Originally written by: http://www.teachingsolutions.org
AEPA Test Prep – Secrets The Test Makers Don’t Want You To Know
When it comes to Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments test taking secrets, those study guides and review classes you’ve been taking have only scratched the surface.
You’ve been tricked. Lied to. Coerced into believe that AEPA prep is as really as simple as boning up on content knowledge and practicing basic high school math. Sure, that’s part of any viable AEPA preparation course. But if you’ve been relying on that to get you through this excruciatingly difficult examination, then you’re in for a nasty surprise…
…Because you can’t pass without studying for the actual test content itself.
So what do I mean by that, exactly? Well, I can either leave you sitting there to wonder, or I can give you a taste of the practice secrets that exam developers don’t want you to discover.
Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and relax – because I’m ready to blow the lid off of these Arizona teacher tests once and for all.
The First Step You Should Take In Arizona Teacher Test Preparation
You’ve fallen into a habit – and as far as your test score is concerned, it’s the worst habit you could find yourself in.
When you read through any questions on educational competencies, it might be tempting to look directly to the answers and then make your choice from there. But if you’re doing that, then I have a piece of advice for you: DON’T. Your AEPA exams expect that from you – and it’s a surefire way to lose out on beneficial testing points.
Instead, follow this piece of advice to make sure that you can identify the right answer before you even read them all. It involves identifying the scenario – and it’s crucial to passing your educator testing:
To identify the scenario on your AEPA exam, first identify the age of the children in question.
Then, identify the goal.
So for example, if the question is asking you to cite how to encourage group work in the classroom, then identify the age and the goal, which is to promote useful group work without one person shouldering all the responsibilities.
The right answer should stick out to you like a sore thumb!
A Little-Known Step Your Prep For The AEPA Test
Didn’t Highlight
Think that choosing the correct answer in the multiple choice questions or practice exams means finding the answer that’s the “most right”?
Think again – instead, approach those multiple choice questions by detailing what’s wrong about all of the others.
The makers of this Arizona teaching assessment love to trip you up by including answers that could potentially be appropriate. If you approach the questions in this manner, you’re bound to get tripped up. But if you approach it by showing why all the other answers are wrong, then you’ll be more confident about your answer choice.
And confidence is key when it comes to mastering your exam practice.
Looking For A Prep Class Online?
So now that you’ve got a taste of what superior review prep for your Arizona teaching exam is like, I bet you’re hungry for more. And I know just the place where you can fill up on the kind of best secrets that lead to a passing score – not to mention your Arizona teacher certification.
Go to: AEPA Study Guides And Practice Test Questions right now.
A Mini AEPA Test Study Guide For Each Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment
Let’s face it: you want to pass the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments and start living your passion as Arizona teacher – but you’re not sure the best way to get from point A to B. You know that you should focus on what content knowledge and teacher competencies are required by the the Arizona Department of Education. This educator exam administered by Pearson Education, inc and Evaluations Systems measures your content knowledge in several critical areas.
Always start your AEPA test preparation with areas of test you’re the lowest in. That’s where small inputs of time will yield you the greatest amount of outputs in terms of exam score increases. Discipline yourself to do your prep on the subjects you dislike and are not comfortable with and a passing score will be yours.
Each time before you start studying, make a list of 3 main objectives or areas of the exam you will cover intensely.
Below you’ll find a comprehensive review and content breakdown of each Arizona Teacher Certification Exam. These are designed to help you focus your study so you can make the most of your limited prep time.
Let’s get started!
Use This To Improve Your AEPA Exam Preparation
Before we begin de-mystifying these Arizona teaching exams, it’s important to note that we’ve included test score percentages and number of questions whenever possible. This will help you to decide what content areas you should be focusing on, especially if they make up a large percentage of your overall test score.
With that in mind, let’s begin.
Professional Knowledge (Early Childhood) : This paper-based exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions, three written performance responses, and will take four hours to complete. You will be tested on the following four competencies: Foundations of Early Childhood Education (28%); Promoting Child Development and Learning (36%); Child Guidance and Inclusive Learning Communities (18%); and Family and Community Relationships (18%).
