F. No.L-13/14/2014-IGD
Department of Electronics and Information Technology
Internet Governance Division
6, CGO Complex,
Electronics Niketan,
New Delhi – 110003.
Dated: 06-04-2015
Subject: Guidelines for allocation of registration under GOV.IN domain.
Ref: Office Order vide No. 7(3)/04-CC&BT dated zo” November, 2004
Background: Department of Electronics and Information Technology (hereby referred to as the “Department”) on zo” October, 2004 formulated the “.IN” Internet Domain Name Policy Framework ‘and Implementation guidelines. This covered the following aspects:
• The adoption of New Policy Framework,
• Major Policy element,
• Institutional Framework and Implementation Mechanism.
2. An order was issued in this effect stating National Informatics Centre (hereby referred to as the “NIC”) as the authorized registrar for the domain zone .GOV.IN for registering domain names under Government Departments/Ministries/States and Union Territories vide No. 7(3)/04-CC&BT
dated zo” November, 2004 (Annexure- I). NIC has been issuing GOV.IN based on internal guidelines, however some shortcomings and concerns have been noticed w.r.t the issue of GOV.IN guidelines considering the fact that GOV.IN provides legitimacy to the domain as a Government organization, it is felt that there is a need to clearly spell out the eligibility of organisation which would be entitled to
“GOV.IN” domain.
3. Accordingly the allocation of GOV.IN by NIC would be as per the new following guidelines.
3.1 Eligibility for securing registration under .GOV.IN domain zone would be as follows:-
I. Apex Offices (such as Offices of the Hon’ble President of India, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India)
11. Ministries of the Government of IndialDepartments; Attached officeslDirectorates of such Ministries and Departments
Ill. The Ministries of Governments of States which constitute the Union of IndialDepartments; Attached offices/Statutory bodies / Directorates of such Ministries and Departments.
IV. Local Self Governments as defined in under Part IX of the Constitution of India.
V. Attached offices of the Local self Government institutions as defined under Part IX of the Constitution of India.
VI. Projects/Schemes/Events/Committees of Ministriesl Departments fully funded by Govt. of India/Governments of States which constitute the Union of India/Local Self Governments (as provided under 3.1(IV) & 3.1(V) ) Law enforcement agencies:
a) Supreme Court of India as established by Part V, Chapter IV of Constitution of India
b) High Courts for the states established under Article 214 of the Constitution of India.
VII. Subordinate Courts including but not limited -to all district courts established by State Governments in India.
VIII. All other bodies created by law, by the assent of Government of India or by the Governments of States of Union of India to perform any other judicial/quasi-judicial functions such as Lok Adalats, Tribunals etc.
IX. All the other Legislative bodies and attached institutions of the Government of India.
X. Commissions/Councils created by or under the Constitution of India, statute/executive order of the Government of India or by the executive order of the Governments of states which constitute Union of India.
XI. Autonomous Societies/Bodies of the Government of India and Governments of States which constitute Union of India. Projects/Schemes/Events/Committees of Ministriesl Departments
partially funded by Government. of India/ Government of States which constitute Union of India.
3.2 A separate committee comprising of Director (DeitY), representative of NIC & representative of National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) will look after the assigning of GOV.IN domain names of the residual cases as well as in case of rejection in the above categories mentioned in Para 3.1 SI. No. XI.
3.3 Individual Person’s name based domain shall be ineligible for registration under “GOV.IN”
3.4 Educational Institutions, Research and Academic Institutions, which otherwise eligible for registration under “.GOV.IN” are recommended to apply for EDU.IN, RES.IN and AC.IN domains.
3.5 Financial Institutions / Banking Institutions / Banks / PSU Banks shall not be otherwise eligible “GOV.IN” Domain unless sanctioned by the Government of India in exceptional cases.
3.6 Domain names will be allocated for 2 years initially for SI. Nos. VI & XI at 3.1 above and for rest it will be allocated for 5 years. Further renewal will be done for 1 year for SI. Nos. VI & XI at 3.1 above and for remaining renewal will be done for 2 years.
3.7 GOV.IN allocation will be under the conformity of.IN Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (INDRP)
3.8 GOV.IN allocation will confirm with standard Domain naming conventions and WHOIS safeguards.
3.9 Government may review these guidelines from time to .time to address any emerging needs/requirements.
(Dr. Ajay Kumar)
Joint Secretary
Tel: 011-24360160
Copy to:
1. All Concerned Ministries/ Departments of Government of India.
2. All Concerned State Governments.
3. Cabinet Secretariat.
4. PMO.
6. DG, NIC.
8. Intra DeitY.
9. Web site of DeitY.
(Dr. Ajay Kumar)
Joint Secretary
Tel: 011-24360160
No. 7(3)/04-CC&BT
Government of India
Ministry or Communications and Information Technologv
Department of Information Technologv
Electronics Niketan.
6. C.G O. Complex
New Delhi, dated 20th November. 2004
Sub.: .IN Internet Domain Name Registry, authorization reg.
Pursuant to the announcement by the Government of the policy on .IN internet domain registration. Department of Information Technology. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology. Government of India hereby designates and appoints National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) as .IN Registry (.INR) for. IN country code top level domain name.
.INR will implement the policy as per institutional framework and implementation mechanism contained in me “.IN Internet Domain Name Policy Frame Work And Implementation” document dated 28.10.2004 of the Department of information Technology. Ministrv of Communications and Information Technology. Government of India.”,
As a part of the new policy. the domain zone .gov.In will be exclusively reserved for registering domain names under government Departments.’ Ministries/States and Union Territories, .ac.in & .edu.in will be exclusively reserved for educational institutions and .mil.In will be reserved for Defence organizations.
TIle designated Registrars for the above rnenrioned zones will be as follows:
Domain Zones Registrar
1. .gov.in National lnforrnatics Centre (NIC)
2. ac.in & .edu.in ERNET India
3. mil.in An organization nominted by the Ministry of Defence
(PankaJ Agrawala)
(Joint Secretary)
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