
This post covers everything you need to know about developing a Haskell
package. I wrote it because I made a few packages and nothing covers the entire
process. The Cabal user guide provides good low-level information, and
Sebastiaan Visser’s Towards a better Haskell package gives some nice
high-level guidance. This post covers both of those and fills in some of the
gaps left by them.

Use Git for source control. If it’s not in source control, it doesn’t
exist. Git is the most popular choice, but its interface can be difficult to
understand. Consider using a GUI like GitHub Desktop.

Host on GitHub. GitHub allows other developers to easily contribute to
your package. Compared to other hosts, you are more likely to receive
contributions. Also GitHub integrates nicely with many other services.

Build with Stack. Stack painlessly manages Haskell dependencies. It
installs GHC for you and ensures you get a build plan that actually works. If
your package builds today, Stack ensures it will continue to build tomorrow.

Define with hpack. The default Cabal package file format is custom,
tedious, and verbose. hpack uses YAML and avoids unnecessary boilerplate.
Stack integrates hpack to automatically convert your package.yaml into a
*.cabal file when necessary.

Name with kebab-case. Keep everything lowercase to avoid confusion. You
don’t want people trying to install http when they really meant HTTP. Use
hyphens to separate words, but keep it short and memorable. Nobody wants to
type out hypertext-transfer-protocol.

Use Semantic Versioning. Unfortunately Hackage recommends the Package
Versioning Policy. The PVP adds ambiguity by using two major version numbers.
That encourages packages to stay on major version 0, which doesn’t inspire
confidence. Many other languages use Semantic Versioning. SemVer matches how
developers generally think about version numbers.

License your package. Nobody can use a package without a license. The
most popular license for Haskell is BSD 3-Clause, followed by MIT. Whichever
license you choose, include the license file in your package.

Write a README. Most people will familiarize themselves with your package
by reading your README. It should describe the problem that your package
solves. Be sure to include at least one concrete example in it. GitHub will
automatically format your README.markdown.

Keep a change log. Most packages will use Git tags to mark releases, but
reading diffs is not an acceptable way for users to discover changes. Put a
human-readable summary of changes in the GitHub releases. Then link to that
from your CHANGELOG.markdown.

Write a synopsis. This shows up when searching and viewing your
package. Keep it short, imperative, and descriptive. Also write a
description, which can be pretty much the same as the synopsis. For

Avoid heavy dependencies. Only add a dependency if your package needs it
to function. Don’t include stuff that’s just nice to have. For example, you
should probably avoid lens even though it makes code easier to write. In
addition to avoiding heavy dependencies, you should avoid having too many
dependencies. Think about how long it would take to install your package
starting from scratch.

Include extra-source-files. If a file is necessary for your package to
build, it belongs in extra-source-files. This includes files that tests and
benchmarks need. You should also include package metadata like your README
and change log. Note that you don’t need to include your license file if your
package’s license-file is set.

Fix package warnings. Stack prints these out when you run stack sdist.
You should fix all of them, even though some aren’t that useful. For
instance, Stack warns you if you don’t set a category even though the
categories on Hackage aren’t that useful. To fix warnings about version
bounds, consider using --pvp-bounds=both.

Put Haskell files in source/. In other words, separate your package
metadata from actual source files. This makes it easy to write scripts that
work on every Haskell file, like formatting or counting lines of code. The
exact names aren’t important, but you should end up with a structure like




Match package and module names. If your package is named tasty-burrito,
you should have a top-level module called TastyBurrito. Avoid the
unnecessary module hierarchy like Data.ByteString or
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec. While the package name uses kebab-case,
module names should use CamelCase.

Require one import. Users should be able to get started with nothing more
than import YourPackage. If necessary, re-export stuff from other packages.
Design for qualified imports; don’t be afraid to take common names like

Expose implementation details. People will want to use your package in
ways you didn’t think of. Make everything public, but not necessarily part of
your published API. Use Internal module names like Data.Text.Internal to
signal that things aren’t published.

Build -Wall clean. GHC finds all kinds of problems with -Wall. Few of
them are false positives and they generally help you write better code. But
if you don’t like one, disable it with -fno-warn-whatever. Be sure to use
stack build --pedantic when developing your package. It will force you to
fix warnings.

Follow most HLint suggestions. Overall HLint is a great tool for
improving code quality. However some suggestions aren’t worth following. For
example, the re-export shortcut suggestion breaks the Haddock documentation.
Use your own judgment when deciding which suggestions to follow.

Format code with hindent. hindent is the closest thing we have to a
community style. Using it frees you from ever thinking about formatting
again. If you don’t like how something looks, fix it in hindent and
everyone’s formatting will improve. Using hindent also avoids pointless
arguments about style in pull requests.

Write documentation with examples. Types are not a substitute for
documentation. Neither are laws. Usually functions are added to solve a
specific problem. Show that problem in the documentation as an example.

Test with Tasty using Hspec. Tasty provides a framework for running
different kinds of tests with the same command line interface. It handles
randomizing the test order, selecting which tests to run, and displaying
their output. Hspec provides a library for writing human-readable tests. Use
other testing libraries like QuickCheck when they make sense.

Run tests on Travis CI. Travis CI is free for open source projects and
integrates with GitHub. Every time you push a commit to GitHub, Travis CI
will run your test suite. This makes it easy to keep your package buildable.
By default Travis CI runs on Linux, but you can also run on macOS. If you
want to run your test suite on Windows, consider using AppVeyor.

Keep executables small. If your package provides an executable, define it
in your library and re-export it. This allows other packages to use your
executable’s behavior from Haskell. Your executable should look like this:

Benchmark with Criterion. If your package needs to be fast, Criterion is
the best tool for measuring it. On the other hand if your package doesn’t
need to be fast, there’s no sense in maintaining benchmarks for it.

Automate releases. Don’t manually create distribution tarballs and upload
them to Hackage. Instead, get Travis CI to do it. Travis CI sets the
TRAVIS_TAG environment variable. If that’s set, you can run
stack upload . to upload your package. Travis CI will need your Hackage
credentials, so be sure not to leak those into the build log.

If you’re looking for a starting point that ticks most of these boxes, consider
my Haskeleton Stack template. It will give you a good base to start from.
If you’re looking for an actual package that follows the guidelines, check out
Rattletrap, my Rocket League replay parser and generator. It can show you
exactly how some of these things are implemented.

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