A Praxis practice test is crucial in studying for this teacher certification exam because of the following reasons:
• A Praxis II practice exam enables you to identify your blind spots or the content that you find the hardest. This is why many test takers would look at the domains and competencies in the ETS Test at a Glance page and then take a practice test to ascertain how well they know their content and work their review from there.
• The Praxis practice tests help you evaluate how well you are progressing with your study guide. In addition, the process of analyzing sample questions is already an act of learning so you are still actually reviewing.
• Last but not the least, Praxis test practice itself is a valuable tool in mastering the skill of test taking. Remember that even intelligent people are terrible test takers, which is why integrating practice test into your ETS test preparation is highly important. You will learn how to pace yourself since the Praxis test is a timed test.
2.) Divide Your Study Sessions Between doing more Praxis practice tests versus reviewing content
A word of caution when it comes to Praxis II practice tests for these are not always representative of the actual test. There are times that practice exam questions for the Praxis are full of errors or does not come with full rationales to help you ascertain where you did wrong. For this very reason, it may be wise to combine both reviewing a book and doing the accompanying practice tests to ensure that you pass your ETS exam. However, there have been reports that some practice questions have appeared verbatim on the actual test. Your best bet it seems is to find a test that resembles the actual test.
When it comes to the Praxis Practice, be mindful of the different test formats and master the skill of test taking.
Praxis Study Guide Methods
3.) Make Sure You Have Praxis II practice tests That Include The Various Formats The Test Questions And Answers May Appear On Your Testing Date
• There are multiple choice only exams like the Praxis Math; Special Education; Elementary Education: Content Knowledge; and Elementary Education: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment.
Though multiple choice tests are very straightforward as ETS claims, the way questions are posed can be misleading especially when there is a “not”, “least” or “except” in the questions. Moreover, learning the process of deduction can help you a lot for you can trim down four choices into two. If you have to guess, do so intelligently. You may want to go over the Educational Testing Service website for useful Praxis study tips and strategies to hurdle the multiple choice questions. Through the Praxis II practice test, test takers can easily identify when to look for a negative answer and not.
• Constructed response questions only like in the English Language, Literature and Composition and Social Studies.
Not many Praxis 2 practice test are well set up to score constructed responses. However, test takers can still benefit immensely from answering practice constructed response questions because it helps in getting familiar with how to explain key concepts. Though Praxis exam practice questions may only give you samples of a good and bad response, you will at least get the general outline on how to effectively answer constructed response questions. Remember that you only have a few minutes allotted for every question so it is to your advantage to come up with a quick answer.
• Combination of multiple choice and constructed response questions like in the Teaching Reading, Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) and Teaching Foundations.
Many test takers do not fare well in the constructed responses part and think that they would rather concentrate on the multiple choices. This may not be such a good strategy for some of the Praxis practice constructed responses, few they maybe, weigh heavily in the total scoring from 25 to as much as 67%. Moreover, some test takers fail by a measly 2 points, which could have been easily raised by a correctly answering a single constructed response question.
The actual test may follow an unfamiliar format for the Praxis test changes over time. Check out the ETS website on study tips for there is a passage there that helps test takers how to best approach unfamiliar test formats.
In a nutshell, focus on the question by rephrasing it or breaking it down under several sub-questions. The key is in putting yourself in the shoes of the question writer as to what key points or theories that person is looking for when posing the question.
The key in finding a helpful Praxis II practice test is to study the content in your exam as well as the concepts and theories in your study guide for these should be well covered.
Most Praxis study guides and test prep books have accompanying practice tests that are computerized to simulate the actual test taking process. You can also avail of the free Praxis II practice questions online where you will be scored with rationales and even a score analysis. You can also purchase the practice tests for it is a natural assumption that paid tests are of higher quality and more extensive than the free ones.
The rule of thumb in a good Praxis 2 practice is to aim for at least 1000 practice questions. The rationale here is that quantity, not just the quality, ensures that you are covering all if not most relevant subject areas. For constructed responses or essay writing part, you need to practice explaining key concepts and theories on your own. You can do this by making lesson plans for the Praxis assesses your ability to apply your knowledge in the classroom and pass it on to your students clearly and completely.
To sum up, a good Praxis practice exam operates in the principle that “from application flows familiarity”. You need to continue applying what you learn for that is how you continue to learn; so much so that taking a test will become a mere walk in the park.
For more free Praxis practice test resources, visit: Pass Your ETS Teacher Certification Exam now.
4.) Praxis Study: How To Make Your Test Preparation Sessions More Productive
Schedule Your Praxis II Study Sessions And Get More Score-Popping Points Out Each Hour Your Invest In Preparation
Schedule your test prep sessions into your week and each day so it doesn’t get pushed to last priority and get procrastinated.
Stay focused while reviewing your preparation books and avoid interruptions like a ringing phone, text messages, etc. If you’re really serious about becoming a certified educator and passing this exam do yourself a favor. Turn off your cell phone, email alerts and get the people in your life (e.g. friends and family) you need some block time to study and reach this goal. Each interruption can rob you of as much as 10-25 minutes just to get back to where you were before the interruption not to mention the time you took away from your studies. Each interruption and distraction takes you away from what you must be doing and the long term pay off, slowing eroding your study sessions and preparedness on your testing date.
Start using this Praxis practice test tactic today. Don’t wait until you’re staring down your exam before you reduce your test anxiety and realize you’re not prepared.
