Short-Term Shakeology Challenges: Shake Off The Excuses
Have customers who want to take the fitness plunge but shy away from long-term commitment? Can’t stick to the nutritional guide? Keep saying, “But the holidays are coming up”?
Don’t worry, short-term Shakeology challenges are the answer to all of these excuses. For advice on the ins and outs of hosting these challenges, we turn to Jace Lundgren—a short-term, Shakeology challenge champion who’s doubled her income and inspired countless people to get healthy and fit.
Why do you run short-term Shakeology challenges, Jace?
They are a great way to show people how much their diet really matters and can affect their results. When participants see a difference in just a few days by changing their diets alone, they’re more likely to get onboard with the diet portion of future Beachbody programs (the part of the program which seems to be the most common downfall for customers). When they follow the diet, they see better results. When they see better results, they’ll keep coming back for more!
How long is your challenge, and who participates?
I run a three-day Shakeology challenge every two to three months using a challenge schedule that another Coach gave me. I offer it to new customers, old customers, and Coaches in my Downline. I’ve discovered that between 10-15 people MAX is the ideal number of challengers. Anything more than that and you lose the personal touch.
What are the Shakeology guidelines of your challenge?
Participants will consume three Shakeology shakes per day—one for breakfast, one for lunch, and one as a snack. I require all participants to purchase at least a 30-day supply of Shakeology. I am a firm believer that the investment is half the commitment. They need to have skin in the game!
What are the dietary guidelines of your challenge?
Diet is the only focus of this challenge. In addition to Shakeology consumption, challengers also have a cup of green tea to start the day, a piece of fruit as a snack, and a dinner which consists of a salad or side of vegetables with four ounces of grilled white fish or poultry.
How do you advertise your Shakeology challenge?
Timing is crucial when it comes to advertising because you want to give people an adequate amount of time to get involved. I start pushing out promotions on the first Monday of the month, and then start the challenge two Fridays later. This way I have two weeks to confirm who my participants will be and lock in a Beachbody program for them to transfer into once the Shakeology challenge is complete.
How have these Shakeology challenges help expand your business?
Since leading these challenges, I’ve been able to increase Shakeology sales, recruit new customers, and retain old customers. It’s been very lucrative! I’ve hit Success Club 10 months in a row this year as compared to two consecutive months in 2012, and my 2013 salary is already double my 2012 annual salary—and it’s not even the end of the year!
How do you manage accountability within your group?
I have my challengers post daily photos of their shake, and I regularly post questions regarding diet issues they struggle with and what their ‘Why’ is. This way I manage accountability while stressing the importance of changing their diet in the long-term. I then encourage them to move on to a Beachbody program to maintain this lifestyle.
How do you inspire your group?
Motivation is definitely a strong point. I always do the challenge with them so I have a connection to what they’re doing. I post photos, struggles, victories, and most importantly, instead of just posting to the group, I try to connect one-on-one, especially if they are struggling.
What’s your next step when the challenge is over?
FOLLOW UP! FOLLOW UP! FOLLOW UP! I ask them what they thought of the challenge, why they were able to follow it or not, and how can I help them move forward. I always follow up with a “What are we going to do to keep up this momentum?” to get them started on a structured Beachbody program. I usually use these short-term Shakeology challenges to transfer customers into my monthly Ultimate Reset challenge.
Do you have any advice for Coaches looking to set up their own cleanse program?
Yes! Your energy and excitement around the challenge is going to drive it. If you start off strong and end like a dud, so will your challenge. Also, advertise in a bunch of different ways to target difference audiences. Find unique ways to approach your challenge when you advertise it so you can bring in a dynamic group of people. It brings you credibility as a Coach and helps expand your customer base.
Whether you’re hosting small Shakeology challenges on your own, or pooling together a collective challenge with other Coaches, these are a great way to boost your own sales or train new Coaches how to interact with clients. Here are some more ways to structure a Shakeology challenge group:
Jace Lundgren
Fran Patoskie
Sommer Tucker
3 days
10 days
12 days
10 days
Main Goal
Help motivate clients to stay on board with healthy eating during future fitness programs
Hook clients on Shakeology
Establish trust and build relationships with clients and Coaches
Train new Coaches get outside their comfort zones while interacting with clients
Required Shakeology Purchase
30-day supply
Individually sold packets
30-day supply or individually sold packets
$55 charge to enter challenge includes Shakeology. Challenge free for clients on HD
Shakeology Regimen
3 shakes per day. One for breakfast, one for lunch, and one as a snack
1 shake per day. 10 days worth of Shakeology recipes are provided
1 shake per day. Replaces either breakfast, lunch, or dinner
1 shake per day
Diet Regimen
1-2 pieces of fruit a day are permitted but discouraged. Dinner consists of a salad that may include grilled poultry or fish
Recipes suggested from various meal plan guides
Two small meals and two snacks a day as derived from various Beachbody programs’ eating guides
Recipes suggested from various meal plan guides
Excerice Regimen
30 minute workout of their choice for 8 of the 10 days
Size of Group
10-15 participants max
100 participants
Varies, but can be up to 500 participants
30-40 participants for every 5 Coaches in challenge group
Manage Accountability
Has participants post daily photos of their shakes, obstacles they struggle with, and questions about diet. Follow up one-on-one with participants who are struggling
All Coaches on the team are in the group and are responsible for following up with their clients individually on a daily basis
All Coaches on the team are in the group and are responsible for following up with their clients individually on a daily basis
Has participants post daily photos of their shakes. Accomplish mini-assignments such as declare your Why, write down your goals, make a dream board, etc.
Inspire Participants
Is a product of the product. Posts photos, common struggles, and inspirational victories
“Tip of the Day” video posted daily. Provide links to free workous
Daily e-mails are sent to clients. Strong testimonials are shared
Posts inspirational videos and a daily motivation each morning in a group Facebook message
End of Challenge
Transfers participants into fitness program or ongoing, monthly Ultimate Reset Challenge
On days 8, 9, and 10, puts out invitation to join next group, go on HD, purchase Challenge Pack, or join team as Coach
Transfers participants into Fit Groups which start right after challenge
Transfers participants immediately into a 60-day Challenge