
Tumblr: 'Sexual harassment is so awful and harmful, we have to believe the victims and take them seriously'

Taylor Swift: *is sexually harassed and attempts to countersue the perpetrator and donate the money from the law suit to women who are suffering from domestic abuse*

Tumblr: 'Lmao all that bitch does is sue people, let's make this into a meme, she's probably lying about it for attention anyway lol'

Tumblr: 'Girls should empower each other and build each other up'

Taylor Swift: *Surrounds herself with strong women who build each other up and stand up for one another*

Tumblr: 'I'm so sick of Taylor's fake ass squad, they're like the clique in mean girls lmao Regina George'

Tumblr: 'Slut shaming is so sexist and wrong'

Taylor Swift: *Has a boyfriend*

Tumblr: 'What is this like boyfriend number 3925, can't she just be happy alone for once'

Tumblr: 'I'm so sick of double standards, women get dragged for doing the exact same thing as men and its wrong'

Taylor Swift: *writes songs about relationships - something that male songwriters do without getting called out for*

Tumblr: 'Woow another breakup song, she just dates guys to write albums can she not write about anything else ffs'

Tumblr: 'Celebrities do not have to speak up about social justice issues, it's not their job. Stop expecting them to do so'

Taylor Swift: *Speaks out about feminism and sexism that she has encountered in every day life and tries to bring it to an end*

Tumblr: '???? ok but where has she talked about intersectional feminism??? Where has she talked about race or sexuality??? hmm?? Fake feminist bitch'

Tumblr: 'It's ok to make mistakes, it's how we learn and how we grow :)'

Taylor Swift: *Makes a mistake*

Tumblr: 'I KNEW IT. I knew she was a fake bitch from day 1 I hate her she's such a snake'

Tumblr: 'Seeing successful women is so inspiring, they have to work harder than men to get where they are so we should support them and their careers'

Taylor Swift: *takes credit for a song she wrote*

Tumblr: 'haha #exposed that bitch is dead lmao #taylorswiftisoverparty I'm so happy her career is over'

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