
Preschoolers Experiment With Colours through Flintobox - Jr. Colour Scientist!

Flintobox recently launched its preschooler box ‘Jr. Colour Scientist’. The box contains 6 hands-on activities.It is designed to introduce 3-4 years old children to the art and science of colours and patterns in an exploratory manner.

With Jr. Colour Scientist box, our little preschooler children step into a laboratory of exciting colour experiments. Our child masters the art and science behind colours and patterns with a dynamic set of activities that  triggers his/her inquisitive mind.

Rest assured, the Flintobox does not contain any hazardous material .

Jr. Colour Scientist is packed with experiments and activities to trigger the child’s curiosity on how patterns are formed and colours are mixed! Flintobox believes that every child learns through play. The box contains learning activities in the form of exciting games, fingerprint artwork, experiments with pattern reflections, and also a storybook, which serves as a great way to spend quality time indoors during the summer! Each activity is designed in such a way that it caters to the 12 developmental areas of a child including coordination, cognitive and gross motor, creativity, exploration, language, and social skills. While the child engages with the creative play activities in the box, he/she absorbs the meaningful content and stays away from TV/Smartphone.

Flintobox designs subscription activity kits for children between 2 and 8 years. 90% of brain development happens by the age of six. Early experiences and positive interactions during the age of 2-8 years determines the overall development of children for years to come. Based on this premise of Early Child Development, Flintobox helps in making these years count with fun learning play tools! The boxes are packed with creative play activities to teach kids concepts over a period of time. Flintobox feeds a child’s curious mind and fosters independent growth through explorative puzzles and games. Flintobox also has theme-based activity kits for 2-3 years  old (Colour Carnival) and 4-8 years old children (Wildlife Safari). The products are completely curated by game designers, montessori and pedagogy experts, and child psychologists. Designed completely with kid-friendly materials, the box is shipped all across India with COD available in certain areas.

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