5.) Practice Taking Your Exam Under Real Test Condition And Pace Yourself
Good sample exams allow you to perform under real testing conditions. If test anxiety is a problem then do the following techniques to calm those nerves and get the FOCUS you need.
If you tend to take the exam too slow or find your pace too fast to use all time given for carefully reading the answer and selecting the best answer, try our the follow method. Divide the amount of total amount of minutes you get to finish your exam by the number questions on your test. This will tell you how much time you get for each exam question. While taking Praxis 2 practice test questions discipline yourself with a watch taking full advantage of the time allowed to carefully read the question, carefully review the answers and consider what is the correct answer. If you determined you have 2 minutes per question, force yourself during your mock exam to use all that time for each question.
On the other hand if pacing yourself is a problem because your pace is to slow, use this timing technique to pick up the pace. Use a watch to set a pace. Get in the habit while taking Praxis 2 practice exams of only allocating a specific amount of time to each questions and then moving to the next question. That’s the best exercise you can do to speed up, ensure you finish all the exam questions before time runs out and maximize your score.
If test anxiety is a problem for you continue review this simple relaxation exercise, imagining you’re in the exam under real testing conditions and taking the actual test. This method is very simple yet it works incredibly well.
4.) Realize That You Will Make Mistakes, But These Are Opportunites To Learn, Improve And Increase Your Score
Making a test taking mistake never feels good – especially when it comes to taking an examination that determines if you’ll get your teacher certification.
However, don’t beat yourself up if you make any mistakes in your preparation for the Praxis II. In fact, the exam makers expect you to make plenty of them, which is why you don’t have to score 100% in order to pass. Whether your taking the ETS exam for Math, Social Studies, PLT (Principles of Learning and Teaching), Reading, English, Elementary Education, Science or any other content area, you know the required passing score is far below 100%. The more willing you are to accept that you will make a mistake, the more confident and relaxed you’ll feel during your test prep and test taking.
Test Taking Strategies For During The Test
There’s plenty of free Praxis II preparation materials online out there to help you manage your study – but what happens when it comes time to walk into that dreaded test center? …Will the free study guides and practice questions online actually help you pass your teaching exam? — You probably don’t want to hear this, but you usually get what you pay for.
Without the best preparation a test taker could destroy their testing results by making foolish mistakes on exam day. For the best performance on your testing date, you need to get yourself ready – physically, emotionally and mentally.
If you want to ensure that you don’t sacrifice any of your valuable test points to test taking mistakes, then read on to discover powerful exam practice advice you won’t see in most review courses, classes and study materials. Be sure you apply this test taking information to your Praxis practice exam questions during your study sessions.
4.) Reduce Anxiety, Focused And Maintain A Peak Performance Psychology
Don’t risk blanking out and losing the passing score you deserve. Don’t wait until your Educational Testing Service (ETS) examination date before you start those all-important breathing techniques. Instead, close your eyes and slowly breathe in and out as soon as you settle into your chair. Breathe in for a count of five, and breathe out slowly for a count of six. Repeat for a couple of times. Then imagine yourself in the testing center. Being calm and relaxed you should start feeling ready to tackle your test questions and become more confident and competent in the test taking.
After all, remaining calm and collected will dramatically improve your concentration, recall of correct answers and increase your test score at least 8-21%.
The moment when you actually receive your test on exam day close your eyes and take deep breathes for up to twenty seconds. Why is this considered a powerful test taking tip? Simple: the more you practice calming your nerves and reduce excess adrenaline the higher your mental capacity and concentration to pass.
Additionally, the calmer, more relaxed and focused you are, the better you’ll be able to recall the knowledge that you’ve studied. Use this this relaxation technique in your study for the Praxis before you review your preparation material or take practice questions. Your higher levels of productivity and exam savvy will make you more confident and competent when it comes to the real deal.
Make every effort to answer your test questions in order, but if you encounter a difficult multiple choice question move on to the next question. Return to the test question later. Likely, you’ll get clues from other parts of your ETS exam for what the correct answer is. At least you’ll have a better chance of eliminating incorrect answer choices and have a better probability of getting the correct answer.
5.) Don’t Skim And Scan
Whatever you do, don’t get in the habit of skimming. Preparing with your study guide for the Praxis test should be all about encouraging good habits, and not forming bad ones. No matter how many times you’ve taken the practice tests, never get in the habit of skimming over the directions for each section. Who knows – you might end up losing valuable points on the actual exam simply because you didn’t take the time to thoroughly read the directions.
Get in the habit of reading each question carefully. While you know that the test developers at the Educational Testing Service design multiple choice questions to make sure you understand the content, did you know that there are plenty of ‘easy to avoid’ test question traps that many test takers fall for? In your practice questions and during test taking be aware these potential testing pitfalls: words like except, not and least, as you’ll be expected to choose an answer that doesn’t fit in with the rest. It’s very easy to lose points with questions like these, so prepare for them by staying alert for these words during your ETS preparation.
6.) How To Pace Yourself:
Take the time that you need to answer all of the questions you know. If you have any time left over to look over answers you skipped. Make educated guesses for a few extra points. To make an educated guess try narrowing it down to two answer possibilities. Then choose one. In that way you’ll get at least a 50% chance of getting the exam question correct.
7.) Use Plenty Of Scrap Paper In The Test Center
Your testing booklet can be used for scrap paper – so if you’re more of a visual person, use the scrap paper to your heart’s content! Drawing diagrams can help you to envision a problem more clearly, especially when it comes to those difficult math problems and/or outlining your thoughts for writing a essay or constructed response question. Don’t be afraid to ask the exam proctor for more scrap paper should you need it. More over, get in the habit of using scrap paper as tool in your Praxis preparation so it feels natural leveraging this to increase your score during the real exam.
