The fundamental purpose of the Bozeman Public Schools is to provide an outstanding education in a caring, student-centered environment. High expectations challenge children to achieve their maximum intellectual and social potentials as they develop lifelong learning skills.
We invest in our students because they are our future. Families, community and educators work collaboratively to meet the diverse needs of all students and to achieve the goal of educational excellence.
A quality education is of the greatest importance to parents and it is central to the district’s mission. As parents and the school district work together to provide that quality education, it is vital that we share information. The information available on this web site is intended to assist you in your efforts on behalf of your child.
We are committed to providing your child with a quality education in a safe and caring environment. We accomplish this with the involvement of skilled and caring professionals, high expectations both academically and behaviorally, and with the support of our parents and community.
As a parent, you know your child best and have many ideas that will benefit our district. Your participation in your child’s school is critical. Please stay in contact with your child’s teachers and take advantage of the many opportunities to participate in parent groups and school events. We welcome your communications with us. Please stay in touch by sharing your concerns, questions, and suggestions.
Sincerely, Kirk J. Miller
Bozeman School Phone Numbers
Bozeman High School
(406) 522-6200
Bozeman High School Attendance
(406) 522-6210
Bridger Alternative High School
(406) 522-6100
Bridger Alternative High School Attendance
(406) 522-6110
Chief Joseph Middle School
(406) 522-6300
Chief Joseph Middle School Attendance
(406) 522-6310
Emily Dickinson Elementary School
(406) 522-6650
Emily Dickinson Elementary School Attendance
(406) 522-6610
Hawthorne Elementary School
(406) 522-6700
Hawthorne Elementary School Attendance
(406) 522-6710
Irving Elementary School
(406) 522-6600
Irving Elementary School Attendance
(406) 522-6565
Longfellow Elementary School
(406) 522-6150
Longfellow Elementary School Attendance
(406) 522-6160
Morning Star Elementary School
(406) 522-6500
Morning Star Elementary School Attendance
(406) 522-6510
Sacajawea Middle School
(406) 522-6470
Sacajawea Middle School Attendance
(406) 522-6410
Whittier Elementary School
(406) 522-6750
Whittier Elementary School Attendance
(406) 522-6770
Everything we do must be good for children.
Our decisions are based on educational soundness, not personal comfort or political expediency. We realize that to continue educational excellence in our world today is to be open to change. We are investigating, learning, trying, exploring, fine-tuning, and constantly leading change. We want to create an environment in our district that is demanding but nurturing, rigorous but compassionate, safe but risk-taking, fosters both independence and collaboration, and requires accountability as well as involvement from everyone.
Our Basic Beliefs about Staff
We employ and keep well-qualified, dedicated staff. Diversity of opinion and varieties of teaching styles are encouraged. It is expected that the work of all employees supports the mission of the district. In a time of tight budgets and increasing number of students, we don’t ask people to do the impossible. Work assignments are commensurate with resources and support available.
Our Basic Beliefs about Students
We believe that, given the right circumstances, all students can and must learn. They must leave our schools prepared to be productive citizens, able to work, and ready to be life-long learners. Students are treated with respect, dignity and warmth so that they will want to come to school. Each student is special and brings unique gifts and needs to school. We celebrate individual differences, take students as they come to us, and provide for differences in abilities, needs and learning styles. All school district staff are advocates for the needs of children.
Our Basic Beliefs about Community and Parents
Community involvement and support is essential for effective schools. Parents are their children’s first teachers and most central to their lives; therefore, they must be major participants in the educational process. Parents and community need to be involved in planning and implementing the education program of the district. Parents and community need to be involved in planning and implementing the education program of the district.
Our Basic Beliefs about Resources
Our resources go directly to the instructional process, as much as possible. We are good stewards of the funds we receive from the public. We are responsible for taking care of the schools and other facilities our community has entrusted to us. Our buildings and equipment need to be safe, attractive and comfortable. Our excellent school system promotes economic viability in Bozeman and Montana.
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