Assessment of Professional Knowledge (Elementary) : This test contains 100 multiple-choice questions, one case study assignment, and one work product written assignment. The test will take three hours to take, and you should expect to receive a minimum raw score of 220 out of 300 in order to pass this exam.
You will be tested on three competencies, which include: Student Development and Learning (24%); Assessment, Instruction, and the Learning Environment (40%; another 10% will be devoted to the case study); and The Professional Environment (16%; another 10% will be devoted to the work product).
Assessment of Professional Knowledge (Secondary) : This AEPA test contains 100 multiple-choice questions, one case study assignment, and one work product written assignment (think of it like an essay). The test will take three hours to take, and you should expect to achieve a minimum raw score of 220 out of 300 in order to pass this exam.
You will be tested on three competencies, which include: Student Development and Learning (24%); Assessment, Instruction, and the Learning Environment (40%; another 10% will be devoted to the case study); and The Professional Environment (16%; another 10% will be devoted to the work product, or the essay).
Elementary Education : This computer-based exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions and one written performance assignment. The test will take approximately four hours to complete, and you should expect to receive a minimum score of 220 out of 300 in order to pass this exam.
Future teachers should expect to be tested on the following five competencies: Language Arts (25%); Mathematics (21%); Science (21%); Social Studies (21%); and The Arts (12%).
Early Childhood Education: This computer-based exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions and one written performance assignment. The test will take approximately four hours to complete, and you should expect to receive a minimum score of 220 out of 300 in order to pass this exam. Future Arizona teachers can expect to be tested on the following three competencies: Child Development and Learning (24%); Communication, Language, and Literacy Development (38%); and Learning in the Content Areas (38%).
Basic Skills : This AEPA examination contains 126 multiple-choice questions and one written performance assignment. This test will take approximately four hours to take and will be a paper-based exam.
You will be tested in three competency areas, which include the following: Reading Comprehension (42 questions); Mathematics (42 questions); and Writing (42 questions and one essay). All sections will make up a little over 33% of your final test score. You should expect to get a minimum of 220 out of 300 in order to pass this exam.
More Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments ‘Quick Reference’ Material
Biology : This Arizona teacher certification exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions and one written performance assignment. The test will take approximately four hours to complete, and you should expect to receive a minimum score of 220 out of 300 in order to pass this exam.
Future Biology teachers will be tested on the following six competencies: Scientific Inquiry (22%); Cells and Cell Theory (16%); Characteristics of Organisms (16%); Human Biology (13%); Principles of Heredity (16%); and Matter and Energy in Ecosystems (17%).
Chemistry : This exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions and one written performance assignment. The test will take approximately four hours to complete, and you should expect to receive a minimum score of 220 out of 300 in order to pass this exam.
Physics : This paper-based Arizona educator exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions, one written performance response, and will take four hours to complete. You should expect to receive a raw score of 220 out of 300 in order to become a certified Physics teacher in the state of Arizona.
You should expect to be tested on the following five competencies: Scientific Inquiry (19%); Mechanics and Heat Energy (36%); Electricity and Magnetism (15%); Waves, Sound, and Light (15%); and Quantum Theory and the Atom (15%).
Earth Science: This paper-based exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions and one written performance assignment. The test will take approximately four hours to complete, and you should expect to receive a minimum score of 220 out of 300 in order to pass this exam. Future Earth Science teachers can expect to be tested on the following five competencies: Characteristics of Science (22%); Origin and Evolution of the Earth System (17%); Geologic Materials, Processes, and Cycles (22%); The Hydrosphere and the Atmosphere (22%); and Astronomy (17%).
Middle Grades General Science : This paper-based Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions, one written performance response, and will take four hours to complete. You should expect to receive a raw score of 220 out of 300 in order to become a certified Middle Grades General Science teacher in the state of Arizona. Future certified teachers can expect to be tested on the following four competencies: Characteristics of Science (20%); Life Science (25%); Physical Science (30%); and Earth and Space Science (25%).
Mathematics : This paper-based exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions, one written performance response, and will take four hours to complete.