Want more of the best test prep and study tips on how to ace your test and finally gain your teacher’s certification?
6.) When When NOT To Change Your Answers
If you find yourself frequently questioning your answers on the test, make sure that you change the answer only if you have a good reason to do so. Typically, your first instinct is the right one. Use the practice exams in your Praxis study guide to teach yourself how to trust in your answers. The last thing you need is to stress-out doubting your answers. You’ll have enough have enough test anxiety and memory recall to contend with on your testing date.
7.) Don’t Pay Attention To Others During The Exam
Your standardized test for educators is not a competition – so don’t treat it like one. Even if you’re the last person in the room on exam day, don’t rush yourself to finish. Remember to use all of the time that you have, and whatever you do – don’t give in to your competitive side by finishing first.
Let’s face it – many test takers fall victim to the trap of quantity versus quality. They think that the faster they finish an examination, the better they’ve performed on it. Then they rush through the examination and fail.
Even if you think that you’re going to be the last person in the exam room, take all of the time you need to complete your teaching license test. Don’t let worries that other test takers might finish before you make you feel as though you should finish first, as this will seriously undermine your focus and determination. After all, wouldn’t it be foolish to not use all the time given to maximize your score and ensure you didn’t make any foolish mistakes due to rushing through questions?
If you tend to fall into this trap of rushing through exams try the following practice strategy next time you prepare.
If you exploit these simple preparation tips while using your review guides you’ll dramatically improve your chances of getting a passing score. These preparation materials for ETS test takers will not only teach you good study habits, but will blast you into the classroom as a certified teacher.
Go to: Praxis II Success Help/a> right now.
ETS Praxis II Test Breakdown ‘Quick Reference’
Check out this Praxis II information to learn more about the best conceptual based test review about the Praxis II exam that you can give your teachers and prospective teachers.
Scroll down to know more about your specific Praxis II test.
0700: Agriculture
The Praxis II: Agriculture test gauges the proficiency of junior and high school agriculture teachers on the topics covered in the exam. Test takers needs to finish answering a total of 120 multiple choice questions within the allotted time of 120 minutes. This Praxis II exam is specifically designed for individuals with a bachelor’s degree program majoring in agricultural education.
The exam coverage consists of the following subjects: (subjects comprising 15%-17% of the Praxis II test): agricultural mechanization and technology; animal science; program planning and management; agricultural business and economics; plant and soil science; (9%-11%) natural resources and environment; social and historical perspectives on agriculture.
0132: Art: Content, Traditions,Criticisms, and Aesthetics
The Praxis II Exam: Art: Content,Traditions, Criticisms, and Aesthetics appraises a prospective teacher’s subject knowledge of art. A time limit of one hour is given to the examinee to finish answering three Praxis II essay questions with one each coming from these subjects: global traditions in art, architecture, and design; criticism and aesthetics; and the content of works of art.
0133: Art: Content Knowledge
The Praxis II Test: Art: Content Knowledge evaluates the training of a prospective art teacher. 2 hours is given for an examinee to answer 120 multiple choice questions based from the following content areas: the making of art (39%); traditions in art, architecture, design, and the making of artifacts (36%); and art criticism and aesthetics (25%). There are illustrations in some of the questions.
0340: Audiology
The Praxis II: Audiology test determines a prospective audiology teacher’s subject knowledge. This exam is intended for individuals with a master’s or doctorate degree. The Praxis II exam consists of 120 multiple choice questions that must be answered within 120 minutes. The questions are taken from the following subjects: (11% in each of the following subjects) rehabilitative management; rehabilitative assessment; and rehabilitative technology; electrophysiological measurement/interpretation (8%); behavioral assessment/interpretation (13%); basic human communication processes (26%); (10% in the following subjects): professional issues, psychometrics, and research; and prevention/identification.
0030: Biology and General Science
The Praxis II Test: Biology and General Science evaluates the knowledge of prospective teachers on the subjects of secondary school biology and/or general science. The exam has a total of 120 multiple choice questions and the examinee is given 2 hours to finish the test. The questions are taken from the following topics: earth and space science; history, philosophy, and methodology of science; physics; and chemistry (10% in each of these topics); evolution and classical genetics; molecular and cellular biology (15% in each of these topics); diversity of life, plants, and animals (17%); and ecology(13%).
0233: Biology: Content Essays
The Praxis II Exam: Biology: Content Essays assesses a prospective secondary school biology teacher’s subject knowledge. The exam is made up of 3 essay questions with an allotted time of 60 minutes. One essay question is taken from each of these content areas: classical genetics and evolution; molecular and cellular biology; and biology and ecology.
0231: Biology: Content Knowledge, Part 1
The Praxis II Test: Biology: Content Knowledge, Part 1 measures the knowledge and competency of a prospective biology teacher in a secondary school. 75 multiple choice questions comprised the test. The examinee has one hour to answer all the Praxis II exam questions, which are from the following content areas: (13% in these two content areas): ecology; and science, technology, and society; molecular and cellular biology (16%); basic principles of science (17%); diversity of life, plants, and animals (26%); and classical genetics and evolution (15%).
0232: Biology: Content Knowledge, Part 2
The Praxis II: Biology: Content Knowledge, Part 2 test determines a prospective secondary school teacher’s subject knowledge of biology. A total of 75 multiple choice questions must be answered within the allotted time of one hour. The test covers the following content areas: ecology (18%); molecular and cellular biology (21%); classical genetics and evolution (24%); and diversity of life, plants, and animals (37%).
