

The adoption and implementation of the Common Core will impact nearly every classroom in the United States. Some teachers who were early adopters have been implementing these standards for a couple of years already. Hear their ideas about how to make the shift in your instruction.



And vs. or in the Common Core by Jessica Cuthbertson

How can the Common Core maximize, not minimize, what and how we teach? One little word can make all the difference.

Assessment and the Common Core Standards by Lauren Hill

How do AP strategies and skills help the rest of us to implement Common Core? This teacher has 10+ practical activities and assessments to help teachers transition into a Common Core mindset.

Mathematical practices make a difference by Ali Wright

Find out why this high school teacher claims that “every math teacher should understand what the common standards promote.”

An All Too Uncommon Approach to the Common Core by Rob Kriete  

This veteran classroom teacher suggests three things in states adopting the CCSS--information, patience, and time.

Join the Collaboratory and you could participate in these conversations!

Knowledge and Skills? After redesigning her own school in Colorado, Lori Nazareno opens a discussion with teachers about what knowledge and skills teachers need to lead their own school redesign.

Google Forms Could be Your Next Big Timesaver Teachers discuss how they use this particular technology tool in creative ways in their schools.


Photo Credit: shazam791 via Flickr 


classroom practice Common Core standards

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