You should expect to receive a raw score of 220 out of 300 in order to become a certified Math teacher in the state of Arizona. Future certified teachers can expect to be tested on the following six competencies: Number Sense (14%); Data Analysis and Probability (14%); Patterns, Algebra, and Functions (18%); Geometry and Measurement (18%); Trigonometry and the Conceptual Foundations of Calculus (18%); Mathematical Structure and Logic (18%).
More Preparation Outlines For Arizona Teaching Examinations
English : This paper-based exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions, one written performance response, and will take four hours to complete.
You should expect to receive a raw score of 220 out of 300 in order to become a certified English teacher in Arizona. You will be tested on the following four competencies: Reading (33%); Writing (34%); Listening and Speaking (22%); Viewing and Presenting (11%).
Middle Grades Language Arts and Reading : This paper-based Arizona educator exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions, one written performance response, and will take four hours to complete. You should expect to receive a raw score of 220 out of 300 in order to become a certified Middle Grades Language Arts and Reading teacher in the state of Arizona. Future certified teachers can expect to be tested on the following four competencies: Reading Process and Comprehension (35%); Writing Process, Conventions, and Applications (35%); Listening and Speaking (18%); and Viewing and Presenting (12%).
Health: This paper-based exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions, one written performance response, and will take four hours to complete. You should expect to receive a raw score of 220 out of 300 in order to become a certified Geography teacher in Arizona. You will be tested on the following six competencies: Personal Health (19%); Healthy Interpersonal Relationships (18%); Community Health (15%); Accessing Health-Related Information (15%); Health-Related Skills and Behaviors (15%); Health-Related Physical Fitness (18%).
Spanish : This paper-based AEPA test contains 55 multiple-choice questions, one written expression performance assignment, and one oral expression performance assignment. This test will take about four hours to complete, and you’ll need to achieve a minimum score of 220 out of 300 in order to pass this exam.
You will be quizzed on the following competencies: Listening Comprehension (16%); Reading and Vocabulary (29%); Language Structures (22%); Cultural Understanding (16%); Foreign Language Methodology (16%); Written Expression and Oral Expression.
A Wrap-Up Of AEPA Practice Breakdowns
Social Studies : This exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions and one written performance assignment. The test will take approximately four hours to complete, and you should expect to receive a minimum score of 220 out of 300 in order to pass this exam.
You should expect to be tested on the following six competencies: American History (23%); World History (23%); Civics and Government (16%); Geography (16%); Economics (13%); and Social Studies Skills (10%).
Geography: This paper-based exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions, one written performance response, and will take four hours to complete. You should expect to receive a raw score of 220 out of 300 in order to become a certified Geography teacher in Arizona. You will be tested on the following four competencies: Geographic Concepts and Skills (25%); World Geography (34%); United States and Arizona Geography (25%); Contemporary Issues and Future Trends (16%).
History : This paper-based Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments examination contains 100 multiple-choice questions, one written performance response, and will take four hours to complete.
You should expect to receive a raw score of 220 out of 300 in order to become a certified History teacher in Arizona. You’ll be tested on the following three competencies: Concepts and Skills (17%); World History (45%); and United States and Arizona History (38%).
Constitutions of the United States and Arizona : This paper-based exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions and will take four hours to complete. You should expect to receive a minimum raw score of 220 out of 300 in order to pass this exam. You will be tested on both the U.S. Constitution and the Arizona Constitution, which count for 60% and 40% of your exam score, respectively.
Economics: This paper-based AEPA exam contains 100 multiple-choice questions and one written performance assignment. The test will take approximately four hours to complete, and you should expect to receive a minimum score of 220 out of 300 in order to pass this exam. Future Arizona teachers can expect to be tested on the following four competencies: Basic Economic Concepts and Microeconomics (28%); Macroeconomics, Economic Theories and International Economics (36%); Economic Inquiry (18%); and Consumer Economics (18%).
Get More Study Help For Your Preparation
To find out more about your specific AEPA test, visit the official Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments website at NESINC. Now that you have the breakdowns you need to succeed, it’s time to crack open your practice book and start working on that Arizona educator certification!
Go to: AEPA Practice Test And Preparation Guides now.
Originally written by: http://www.teachingsolutions.org