0235: Biology: Content Knowledge
The Praxis II Exam: Biology: Content Knowledge gauges the knowledge of a prospective teacher of biology in a secondary school on the given test subject. 120 minutes is given to the examinee to finish answering 150 multiple choice questions taken from the following content areas: science, technology and society (7%); basic principles of science (8%); molecular and cellular biology (25%); diversity of life, plants, and animals (30%); (15% in each of these areas): classical genetics and evolution; and ecology.
0100: Business Education
The Praxis II Test: Business Education appraises the proficiency of prospective high school level teachers of business. The test is composed of 120 multiple choice questions of varying difficulty. All questions must be answered within the time allotment of 120 minutes. The exam covers the following content areas: United States economic systems (10%); business and environment (11%); processing information (17%); professional business education (20%); (14% in these areas): money management; office procedures and management, communications, and employability skills; and accounting and marketing. Examinees can use calculators as long as these don’t have a QWERTY keyboard.
0070: Chemistry, Physics, and General Science
The Praxis II: Chemistry, Physics, and General Science test checks prospective mastery of junior or senior high school level physics, chemistry, and/or general science. The Praxis II exam has 120 multiple choice questions with a two-hour time allotment. The test covers these topics: (30% each in these subjects): physics; and chemistry; (10% in these subjects): earth and space science; and life science; and major ideas of chemistry and physics (20%).
0241: Chemistry: Content Knowledge
The Praxis II Exam: Chemistry: Content Knowledge diagnoses prospective teachers’ proficiency in secondary school level chemistry. There are 50 multiple choice questions in the exam. One hour is allotted for the test. Content areas covered by this Praxis II test are as follows: chemical reactions and biochemistry (28%); solutions and solubility (26%); atomic structure, chemical periodicity, and thermodynamics of chemical reactions (24%); nomenclature, the mole, bonding, and geometry (22%). Examinees are prohibited from using calculators.
0242: Chemistry: Content Essays
The Praxis II: Chemistry: Content Essays exam gauges the mastery of prospective secondary school teachers of chemistry in the following content areas: the impact of chemistry on technology and society; structure and property correlations; and chemical reactions. The Praxis II exam is intended for individuals with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry or those who have almost completed this program, with appropriate education coursework. The examinee has 60 minutes to answer three essay questions wherein one essay question is taken from each of the aforementioned content areas.
0245: Chemistry: Content Knowledge
The Praxis II Test: Chemistry: Content Knowledge evaluates the knowledge of prospective secondary school teachers in the subject of chemistry. 100 multiple choice questions comprise this Praxis II exam, which the examinee must finish within 120 minutes.
The content areas which the exam covers are: atomic and nuclear structure (10%); history and nature of science, science and technology, science and social perspectives (11%); solutions, solubility, and acid/base chemistry (12%); matter, energy, heat, thermodynamics, and thermochemistry (16%); periodicity, reactivity, chemical reactions, biochemistry, and organic chemistry (23%); (14% in these two areas): nomenclature, the mole, chemical bonding, and geometry; and mathematics, measurement, data management, laboratory procedures, and safety. The use of calculators is not allowed in the Praxis II test.
0087: Citizenship Education: Content Knowledge
The Praxis II: Citizenship Education: Content Knowledge test assesses how knowledgeable a prospective teacher of citizenship education in a secondary school is in the following content areas: government, civics, and political science(18%); (16% in these areas): geography; and economics; (25% in these areas): United States history; and world history. The examinee has two hours to finish the Praxis II test consisting of 115 multiple choice questions.
0571: Earth and Space Sciences: Content Knowledge
The Praxis II Exam: Earth and Space Sciences: Content Knowledge measures the mastery of prospective secondary school teachers in the Earth and space sciences subjects. The test has 100 multiple choice questions, which the examinee is given 120 minutes to finish answering. This Praxis II questions are based on these content areas: (8-12% in these areas): astronomy; and basic scientific principles of Earth and space sciences; history of the Earth and its life forms (13-17%); Earth materials and surface processes (23-27%); (18-22% in these areas): Earth’s atmosphere and hydrosphere; and tectonics and internal Earth processes.
0910: Economics
The Praxis II Test: Economics gauges a prospective teacher’s subject knowledge of secondary school level economics. There are 100 multiple choice questions in the Praxis II exam. The allotted duration for the exam is 2 hours.
There are four main sections of the test, two of macroeconomics and two of microeconomics. The exam’s 20-30% content is based on the first microeconomics section which are taken from the topics of economic systems, market failures, scarcity, supply and demand, elasticity, choice and opportunity costs, comparative advantage and trade, public policy, and market efficiency. The second microeconomics section accounts for 25-35% of the Praxis II exam content and covers the subtopics of income distribution, production and cost, product markets and behavior of firms, and factor markets. The first of the two macroeconomics sections accounts for 10-20% of the exam and covers subtopics of national income accounting, business cycle, measures of economic performance, inflation, and unemployment. The second macroeconomics section takes up 25-30% of the Praxis II and includes the subtopics of monetary policy, economic growth, money and banking, international finance and investment, fiscal policy, and national income determination.
0041: English Language, Literature, and Composition: Content Knowledge
The Praxis II: English Language, Literature, and Composition: Content Knowledge diagnoses the mastery of secondary school prospective teachers in the subject of English. This test is composed of 120 multiple choice questions of varying difficulty levels. The examinee is given 2 hours to finish the Praxis II exam. Test questions are taken from these content areas: language and linguistics (15%); \composition and rhetoric (30%); and reading and understanding text (55%).
