
Academic Journal of English Language


Call For Papers

Date of Publication: September, 2014


Academic Journal of English Language (AJOEL) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, and open-access journal published monthly by the World Journals of Academic Advances (WJOAA). It publishes the highest quality research papers in all major thrust areas, but not restricted, of English language and Linguistics; its scope includes both theoretical and applied topics in English language studies, linguistics and English language teaching. It covers other realms as well, including comparative linguistics, contrastive linguistics, discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis, syntax, morphology, phonology, lexis etc.

Our peer review is very fast, highly rigorous and it takes just a few days to weeks, and authors are carried along adequately in all the publication processes. All papers are subjected to peer review by Editorial Board Members or qualified reviewers by the use of double blind peer review system and if accepted it will be published in the September issue. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general scope and criteria of AJOEL publication.

Three types of manuscripts may be submitted as follows:

Regular articles: These should describe new and carefully confirmed findings, and experimental procedures should be given in sufficient detail for others to verify the work. The length of a full paper should be the minimum required to describe and interpret the work clearly.

Short Communications: A Short Communication is suitable for recording the results of complete small investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods, techniques or apparatus. The style of main sections need not conform to that of full-length papers. Short communications are 2 to 4 printed pages (about 6 to 12 manuscript pages) in length.

Review: Submissions of reviews and perspectives covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged. Reviews should be concise and no longer than 4-6 printed pages (about 12 to 18 manuscript pages). Reviews manuscripts are also peer-reviewed.

For author guidelines, please visit: http://www.wjoaa.org/journals/?jid=F033&pg=authors

For Information about the journal and Publication charges, please visit:


The Authors are invited to submit their original research papers for AJOEL through E-mail: editor@wjoaa.org or simply sign up on our website and upload your manuscripts.

Submissions must be unique and should not be published earlier or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Journal. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to ask.

Kind Regards;

AJOEL Editorial Team

From UPenn

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