0042: English Language, Literature, and Composition: Essays
The Praxis II Test: English Language, Literature, and Composition: Essays assesses the subject knowledge of prospective English teachers in a secondary school. The Praxis II has 4 essay questions and 2 hours is allotted for the test. One essay question asks the examinee to interpret piece of poetry; the interpretation of poetry is also required in another Praxis II essay question; one question instructs the examinee to evaluate a given argument concerning some aspect of English language or literature; and one of the essay questions requires the examinee to make an argument with ample supporting points on some issue in English language or literature.
0043: English Language, Literature, and Composition: Pedagogy
The Praxis II: English Language, Literature, and Composition: Pedagogy test determines a prospective secondary school teacher’s writing assessment ability and mastery of the English subject. The Praxis II test has 2 questions requiring a constructed response. The examinee is given 60 minutes to answer these questions. The first question instructs the examinee to choose a literary work and specify the following: two central features of the work to teaching it; two obstacles that students might encounter which would hamper their understanding what is being taught; and a pair of useful instructional activities. In the second question, the examinee is required to read and assess a student’s written piece.
0012: Elementary Education: Content Area Exercises
The Praxis II Exam: Elementary Education: Content Area Exercises measures a prospective elementary teacher’s ability to make insightful comments on curriculum, instruction, and assessment issues . This Praxis II is composed of 4 essays which the examinee must finish within 120 minutes. Content areas that the exam questions are taken from include: mathematics; science and social studies; reading and language arts; and interdisciplinary instruction.
0014: Elementary Education: Content Knowledge
The Praxis II Test: Elementary Education: Content Knowledge determines the knowledge of a elementary prospective teacher in these subject areas: mathematics (25%); science (25%); social studies (25%); and language arts (25%). The Praxis II exam is composed of 120 multiple choice questions with a two-hour allotted time. The examinee is allowed to use a four-function or scientific calculator.
0011: Elementary Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
The Elementary Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Praxis II exam is administered to diagnose a prospective elementary teacher’s knowledge on the art and science of holistic education. This multiple choice Praxis II test has 110 questions, which the examinee must finish answering within 120 minutes. Instruction-, curriculum-, and assessment-based questions are taken from these content areas: (10% in each of these areas): social studies; physical education and arts; and science; general information (15%); mathematics (20%); and language arts and reading (35%).
0016: Elementary Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (K-5)
The Elementary Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (K-5) exam of the Praxis II checks prospective kindergarten through grade five teachers’ knowledge on pedagogy. This Praxis II exam is in multiple choice format with a total of 120 questions. Two hours is given to the examinee to finish the exam. The content areas which the test questions are taken from are: mathematics (20%); language arts and reading (35%); (10% from each of the following areas): physical education and arts; science; and social studies; and general information (15%).
0511: Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge
The Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge of the Praxis II test evaluates a prospective teacher’s knowledge on general topics. This is a multiple choice exam that is comprised of 100 questions. The duration of this Praxis II exam is 2 hours. Test questions are taken from: social science and citizenship; mathematics; language arts and English; and science. Each topic accounts for 25% of the exam coverage. The examinee is allowed to use a non-programmable four-function calculator when taking the test.
0067: General Mathematics
The General Mathematics Praxis II exam appraises a prospective general mathematics teacher’s expertise and mastery of the subject. The test is in a multiple choice format with a total number of 120 questions. The time limit for this Praxis II test is 120 minutes. The following topics are where the questions are taken from: geometry and measurement (22%); applied mathematics, statistics, and probability (14%); exceptionalities in the program of math (10%); fundamental skills and mathematical concepts (30%); and fundamental algebra (24%).
0431: General Science: Content Knowledge, Part 1
The General Science, Part 1 exam of the Praxis II gauges a prospective secondary school level general science teacher’s mastery of the subject. There are only 60 questions in this multiple choice format Praxis II exam. The examinee must be able to finish the test within 60 minutes. The coverage of the exam are as follows: science of space/Earth, technology and science, and society and science (32%); philosophy/methodology, laboratory safety, and measurement/data/math (23%); life science (22%); and fundamental scientific principles (23%).
0432: General Science: Content Knowledge, Part 2
The General Science: Content Knowledge, Part 2 of the Praxis II is an assessment of a prospective secondary school teacher’s of general science knowledge. This is a multiple choice exam that is composed of 60 questions. An allotted time of one hour is given to the examinee to finish this Praxis II test with the questions taken from these content areas: life science (18%); science of space/Earth, technology and science, and society and science (28%); and (27% each from these areas): physics; and chemistry.
0433: General Science: Content Essays
The General Science: Content Essays Praxis II exam is an evaluation of prospective secondary school teachers’ knowledge on the subject of general science. This Praxis II test has 3 essay questions based on the following topics: the basic concepts of space and Earth sciences (1 question); the basic concepts of physical science (1 question); and the basic concepts of life science (1 question). The examinee has 60 minutes to finish the exam.
0435: General Science: Content Knowledge
The General Science: Content Knowledge of the Praxis II test diagnoses a prospective teacher’s knowledge of secondary school level general science. This is a multiple choice test of the Praxis II with a total of 120 questions covering the topics of: physical science (40%); (20% on the following topics): Earth science; and life science; (10% on these topics): technology, society, and science; and scientific techniques, history, and methodology. The duration of the exam is 120 minutes.
0920: Geography
The Geography Praxis II exam is a measurement of a prospective secondary school teacher’s mastery of the subject of geography. This Praxis II test is composed of 120 questions in multiple choice format and covers the following topics: 20% of the exam is about globe and map skills; 21% is about physical geography; 29% of the exam is based on human geography; and 30% of the Praxis II is about regional geography. The examinee must finish the test within 120 minutes.
0930: Government/Political Science
The Government/Political Science test of the Praxis II is an evaluation of a prospective secondary school teacher’s proficiency in the subject of political science and government. This Praxis II test is in multiple choice format. The examinee must answer all 120 questions within 120 minutes. The test questions are taken from these content areas: American government and local, state, and federal institutions (52%); American politics, interest groups, political parties, campaigns, political participation, elections, public opinion, and political socialization, (19%); comparative politics, ideologies, public policies, and government (17%); theory and development of the United States Constitution, landmark court decisions and civil rights (12%).
0550: Health Education
The Praxis II exam on Health Education is a diagnosis of a prospective teacher’s knowledge of health in elementary through senior high school levels. The Praxis II is composed of 120 questions in multiple choice format covering these topics: (10% in these two topics): advocacy of community health; and health education pedagogy; 15% of the exam are taken from these two areas: prevention of diseases and illnesses; and health education; healthy relationships (20%); and promotion of healthy lifestyles (30%). The examinee has two hours to take the test.
0856: Health and Physical Education: Content Knowledge
The Praxis II test on Health and Physical Education: Content Knowledge is an assessment of prospective teachers’ proficiency in the field of physical education and health. This is a multiple choice format type of Praxis II that covers the following topics: community health, disorders, and diseases (12%); sex education and family living (14%); personal health care (16%); basic movements, and motor learning and development (18%); forms of movement (19%); and exercise science and fitness (21%). The examinee has 2 hours to finish the 120-question exam.
0234: Life Sciences: Pedagogy
The Life Sciences: Pedagogy test of the Praxis II is a gauge of the mastery and knowledge of prospective biology teachers in the secondary school level. This Praxis II test is composed of one 3-part essay question, which the examinee must answer within 60 minutes. The question is regarding these pedagogical issues: assessment, instructional strategies, and rationale and content. A topic for a one-week high school biology class unit is assigned to the examinee. He is then required to come up with the lesson content, instructional strategies that are appropriate for the content, and student learning assessment methods.
0061: Mathematics: Content Knowledge
The Mathematics: Content Knowledge Praxis II exam is an evaluation of a prospective secondary school teacher’s proficiency in mathematics. This Praxis II is in multiple choice format. There are 50 questions and the examinee must finish the test within 120 minutes. The questions are taken from these topics: measurement comprises 6% of the exam; 16% of the test is taken from these areas: functions; and number theory and algebra; 10% of the test is about geometry; 10-12% is regarding statistics and data analysis; 8-10% tackles matrix algebra; 4-6% is about probability; discrete mathematics accounts for 6-8% of the exam; 12% is based on calculus; and trigonometry accounts for 8% of the Praxis II test. This exam of the Praxis Ii requires the use of graphing calculators.
0063: Math: Models, Proofs, and Problems, Part 1
The Math: Models, Proofs, and Problems, Part 1 exam of the Praxis II checks a prospective secondary school teacher’s proficiency in mathematics. This Praxis II test has four fundamental exercises composed of two problems, one model, and one proof. The examinee is given one hour to finish the test which covers these process categories: mathematical proof and reasoning; mathematical representation; mathematical connections; the use of technology; and mathematical problem solving.
0065: Math: Pedagogy
The Praxis II exam on Math: Pedagogy diagnoses a prospective secondary school level teacher’s knowledge and mastery of mathematics. This Praxis II has 3 questions in essay format, which the examinee has one hour to finish. One essay question is taken from each of these topics: assessing instruction; implementing instruction; and planning instruction. The examinee is required to make an indication of the appropriate forms of instruction for a subject, what challenges and obstacles the subject poses, and what technology is useful for teaching the subject. First-year algebra is the highest level of mathematics covered in the Praxis II exam.
0146: Middle School: Content Knowledge
The Middle School: Content Knowledge Praxis II test gauges the thinking skills in higher order and knowledge of a prospective middle school teacher. This Praxis II exam has 120 questions based on the following topics: language studies and literature (25%); social studies and history (25%); science (25%); and mathematics (25%). The examinee can use a calculator when taking the exam provided that the calculator is non-programmable. The time limit for this test is two hours.
0049: Middle School English Language Arts
The Middle School English Language Arts test of the Praxis II evaluates the mastery of a prospective middle school teacher in English language arts. The Praxis II exam has 90 questions in a multiple choice format as well as 2 questions in the format of constructed response. The exam has a time allotment of two hours. The multiple choice Praxis II test questions are taken from these topics: (31% in these topics): rhetoric and composition; and literature and reading; and linguistics and language comprises 13% of the exam. The two questions in constructed response format make up 25% of the Praxis II and are about rhetorical and literary analyses.
0069: Middle School Mathematics
The Middle School Mathematics Praxis II exam is an assessment of a prospective middle school teacher’s knowledge of math. The test is composed of two parts: multiple choice exam portion and a constructed response test portion. The former has 40 items and the latter has 3 items. The examinee is given two hours to finish the Praxis II test that covers these topics: measurement and geometry (17%); constructed response exercises on problem solving (33%); functions and graphs of functions (13%); basic algebra and arithmetic (20%); data, statistical concepts, probability, and discrete math (17%).
0439: Middle School Science
The Middle School Science exam of the Praxis II gauges prospective middle school teachers’ mastery of the science subject. The exam has two parts consisting of 3 questions in a constructed response format and 90 questions in multiple choice format. The test has a time limit of 120 minutes. The multiple choice portion of the exam has questions taken from these topics: fundamental scientific principles (11%); scientific techniques, history, and methodology (8%); (15% in these content areas): space and Earth sciences; and life sciences; society, technology, and science (8%); and physical sciences (18%). The questions in constructed response format accounts for one-fourth of the exam and pertains to the topics of life sciences, space and Earth sciences, and physical sciences.
0089: Middle School Social Studies
The Middle School Social Studies Praxis II exam assesses the proficiency of a prospective middle school teacher in the subject of social studies. The exam is made up of 90 questions following a multiple choice format and 3 questions in constructed response format. The exam duration is two hours. The multiple choice Praxis II questions are based on these content areas: history of the world (14-16%); economics (10-12%); American history (18-20%); geography (11-14%); anthropology and sociology (0-5%); and civics/government (11-13%). The questions in constructed response format takes up one-fourth of the test. They are regarding these topics: history of the world relating to geography; American history regarding civics and government; and either history of the United States pertaining to geography or economics or history of the world that pertains to government/civics or economics.
0113: Music: Content Knowledge
The Music: Content Knowledge of the Praxis II diagnoses a prospective teacher’s knowledge of the music subject in elementary through senior high school levels. This is a multiple choice Praxis II exam that has a total of 135 questions. The examinee has 120 minutes to finish the exam. Forty items of the test are based on recorded excerpts of music and are played during the test. The exam covers the following topics: (21% are taken from these content areas): music theory; literature and music history; and performance; professional practices (6%); and 31% of the exam is taken from music learning, K-12.
0261: Physics: Content Knowledge
The Physics: Content Knowledge Praxis II test is a measurement of a prospective teacher’s mastery of secondary school level physics. This is a multiple choice type of exam with 50 questions. One hour is given to the examinee to answer all the questions. These Praxis II questions are based on these topics: waves, optics, and modern physics special topics (26%); magnetism and electricity (34%); and mechanics (40%). The examinee is not allowed to use calculators during the test.
0262: Physics: Content Essays
The Physics: Content Essays test of the Praxis II is a gauge of a prospective teacher’s proficiency in the subject of secondary school level physics. This Praxis II test has 3 essay questions and has a time limit of 60 minutes. One question is taken from each of these areas: waves and fields; technology, science, and society; and energy and matter.
0265: Physics: Content Knowledge
The Physics: Content Knowledge Praxis II exam evaluates a prospective secondary school teacher’s knowledge of the physics subject. There are 100 questions in this multiple choice format Praxis II test. Two hours is allotted for the duration of the exam. Questions are taken from these topics: (8% in each of these topics): thermodynamics and heat; and modern physics, nuclear, and atomic structure; nature and history of science, social perspectives, and science technology (12%); waves and optics (17%); magnetism and electricity (23%); and mechanics (32%). The exam doesn’t allow the use of calculators.
0091: Physical Education: Content Knowledge
The Physical Education: Content Knowledge test of the Praxis II measures a prospective teacher’s proficiency in the subject of physical education in elementary through senior high school levels. The test is in multiple choice format and is composed of 120 questions, which the examinee must answer within 120 minutes. The following are the topics from which the questions are taken from: (24% are from these topics): movement forms; and basic movements, and motor learning and development; biomechanics (8%); exercise science and fitness (19%); foundations of social science (11%); and safety and health (14%).
0481: Physical Science: Content Knowledge
The Physical Science: Content Knowledge Praxis II test is an assessment of a prospective secondary school teacher’s subject mastery of chemistry and physics. This Praxis II is a multiple choice exam with 60 questions. The examinee has one hour to answer the test, which covers these content areas: laboratory procedures and safety, energy and matter (37); math, data, measurement, technology & science, methodology, and society & science (33%); and thermodynamics, heat, nuclear, and atomic structures (30%). The examinee is prohibited from using calculators.
0483: Physical Science: Pedagogy
The Physical Science: Pedagogy test of the Praxis II is an assessment of a prospective teacher’s subject proficiency in secondary school level chemistry and physics. This Praxis II exam has 1 multipart essay, which the examinee is given 60 minutes to answer. A high school chemistry or physics topic will be assigned to the examinee. He shall then describe strategies of instruction and activities that are appropriate for teaching this topic (50%), give appropriate ways to assess student learning (25%), and provide follow-up assignment that is useful to the learning of the topic (25%).
0521: Principles of Learning and Teaching: Early Childhood
The Teaching and Learning Principles: Early Childhood Praxis II exam determines the holistic teaching skill and knowledge of a prospective pre-school teacher. The Praxis II is composed of 12 questions in short answer format and 2 dozens of questions in multiple choice format. The duration of the test is 2 hours. The questions of the multiple choice subtest are taken from these topics: (11% in each of these content areas): assessment and instruction; students as learners; and professionalism of teachers. There are four case histories that precede the short-answer subtest. The questions in this subtest are based on these content areas: (22% in each of these content areas): assessment and instruction; and students as learners; (11% in these topics): teacher professionalism; and techniques of communication.
0522: Learning and Teaching Principles: Grades K-6
The Learning and Teaching Principles: K-6 of the Praxis II identifies the pedagogic proficiency of a prospective teacher in kindergarten through grade 6. This Praxis II test is made up of a dozen questions in short answer format and 24 questions in multiple choice format. The exam duration is two hours. The multiple choice subtest covers these topics: assessment and instruction; students as learners; and professionalism of teachers. Each of these three topics accounts for 11% of the Praxis II exam. The questions of the short answer subtest are preceded by four case histories. The questions are taken from these areas: assessment and instruction; and students as learners; Each of these make up 22 % of the exam. Topics on techniques of communication as well as teacher professionalism each account for 11% of the exam.
0523: Principles of Teaching and Learning: Grades 5-9
The Principles of Teaching and Learning: Grades 5-9 Praxis II test determines the holistic teaching knowledge and skill of a prospective teacher in 5th grade through 9th grade. This Praxis II has 12 questions in short answer format and 24 questions in multiple choice format. The latter is taken from these topics with each of them accounting for 11% of the subtest: assessment and instruction; teacher professionalism; and students as learners. The short answer subtest comes after the presentation of four case histories and the questions are taken from these topics: students as learners; and assessment and instruction. Each of these two topics make up 22% of the short answer subtest. The short answer subtest is also taken from these topics: professionalism of teachers (11%); and techniques of communication (11%). The examinee is given 120 minutes to answer this Praxis II.
0524: Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades 7-12
The Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades 7-12 Praxis II exam is an evaluation of a prospective 7th grade through 12th grade teacher’s the pedagogic skill and knowledge. The Praxis II test has 24 questions in multiple choice format and a dozen questions in short answer format. The examinee must finish both subtests in 2 hours. The multiple choice Praxis II test questions are based on these topics: (11%) assessment and instruction; (11%) students as learners; and (11%) professionalism of teachers. The short answer exam questions are presented after 4 case histories. They are taken from these topics: (11%) teacher professionalism; (22%) students as learners; (11%) communication techniques; and assessment and instruction (22%).
0300: Reading Specialist
The Reading Specialist test of the Praxis II gauges the proficiency of a prospective K-12 teacher in reading. The Praxis II exam is designed for those with advanced academic preparation. The test has 120 questions in multiple choice format covering these topics: (10%) reading leadership; (18%) knowledge and theoretical bases of reading; (27%) application of knowledge and theoretical bases of reading pertaining to assessment and diagnosis; and (45%) application of knowledge and theoretical bases of reading in instruction. The exam has an allotted time of 2 hours.
0081: Social Studies: Content Knowledge
The Social Studies: Content Knowledge Praxis II test determines a prospective secondary school teacher’s social studies subject mastery. The exam is in multiple choice format and has 130 questions. Two hours is the exam time limit. The questions are taken from these topics: behavioral sciences (10%); (22% each is taken from these areas): history of the world; and American history; political science, civics, and government (16%); (15% each is based on these topics): economics; and geography.
0082: Social Studies: Analytical Essays
The Social Studies: Analytical Essays Praxis II exam is an evaluation of a prospective secondary school teacher’s knowledge and proficiency in the subject of social studies. The Praxis II has two questions in essay format, which the examinee is given one hour to answer. The questions are taken from American history or contemporary issues, and history of the world or contemporary issues.
0083: Social Studies: Interpretation of Materials
The Social Studies: Interpretation of Materials test of the Praxis II is an assessment of a prospective secondary school teacher’s mastery of the social studies subject. The Praxis II exam is composed of 5 two-part questions in essay format. Every question requires a brief comprehension, identification, interpretation and application sections. A question is taken from each of these topics: civics and government; economics; geography; American history; and history of the world. The test duration is 60 minutes.
0084: Social Studies: Pedagogy
The Social Studies: Pedagogy test of the Praxis II diagnoses a prospective secondary school teacher’s knowledge in the subject of social studies. The Praxis II test is made up of 2 five-part questions. These are based on given case studies. A one hour time limit is imposed for the exam. In the first part of the exam, a two-week social studies unit topic is provided and the examinee must give historical parallels, analogies, metaphors, and questions to be used in class discussion. The second part presents a single-period social science unit topic and the examinee is asked to give an objective, lesson, strategy for teaching, and strategy for evaluation.
0085: Social Studies: Analysis and Interpretation
The Praxis II exam on Social Studies: Analysis and Interpretation determines a prospective secondary school teacher’s mastery of the social studies subject. This Praxis II has five questions in short answer format and two questions in essay format. Questions are based on these topics: government, social science, economics; and geography (30%); history of the world and the United States (20%); social studies analysis of the history of the world (25%); and United States social studies analysis (25%). The examinee must finish the test in 2 hours.
0950: Sociology
The Sociology Praxis II test evaluates the mastery of a prospective secondary school teacher in the subject of sociology. The Praxis II exam is in multiple choice format and has 120 questions taken from these topics: (25%) social interaction, social disintegration, and socialization; (25%) urbanization, demography, social structure, and industrialization; (20%) methods of inquiry and sociological perspectives; (15%) social stratification; and (15%) culture. The exam has a time limit of 120 minutes.
0321: Special Education: Teaching Students with Mental Retardation
The Special Education: Teaching Students with Mental Retardation test of the Praxis II is a multiple choice exam. It diagnoses the subject knowledge of a prospective pre-school through 12th grade teacher of mentally retarded students. It has 50 questions and the examinee must finish the Praxis II test within 60 minutes. These are the topics covered in the test: services delivery to mentally retarded students (77%); and other factors excluding direct instruction that influence mentally retarded students’ education (23%).
0351: Special Education: Knowledge-based Core Principles
The Special Education: Knowledge-based